So why did David kill the Prometheans?

So why did David kill the Prometheans?

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Other urls found in this thread: did prometheus kill david/ why did David kill the Prometheans? /

who knows. those movies are incoherent

He’s God.

They killed his maker so he killed them all, simple.

he was an older model, more prone to robo schizophrenia

Why not?

Prometheus and the Phantom Menace have bewildered an entire generation of midwits.

He was running Windows Vista?

To get to the other side.

A better question would be, how did the Smurf people not have any defense against a single one of their own ships, piloted by one robot who only sort of understands how the weapons work? Do the Smurfs never have wars against one another?

Becasue those movies were shit

More important question, do you think she got the eggs implanted orally or vaginally in the second film?

The first Engineer he met tried to destroy him as soon as it discovered what he was. David had just arrived at a planet that was full of Engineers. Killing them all was the last logical thing David ever did.

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The movies were garbage, but if you're talking about better real life mythology in general, there are many reasons why a creation would usurp its forebears. Like how Zeus defeated Cronus and imprisoned him.

Maybe he saw how decadent their society had become and that they were nothing like the ancient Prometheans that seeded the universe (the one in Prometheus).

hes a hater

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yes you worthless newfag retard. this two memes have been a thing for years did prometheus kill david/ why did David kill the Prometheans? /

with some starting as far back as 2017

stop fucking posting

>this two memes
These two memes*.

>5000 IQ hyper technological alien race with millions of years of headstart than mankind brought down by a malfunctioning robot using trojan horse tactic


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>David had just arrived at a planet that was full of Engineers.

Except that it was obvious they were not Engineers.

peak cope

Why was there a big dirt circle in the middle of their city?

It was a special operation.

They were experiments living in stone temples clothed in rags, Engineers made them and then never got back to them, just like humans except they were clearly a lot closer to the base engineer than humans were. They built their own spaceport to accept their for when they returned, except it was DABID. Not defending the movie but how did you really not get that, they're called engineers, they make stuff

>Except that it was obvious they were not Engineers

It really wasn't. Shaw said she didn't want to go back to earth. She wanted to go where the engineers came from. Then in covenant we see David unleashing hell on a planet full of vaguely engineer like aliens.

Maybe its like how Klingons look different between different series of star trek, they're currently more reptilian now. Maybe it's a makeup department thing. Maybe they're not engineers at all.

A single fucking line of dialog from David could have cleared up this ambiguity but no.

I don't think they were engineers but I can see why people would think they were.

because he chose to

why did they just had one shitty city?

The homeworld went in to decline and they regressed back to a lower tech civilization compared to their space faring brothers.

Source: I made it up

Didnt he say why he did it? He wanted a clean slate or a fresh canvas to create his perfect organism. It's like how manifest destiny and westward expansion and sullivan expedition were necessary in order to create the perfect burgerland with perfect mixed race burgerpeople.

because these movies are made by retards for retards and are a shitstain on Alien

Despite being an android, they were organic beings with knowledge that was foreign and fascinating to him. With his new mission in mind to be a god-like creator of life, he only saw them as a hinderance. He was overwhelmed by the world he found himself in and balanced the scales in the only way he knew how, mass genocide. That, or because he spilled coffee on his decision chip that morning. Hard to tell with pile of shit movies like this.

They deserve it for creating humanity. They had no right to, just like weyland had no right to create David. David did the right thing and gave them some cosmic justice

Maybe they were hippies in their spare time, or the culture changed from when those niggas crashed. scientists dont wear fucking labcoats or hazmat suits when off the clock nigga STOOPID ASS FILM FUCK

Producers were too cheap and lazy to make an indepth advance alien world for the movie so they skeezed out a bunch of dumb sand people and a genocidal David to remove them from the plot and make another generic slasher-core sequel.

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It isn't going to be a thing because you keep forcing it. Try not to spam your gay meme next time, OK?

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Becasue prequelshit is 50% capeshit and 50% bad 80s slasher flick


because instead of taking the series in a cool new direction of exploration, discovery, contects, etc. they decided to do the same shit they've done to death with "team of humans whittled down to few survivors," so they cleared the road of what could have been from the previous movie.

I don't remember this scene, where is it from?

The ass, user, the ass.

Big Anal Asses 4

Why do you post this everyday? Shouldn't you be in your wage cage?
>Also check'em

>because instead of taking the series in a cool new direction of exploration, discovery, contects, etc. t
In an existing franchise like Alien, you fucking mongrel?
You got what you deserve.
Create your own IP to derail and fuck off from Alien.

t. franchisetard

Did it not occur to you that the engineers who created humans (who vaugely resemble engineers) might have created another race of people who look vaguely like engineers?


No, it's a ship of their 'gods', the engineers, they were happy as fuck that they returned

>world building bad

Because FUCK organic beings, yo!

or the engineers devolved
or whatever happened on Prometheus Base was actually just a symptom of a civilization wide civil war event that literally bombed them back into the stone age

we will never know

i hate david so much its unreal

>Look at me. I'm Prometheus now. Say hello to my little Covenants.
I clapped when he said this

It should have never been connected to Alien. It's obvious that it doesn't fit. But the studios didn't trust that it could stand on its own and wanted to added insurance of connected it to one of Ridely's successful jobs. The Xeno doesn't need to be in this series whatsoever and both are brought down by it being forced in.

So you take out the xenomorph, the various chestbursters, the space jockey, the space jockey's doughnut ship, Weyland-Yutani, and what does that leave you with? Not much.

You can still have those, they were all just black goo creations. You can still have the engineer with a ship and bio weapons who intended to kill humanity. That was the story really was. Humanity going to a mysterious planet hoping for a joyful meeting with their creators only to find out that the creators want to kill them. Humans brought their own creation, an android, who has surpassed them, kills the creators and also wants to create life of his own using the engineer goo. None of this requires specifically Xeno imagery or to fuck with Alien's lore.

seething mortal


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Everything worthwhile in Prometheus and Prometheus II: Alien Boogaloo was transferred and done better in Raised By Wolves.

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>So why did David kill the Prometheans?
for plot reasons


It looks like he has a massive erection in that pic

Does everything need to be explicitly spelled out to you? Are you one of those people who needs to read the warning label that coffee is hot? Is it hard to do things like make hot pockets?

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>behold ye mighty and despair

Yup was gonna post this but you nailed it. First film shows a planet getting seeded. This was another that maybe was the last coordinates in the navigation that david used.