Attached: jimi.jpg (1200x788, 209.01K)

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How much of the allegations are just smears against his character and how much is real? The morgue shit sounds really far fetched.

my teeth look like that

What is wrong with britain
Seems like a literal orwellian hellhole

They showed video of him from 1955 and he looked totally normal. Why was his hair white when he was 30?

is the new docu released yet?

It was a different time

>be rich
>never bother to get your teeth fixed

It's on shitflix but I can't fine a stream link so I haven't seen it yet

TFW you just renewed your Rape Van License

It's always the people you least suspect

Watched the doc tonight, by-the-numbers but good if you didn't know the story or see his onscreen personality.

One of the eyewitness accounts in the doc said how this nurse saw him kissing and groping a brain damaged patient but she just watched and did nothing about it and finally told the story decades later after he was dead. Absolute kino.

>we didn't know

Attached: 1568109173424.png (540x700, 376.92K)

>having teeth

Is this an old cartoon about the rumors or new?

One thing I'll say for him, he was fit. I saw him running through Otley in a gold tracksuit a few years back. It's at least 12 miles from his flat, so that's at least a 24 mile run for an (at the time) guy in his 80s. He didn't rape me.

it's from the 70s

Why do Brits have such fucked teeth?

bongs are just orcs, they die because of sunlight and need to eat human flesh to survive

Regular young pussy is the fountain of youth

It's part of their culture.

Adrenochrome overdose
Is this some weird British character because I don't get it.
You must be really ugly

Globohomo requires a massive sustained propaganda campaign in order to maintain compliance under the declining conditions it inevitably brings about. Commoncuck nations use methods that are more overtly gay and cringe than America's.

shhh the nonces are sleeping

Attached: Jimmy Savile and The Beatles.jpg (1851x1227, 240.03K)

stop watching netflix

>Is this some weird British character

How come Jimmy gets so much shit when the rockstars of the 70s (Jimmy Page, Bowie etc) banged 14/15 year olds all the time and nobody has ever said shit about it

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For me, it's Jilted John

that is certainly impressive, pedoing gives you youth

the elites have always known this

The britishest of teeth

Pedo sex ring, he got to bang everything from kids in hospital beds to corpses. 20 odd years of free reign.

looks like something out of a Viz comic.

Attached: 9781870870467-uk.jpg (394x500, 75K)

Sure he was a pedo, but at least he had the decency to be an insanely based pedo

The entire thing pisses me off a lot. The only reason he was allowed to do what he did was because of UK libel laws.

This is one I never got.

I don't want Jimmy Page and the gang having their records removed or any shit like that but it baffles me that Louis CK can get permission to jerk off in front of chicks and have his career fucked over but Jimmy page literally kidnaps a 14 year old and no one gives a shit.

there's a big difference between going out with a 15 years old and raping a 9 years old bro

Now then, now then. now then

Attached: Max from Cbeebies' Tweenies impersonates Jimmy Saville.jpg (1200x900, 118.18K)



Because 15 year olds are past the age of consent in half of Europe?

Viz s a parody of Beano and Dandy comics

Or because the majority Jimmy molested were more like 9-12 year olds

Banging groupies is one thing. It's not good, but at least they're there of their own accord. Seville molested kids in hospitals or by luring them to his studio under false pretenses

They were consensual relationships. Jimmy Page is a rock star and Savile is an ugly weird unpleasant molestor

It matters that people are clearly consenting too, you can't really stop a dumb teenager from doing what they want.

>It's okay the 14 year old wanted it!

Jimmy S was a pioneering DJ

Prince Andrew is worse

They do trust me, and yep its good

It's from 1986. It has nothing to do with the rumors about Saville.

whats it about then?

no one believed her

Attached: Beano Comic Library 99 2.jpg (868x1142, 305.97K)

They do user. In my country the average age of sexual debut is like 14 for girls and 17 for boys. The facts are the facts.

Its Minnie the minx, comic story in the Beano every week about a girl who got in trouble by her own doing. Its literally from back in the 80s .
Nothing to do with any scandals

no not george

To be fair, he does just look like an average bongoloid.

Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile was a martyr to the cause.

Why were Bongs stupid enough to worship Jimmy Savile so much?

Who had more pussy than you will ever imagine or wank off to.

george was the noncest of them all. he loved little indian pussy

I don't "wank", mr. snaggletooth. I jack off.

jimmy was especially a nonce. okay, you want to fuck an 11-year-old cunny. okay. that's 999% of all celebrity men.

but this guy fucked corpses. it's a bit too much.

He looks pretty much what you'd expect to come up if you image search "child molester".