Calls himself a dragon

>Calls himself a dragon.
>Looks like an overgrown white sausage dog.
Was Falkor a larper?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What movie?

The Neverending Story

You have to be 18 or older to post here.

He's no ordinary dragon. Falkor is a luck dragon, and a pedo one at that.

Chinese dragon.
Literally, even the dog like face

Dragons don't have dog-like features.

Look up chinese dragons. Then look up chinese lions.
Chinese version of stuff adds a dog face to everything.

I had nightmares of that movie as a kid and I never watched it again

sez you

He was an elite level 99 dragondog god being of pure magic

Perhaps we should consult an expert.

Attached: man, i need to get me a succubus.jpg (300x282, 51.66K)

Evidently, they do


Kill yourself, underage.

Filtered at such a young age. It was supposed to fil your heart with kino.

I saw this in the cinema
im 47 holy shit

What is a 47 years old guy doing on Yea Forums?

I was here from the start you young pipsqueak.
Dont be nosey

What was it like in the cinema?

The earliest dragons looked like dogs.

Attached: Dacian_Draco_on_Trajan's_Column_2.jpg (1417x1648, 1.94M)

dank memes

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This site is nearing old enough to vote and plenty of anons were already old when they first started coming here 15 years ago. Time is a dick, and it fucks us all in the end.

Poor Little White Guy

You will never be a real woman.

>He unknowingly helps me destroy the fucking planet.
>Which is good luck.

Dragons would sometimes look like fish or birds before we settled on the winged lizard design.

The Unending Saga
The Perpetual Tale
The Limitless Account


And dogs. OP is le retard

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I memba being at Chicago's version of Comic Con (my 1st) and walking around looking at all the empty booths (interested me more than the popular shit). And came upon a table that delighted me in the most unsuspecting way: it was NeverEnding Story dvds, posters, etc. And I was so happy I told the random dude next to me how much I loved the movie growing up. He said he loved it too. Asked me who my favorite character was and I pointed to Atreyu on the poster and he goes, "Yeah, that's me!".
I did a quadruple take. Here's this unassuming little dude, like 5 feet tall covered in tatts. And sure enough, it was fucking Atreyu! I never fanboy over anything, not ever. Frankly, I think celebrities are faggots. But Atreyu, he could tell I was fucking psyched to meet him. One of the purest happy moments of my life.

But here's the twist: I always preferred Bastion (I just identified with him more as a kid). Don't know why I said Atreyu was my fave, but glad I did.

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>mythical beasts would sometimes look like fish or birds before we settled on the retarded idea of lumping them all into one "dragon" category instead of going with their native names
Fixed that for you.

kill yourself

So did you fuck and suck or what? Don't leave us hanging bro

Fucking kek.

Nice blog, faggot.

>Children's movie
>bruh that dragon should be spittin fire ontop a mountain of bones and blood fr fr no cap

I always thought atreyu was actually played by a flat chested girl, as like an artistic choice or something.

Unironically yes.

*blocks your path*

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>All these virgins nerds in the comments.

>How big must Falkor's turds be?

Live action remake when?

Attached: Hayley Atwell Falkorface.jpg (1122x1690, 647.59K)

Some people born in 2004 are 18 now


Fags B Flyin’

>Falkor is all white, big floppy ears, dark eyes
>Gmork is all dark, small pointy ears, white eyes
Peak designs

I still own that book :3

Labyrinth shits on this movie

I'm glad I watched this at 22. It was surprisingly kino and will be going into my box-o-kino.

>tfw no big tiddy luck dragon gf

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That's a nice story. Funny how the right thing just comes out sometimes.

Falkor is actually a wyvern


That will be you in the future too

It's a fictional creature you can do whatever you want with it

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This is the End

Why are the sphinxes naked?

You have to be 18 to post on this website zoomie.

Literally never. The author hated the movie and the family stated they'll never let more movies of it be made again.

the trolls and ogres are such great designs. they fucking disgust me.

Yea Forums launched in 2003. If you're 47 now you would've been around 28. what the hell drew you to a site that at the time was entirely autistic teenage weebs?

The movie was better than the book, seriously aliens? the big villains behind the void, fucking aliens?

You want Falkor kino? Start at 9:15
Absolutely brilliant voice acting.

The grooming and underage girls posting nudes.

Die Hard 3

Literally the only thing I remember about these movies is the motorbike scene with those rock people that has Highway to Hell playing in the background