What is next for Rian Johnson?

What is next for Rian Johnson?

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Ethics in gaming journalism truly is the most pressing issue of our time.

And it's funny, because Rian Johnson is exactly like Ben Kuchera, one of the founding faggots of the shit list that caused gamergate.

>violent harassment campaigns
what is this referencing?

Invasion of New Israel by Putler the Midge

It's referencing when Zoe Quinn said she was forced to leave her home due to harrassment, but she actually took pictures of herself in two rooms of the same house and said she'd moved.

I know this is a tweet from 2018 but people are still talking about that shit in current year. I didn’t give a shit about gamergate then and I don’t give a shit about it now, but it is fucking hilarious to watch people continue to seethe about it.

Anyway, Rian will direct some more shit that no one likes

Journalists and FBI under the ADL harassing gamers and concerned citizens

Hopefully financial ruin and irrelevance

Just another parasite.

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Fuck journos

Seethe, he made millions of dollars off his last movie and will continue to direct more in the future.

I'm amazed there are people who know about Gamergate who side with the journalists and the manipulative, opportunistic whores they simped over.

Your movies suck ass and nobody will remember you.

Gamers are chuds who say the naughty no-no words so they're automatically in the wrong no matter what

desu gamergate was pretty gay

>It's all the same people.
>It's all the same stuff.
>It's all connected.
>They're interlinked.

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>everything is gamergate

What did she mean by this?

How? All it was was people noticing journalists blatently lying and people calling them out on it with proof.

They're called cucks and they support adults fucking kids as long as it's gay sex

>I don't suck at movies. This is all a conspiracy that I've been caught up in. Im a victim.

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Calling journalists out is bad, you're not allowed to question them

He isn't wrong. All of society is polarized along GamerGate lines now (chuds vs. SJWs) and it fucking sucks

Fuck off Rian. Outside out your social club nobody likes you. You can continue what you're doing, but people will always remember you for the hack you are. You will be laughed at and rediculed for the rest of your life. Continue to cope through pushing everyone away even more.

I just wanted to play video games

Most of the wikipedia content documenting it is written by the people who were being criticized

The terrorist attacks of January 6th.

>If I pretend every other aspect of it didn't exist, I'm right!

More propaganda products. As always with its kind. Eventually becoming a whedon 2.0. And yes, same ending for him too.

Society polarized around the time leftoids burned down buildings to protest a dead crackhead trying to steal from a gas station.

remember when Anita and Zoe went to the United Nations and said that people being mean on the internet is the same as literal physical violence?
Only somebody as privileged as women would believe that

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I frankly can't believe this is the world we live in. I can only laugh

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Maybe where that gamedev got bullied into suicide by that grifter woman and his sister

this actually makes me glad we are on the verge of a global famine. no one will give a shit about platforming these people when everyone is hungry

>no one will give a shit about platforming these people when everyone is hungry
except, of course, the people at the top pretending that gender issues and twitter cries are more important than famine or wealth distribution

Wasn't that Wu?

How so? What's the similarity?

because of shit like notyourshield and its about ethics

someone send him this link

>I can only laugh
Enjoy it while you still can. Frown world starts in 2 weeks.

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Are you kidding? They'll push this even harder so the hungry will blame everyone but the rich and privileged who are still pigging out.

To this day I still have no fucking idea what gamergate even is. It doesn't help that the only people who do know are gossipy, long winded, inarticulate dorks. If you want to explain to me, I don't need to know the entire epic history of everything involved in it, you have 100 words max, before I'm going to stop reading.

Wu said she was forced to leave the house on the same weekend she was booked to attend a convention in another city.

it was actually Occupy Wall Street that did it. Rich people learned they could divide the workers by making them argue about wokeness.

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>you have 100 words max
women are cunts

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what other aspects, you mean Zoe and Anita and Wu all screeching about people harassing them even though no police even found anything, or the jerkoffs like Dobson sucking up to them like you are now?

The fight over the Wikipedia was funny, Jimbo basically didn’t want involved in the slapfight and told everyone to fuck off

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>woman made "game" consisting of text about being depressed
>said woman sleeps with game reviewers so that they give her perfect scores
>angry gamer people call this out
>Journalists get mad at the people calling this out and label them as dangerous

That's it, less than half your word limit

Gaming site kotaku got caught giving a good review to some chicks shitty game because she was fucking the reviewer. Gamers revolted.

