You open up the door to your room and find this

You open up the door to your room and find this

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I kick the two men out of my house, Satan.

pretty pussies

Why do those guys have tits?

Grab the gun on the nightstand and shoot them for breaking and entering my home

Bury dick in both, then behead and go pray for forgiveness.

tattoos are disgusting

Why do those girls have dicks?

Fuck tats. Look disgusting.


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tbf these two are hotter than myself and anyone on Yea Forums so they have the social hierarchical superiority and it would be upto them. prob get kicked out of the room.

Honestly if they don't have hairy pits and assholes what's even the point?

does tranny porn lead to becoming a full blown homo?

nigga, you gay if you don't eat their asses

drop my spaghetti.

Yes, I think so.

You're gay if you don't want sex with them

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Man, I don't get Daisy. He wanted to be a girl, so he went all girly, with long hair, nice tight body and looked like an actual passing girl, but then decided he doesn't like it and went all boyish to look like an absolute tranny.

i don't know but the less porn you watch the more you find those niggas disgusting, you don't really want to fuck man-ass if you're straight

no, but porn addiction + tranny porn does

If you watch it with anything other than disgust you were already gay.

I watch bundles of porn and still find trannies repugnant.

I just changed those bedsheets FFS

your parents open up the door to your room and find this

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i want the pre-fat daisy

Youll start to like dicks

say ywnbaw and walk out

They mourn their son. If you were merciful you did it when your parents were young enough to have another son so they could have a second shot at raising a normal son they could be proud of.

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Those are women bigot.

nothing better in the world than good looking tranny with a nice dick

no, just like fapping to underage doesnt make you a pedo

>porn trannies- tried to make himself as feminine as possible
>Internet trannies- fat men with colored whig

I don't even know who is degenerate here anymore

I’ve wondered if I’m gay but no I think I’m just a straight weirdo. I don’t like things up my bum and my peeper goes limp around asses.

Why did you link my shit faggot? Those are two feminine men, I will humiliate their bloodlines by fucking them because my cocaine fueled adrenaline will permit it, then kill them so this can never shared, then I will literally pray to my king, Christ, for forgiveness. Don't ever link me in my shit again, faggot.

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>I don't even know who is degenerate here anymore
trannies full stop.

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>lets spam tranny porn and talk about how straight we are

I don't know but I went from normal porn to tranny porn to femboi porn and I'm looking at this data and extrapolating forward and I don't like where it's headed


>Honestly if they don't have hairy pits and assholes what's even the point?
Does anyone know any trannies with hairy armpits at least? Seems weird that they're so obsessed with body hair removal.

the tattoos are a necessity

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If you masturbate, you like dicks THOUGH.

Which one?

At least one side trying to pretend they are women and tries to act like one

Ye, if he had an emo cutting phase right before he killed himself, they wouldnt have pictures of him wearing all black with scars on his wrist in the obituary either. How can parents look at a retarded lifestyle like that and not consider it a factor in the suicide?

why those girl have dicks lol? thats not right

you will not tempt me, satan

Seriously, what the hell happened to white men? You went from conquers and explorers to this? Honestly, you can't put all the blame on the jews for this shit.

can't we?

white guilt

>watcha up to, son?
>just hanging around, dad

blame the meds

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>Which one?

Attached: everyone.jpg (1280x720, 105.06K)

Gender is the new frontier of the 21st century and we are all over that shit. We are conquering femininity, driving out the w*men and colonising it ourselves.


I don't fap to tranny porn, i did it a few times but it has to be very hot. But that Andylyn Payne legalporno piss scene is pure kino.

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Left or right lads?

why the fuck would femboy porn be more gay than tranny porn lol

Are you debating which temple to put the gun barrel to?

