Finally a non dogshit-mediocre paleo doco

Finally a non dogshit-mediocre paleo doco

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Yeah I'm still not subbing to Apple+ or whatever the fuck it's called.

>torrenting time it is


My Ancestor

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Prehistoric planet. New attenborough doc

if only there was another way to get media

Seems like on /an/ there is a consistent amount of bitching and moaning about the most harmless shit in this trailer

I’m blown away on how Apple manages to turn the coolest shit ever so boring and bland.

>Most realistic dinosaurs ever put on TV
>So boring and bland

>gay feathers/fur

picked up

I thought he was long dead...

Fuck off

I can't wait until pic related is displayed (with skin impressions) and BTFOs featherfags once and for all

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you're thinking of his brother Richard who was in tlw


>Totally scaled adult tyrannosaurus
You sure we're talking about the same trailer

Ah yest it was him.
>in tlw
In what ?

>hurr it's ok if it's on a young dino
fuck off
have you ever, EVER seen a furry lizard?

he meant the lost world

since when were dinosaurs lizards

composed by hans zimmer, the worst composer of our age

>hurr it's ok if it's on a young dino
Large tyrannosaurs are believed to have lost their feathers secondarily from feathered ancestors, like how an elephant or whale has. So yes it's entirely possible the juveniles had feathers, not to mention this show is clearly doing speculation like WWD so complaining about it is retarded

Have you ever seen a lizard with limbs directly under its body?

reptile then mr precise

that would imply no dinosaurs had feathers even though we have several feathered tyrannosauroids

there is literally no evidence that dinosaurs ever had feathers

Elephants and whales had feathers?

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dinosaur legs are to the sides of their bodies, just pointing down

I mean yes he is in the lost world but that's kinda a confusing way to describe saying it's Jeff goldblum of JW Fallen Kingdom

And lizards can't even reach that standard

you mean according to gay theories with no evidential basis

>furry lizard?

I have seen fury dinosaurs in my lifetime.

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does the word reptile make it easier for you
name one furry reptile

Oh really? Can't argue with that resident Yea Forums paleontologist
They had fur, which they mostly lost but still have to some extent

Attached: Beipaiosaurus.jpg (3072x2304, 594.32K)

>no evidential basis
>feathered dinosaurs found from germany to china
>thinking dinosaurs are more like modern reptiles than birds

>discoloured stone
>hurr must be furr

name one furry reptile

Why do some people get so mad at feathery dinosaurs? Is it because they have crippling autism, and seeing something different than what they are used to causes a meltdown?

>discoloured stone happens to just form the exact shape of wings with perfect outlines of veined feathers in some of these fossils
>hurr can't be feathers
Sinosauropteryx, or if you're feeling real cladistical a fucking kiwi

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This is why representation matters.

>thread turns into shitty feathered dino debate
How are people so retarded, and why are people only complaining about the feathers and not the speculative air sacs on the sauropods

More feather nonsense and guaranteed that Attenborough will just spend half of the runtime bitching about climate change. It's amazing how even something like dinosaurs can be pozzed, goddamn.

lol stay mad, chud

>Sauropsida contains birds

Any good torrents? Couldn't find any on piratebay

kiwis are birds, sinosauropteryx no longer exists so furriness is a theory
>find cretaceous bird with obvious lightweight bone structure and limbs obviously developed into wings
>call it a dinosaur because haha fuck you now dinosaurs had feathers lol
yet pterosaurs are not dinosaurs
'ate paleontologists

Think its coming out May. Also means we won't whether or not it's actually good till then but at least from what's been shown its still looks better than anything in the last 20 years

the series has't been released yet

Fucking moron

>Release Date
>May 23, 2022

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Ah, I see.
Should have figured but got too exited by the prospect of attenburough dinosaur doc

If you want to call both a lepidosaur like a snake and an archosaur like a crocodile reptiles, then you gotta call a kiwi which is also an archosaur a reptile. There's a reason nobody actually looks at reptiles as a black and white group anymore in taxonomy. The furriness on Sinosauropteryx is so well preserved we know what colour it was, so that's hardly a theory
>Find obvious Dromaeosaur
>Must be a bird because it's got feathers, ignore the fact even Velociraptor has quill knobs on its bones
We get it, you don't actually know anything about dinosaurs

>New attenborough doc

How will they shove in "humans bad" message that's always present in this fucker's stuff?

>here's an amazing footage of nature
>btw, humans BAD

Surprised people feel like bitching about the babies having feathers when the adult looks this good
Looks like it'll be well worth the wait

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Humans are bad. Or more precisely, industrialized humanity is bad.

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>keratin brows

based, i've noticed this becoming more common in recent paleo media

Here's another good one, with more realistic animation too

Evolution is just a theory.

>that opening drums and sunrise reference to Walking with Dinosaurs

Kino incoming. I can feel it.

So I'm guessing this stuff evolved into birds' beaks?

I generally pirate everything but if this shit is good I wanna support it. I want more good dinokinos. That is, if it turns out shit I won't.

The adult T.rex only has sparse hair. The young ones are properly feathered. Check your fucking eyes

not this particular family line... you got a jaw that good, you keep it until the meteor strikes

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so are most mammals'

definitely feels like a spiritual successor to walking with, no other documentary has really had that same feel

Don't reply to them, don't engage with them, don't post. This board isn't for you. There's a chance you could improve their lives by posting, but there's zero chance they could improve yours. Threads like this should be skimmed and discarded

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The adult looks like a fat piece of shit.