A dangerhair whore fucked some game ""journalists"" for good publicity of the stuff she made (which can barely be called games). After this story started gaining traction, many big gaming websites tried to cancel gamers so people wouldn't know shitty practices like that and others were widespread in the industry, it quickly devolved into shitflinging after that

OWS was when the rich realized people were waking up and they realized they'd have to buy into the new intersectionality cancer that was then metastasizing on college campuses and in some online spaces.
GamerGate was when the mask was ripped off of their plans, and it came out into the open, and their tactics switched from subtle to blatant when they saw the entire mainstream media happily go along with their lies.

how many of the "new media" lasted lol

you queers were upset that creators are in bed with critics? That's it? I got news for you, pretty much all critics are in bed with all creators.

Bunch of attention whores cried misogamy and everyone sucked up to them

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Show me literally one of those scores. You can't. This is GamerGate. Lies and anger.

Saying negative things about leftists on Twitter = violence, apparently

Some developers were fucking game reviewers and getting nepotistic good reviews for shite. Yea Forums noticed and started raising hell, game 'journalists' circled the wagons like never before and started calling everybody 'misogynist' and 'incel'. Now the kerfuffle is all anybody remembers, not why there was one in the first place. It was an interesting precedent for how an establishment can defend itself against the inquisitive mob by slandering and obfuscating the truth, now it happens all the time.
"You didn't like our movie? okay BIGOT it's not FOR you ANYWAY! YAAAS"

that makes it okay then? boy are you a dumb fuck.

didn't she get over $100,000 in donations to make some videos and then never even made them?

>it happens a lot therefore it's ok

No, it just makes you gullible as fuck to have expected any less.


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I'm hoping the obnoxious faggot mistakes a box of rat poison for a box of cereal one of these days.

That'd subvert his fucking expectations

It sure was for Yea Forums in 2014.Daimy reminder this the reason your shit hole split up in an even more mufmrderous and nazi friendly shit hole and that since then Yea Forums is the eager little bitch parrot of the Watkins family
Qanon is Yea Forums fault, Yea Forums enabled it
So does Gamergate
So does Eight Chan
So does KiwiFarms
Patrick Crusius and Weev are your spokesperson IRL, this is your legacy

You are a fucking retard lol

Some bitch sleeps with gaming journalists so they give good reviews to her mediocre game. People notice and call them out on it. She insists it's just sexism, journos support her, people become very aware of the fact that they can't trust gaming journos, and it was one of the earlier examples of using sexism as a way to avoid criticism.


That was #fiveguysandfries.
It morphed into GamerGate when the entire media use it to demonize all gamers again, and when the gaming media all released simultaneously released articles with the exact same talking points, put together jointly on a secretive journalist mailing list.
One of those talking points was that sexist gamers were secretly conspiring against brave outspoken women in the media. When it came out that the journalists were actually the ones blatantly conspiring, it exploded into GamerGate.

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This is for th Women's UN and they apologized for having them there later

It was truth and anger.

Then critics should be mocked, shunned and never taken seriously again, since the entire point is to get an unbiased (or at least fair) review.
Which is what happened, notice how only retarded faggots listen to game """journalists""" these days? I'd rather watch a couple of literally-who youtube channels to get a sense of what a game is like, they might not be polished but I can at least trust that I'm hearing real opinions.

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Yea Forums autistic tantrum over a prig badmouthing their precious vidya. Yea Forums try to memory hole this shit fest because the splinter group Eight Chan reflect badly on channers delusion that 4chin is still an apolitical cool kids club and not a neo nazi friendly shithole that radicalized mass shooters

there's STILL homos defending these whores.
holy shit neck yourself

the complete and total lack of ethics in journalism in general right now is a pretty big deal, yes. as the rich decide what narratives they want pushed, and use the media they own to push it.

The sad thing is they never cared when massive corporations were buying up reviews. Only when the independent developer of a FREE game is literally "in bed with journalists" does the movement start. Really says a lot about society.