How come these girls have peepees haha

To much luxuries and no struggle makes you feminine and decadent. We created a society where you can live your entire life without any real problems and this is the result

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If you line them up right you can get both in one shot

A whole generation of white boys were raised on hyper degenerate porn like blacked and other cuck filth, and research/tranny discords show that type of smut leads to trooning out, and guess who is behind the creation of that type of porn...the jews. So in point, they are culpable/hold blame.


because user...... the bois in the femboi porn........ they're boys

he's absolutely right


I went through a phase where I liked ladybois. I don't usually fap to them anymore but there are still a few vids that really get me. There's one where this little tiny ladyboi with a tiny little dicklet is just being pounded and is lost in pleasure, moaning like crazy and then squirts all over the place without touching his dick, and is then embarrassed about it and giggling. I love that vid so much. I wanna fuck a little ladyboi like that but it'll probably never happen.


>Its still up

/lgbt/ won



>74 replies

Yup, that makes trans hot. You're so used to your dick that seeing something feminine looking with a hard on makes it hotter.

What about the shitload of none white trannies knocking around?

Femboys aren't trying to transition. They're just wearing girls clothes. It's crossdressing. A man who at least spends their entire life looking like a female can be argued to be less gay then fucking a man. The same argument for a man dressed as a woman is a lot weaker.
In Japan where fucking crossdressers is more common, two salary man will sometimes literally walk into love hotels together and then one will go get dressed in girls clothes in the toilet.

Right, if left didn't have those fucking horrific tats then left

jannies = trannies


my cock is bigger than both those tyranny's combined also jannies are trannys
also sauce?

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who do you think made the thread?

There's more black trannies than white and there's probably more asian trannies than both combined.

well there's also a video (spanish) where Dad gets a present for Mom (who is a shemale) - a black guy. Their Daughter (girl) is also in the scene and after mom sucks the black guy a bit, daughter joins in and they suck him together. Then Mom fucks Daughter and they keep fucking eachother. Pretty good scene.

>83 replies

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Porn is mostly irrelevant. I was exploring gay and bi porn for years, and I ended up realizing I'm mostly straight since 95% of the humans I'm attracted to are straight women.

tell right to leave

tell left i want to sniff her asshole

I fucked over 300 trannies in past 5 years.
This scene isn't realistic because there would be a meth bong on the cupboard and some poppers.

Cuck AND incest AND tranny?? Shlomo you have outdone yourself this time.

>a black guy

>I fucked over 300 trannies in past 5 years
Damn I'm jealous as fuck
Some stories?

I really dislike this bitch

>and some poppers.
what are poppers?

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some chemical for cleaning but it gets you high or something

never done it myself

Everyone is gayer than they want to admit, even cultures that should theoretically be vehemently against faggotry engage in it (look at afghanis and t*rks). Everything seems gayer now just because people are more open about it than they used to be or simply because knowledge regarding it is more accessible, instead of it leaving it as the phenomenon everyone knew but hushed about, leaving it in the underbelly of one's culture
>tl;dr: it's not the people that are gayer, it's the fact that they're less discreet now than they used to be

>does tranny porn lead to becoming a full blown homo?
Not really, I slept with hundreds of trans escorts and I still find men off putting and repulsive. I even tried fucking them on meth where you are super horny, but despite this in the very act I felt repulsed and lost interests.

based and straight

trannies love jalapeno poppers.

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You goyim are degenerate tranny worshippers
I can't wait for the machine takeover
Our robot overlords will grind you into bioreactor fuel and take your women straight to the mechanical breeding grounds

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We're degenerates user but not that degenerate...
If I wanted to see turds going in and out of an ass I'd watch scat porn and if I wanted to see a nonhuman fuck I would be a zoophile.

They're a muscle relaxant. Trannies and gay men take them before sex to relax their sphincters so they can more easily get multiple cubic feet of dick rammed up into their guts.

jannies on leave?

>Seriously, what the hell happened to white men?
Blacks and Asians have huge population of trans, not to mention popularity of travesti in Latin American countries

Why out a condom over it?

there's no such thing as transitioning so don't worry, you're just as gay as before
but seriously, stop watching porn

you sniff them to loosen your asshole up and give you a rush which lasts a minute or two

souce please

cheap legal drug that relaxes anal muscles and gives very quick and fleeting high. It's been around for decades and used by like 90% of gays.

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You are what you eat