I came to this website during the Fappening but I never noticed gamergate which happened around the same time

Take lithium

Yep, now they'll keep making garbage movies and games with female and non-white leads because they no longer have to worry about making a good product, just stuffing it with enough "oppressed " people that they can cry sexism and racism at any negative feedback, plus basedboys will pay money for them so they can broadcast their wokeness.

>in bed with critics
but not in the literal sense like this. Also not every hobby is as obsessive and autistic as gamers, and not every hobby cares about critics.
GG probably would have morphed into a larger movement against the media as a whole including other critics which is why the establishment fought it so hard.

>Zoe Quinn makes some shit text based game about depression
>Somehow gets good reviews from a variety of reviews
>Turns out the 5 journalists that gave her good reviews are 5 dudes she slept with, while she had a boyfriend
>Eventually it was found out these journalists are apart of a mass e-mail list where multiple game journalists discuss what to talk about in their reviews
>This is why shortly after GamerGate started several gaming sites were suddenly posting the same article about how "Gamers are dead"


And you are a neo nazisjithole and we'll rope you like at the end of Ww2

>they apologized for having them there later
Yeah I'm calling my friend BULLSHIT over this

Post wojak and shoot a mosque, channers then get shot by the police
Cope, Eight Chan happened because of you

You forgot to post one of those perfect scores. Kotaku, was it? A quick trip to Metacritic should have them all listed.

This is why I pirate and enjoy older games/shows/movies that I missed the first time around. Plenty of entertainment left in the world without relying on nu-woke nonsense.
I played Far Cry 3 for the first time last week. I liked it, Vaas was a good antagonist, the second guy not so much.

don't forget this all grew out the whole "gamers are sexist assholes" shit that Anita was brewing, and everyone was jumping on. Her, Zoe, Brianna Wu, every clickbait asshole jumping on board...

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There was a huge outcry when Jeff Gerstmann was fired from GameSpot for giving a bad review to a game that had paid the website for a huge amount of advertising.
The difference was, when gamers were upset about that, the entire news media didn't declare gamers a pack of racist sexists who needed to be trampled down before they started openly murdering people.

You have an undiagnosed disorder please seek help for your own sake, sane people do not think this way

>Religious fervor wanes in times of hardship
Oooh boy you gonna learn

Ethics in journalism was always a meme.

>A fraud journalist who really didn't play video games and some ugly whore who banged other "journalists" for personal favors talk about feminism
>Eventually some edgy morons bother them
>They turn the whole narrative into WOMYN VS PATRIARCH GAMERS AND DEATH THREATS
>In reality people really just pointed out that Zoe Quinn was sleeping around for favors and Anita wasnt delivering her promises with the money she got from people and spending the money elsewhere

Almost 10 years later:

>Every young woman turns into a thot/influencer/whore because Tiktok generation
>All of the relevant rights movements are losing their meaning because capitalism

Thanks to Twitter and Zoomers every fucking rights movement is doomed. Enjoy being slaves everyone.

Channers will try to memory hole this

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Death, I hope.

>Ethics in journalism was always a meme.
nah. the US used to have concepts to ensure/force ethics. then reagan happened.

If anyone still wants to know what Gamergate was it's this guy's persecution complex. Incels angry about video games. Simple as.

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>rebut bullshit claim with a historical fact
>"U Mad?"

You got BTFOed, cope

You may want to look up what the yellow press was up to leading up to the start of the Spanish/American war. Or really any war, any era under any president.

Meds. Now.

Fuck the yellow press. I read the morning leader

Reminder that this shitty flash game was all it took for channers to embrace neo nazism. AROUND THE CHANS, NEVER RELAX

lol you are gonna need something like a nuclear war or a solar flare. Until then, too many normalfag fence sitters will decide the cause is not worth losing their livelihoods over. There will never be a breaking point where the masses have finally had it without some major cataclysmic event.

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>we had ethics in journalism for a while
... retarded?

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They're both doughy balding probable sexual predators trying to be woke.

The fact that there was a term "yellow journalism" to refer to illegitimate news implies that it was different from regular journalism which is legitimate. If it were always unethical, the term wouldn't have arisen because it would all just be journalism (like today)

Reminder THIS is Anita Saarkesians scriptwriter and handler

they are /our guys/. Fuck (((gamergate))).

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>>None of that shit actually happened, Trust me.......