'You get married, and it's like "ok, I'm married now, what was the point of this, why did she ask for it? 'Oh...

>'You get married, and it's like "ok, I'm married now, what was the point of this, why did she ask for it? 'Oh, now I get it, because half of my money just went out the door' '.

>"Ok. That's why women do it."

>"Can anyone explain to me why men do it?, You, as a man, you're asking for marriage, why, do you like losing half of everything you've built? Explain that one."

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Other urls found in this thread:




He should've listened to Eddie Murphy.


You go back to bed, OP?

It's called a Prenuptial Agreement.

courts throw those out all the time

What if my gf makes more than me and has crazy work ethic and doesn't nag.

>Your honor, I've signed this document under emotional duress.
>Good enough for me. I declare it a piece of toilet paper. Mr Smith, please hand over half of your assets to your cheating whore of a wife.
Judges don't care about prenuptial agreements. At all.

Kinda fucked how an actual contract is not enforced

Oh look, this thread again. I’m sure we can cover ground in this one that wasn’t in the others.

It is, but otherwise we would live in a world where people could straight up legally rob you with a pen and a threat of violence.

Honestly at this point anyone dumb enough to get married deserves it. In the past you had to get married to live together and fuck but now there’s literally no upside to getting married and massive downside.

The contract is so the woman cant rob you. She agrees to not rob you then courts are like 'nah you getting robbed nigga'

did carolla actually say this or are you doing a bit

Dr. Drew is almost always right.

idk who makes these anti-marriage threads (or the anti-marriage meme in general) but it doesn't seem to be working. fucking *everybody* i know, friends, friends of friends, friends of family members, co-workers, checking out the ring finger of strangers just to confirm.. all married. so it doesn't appear to be working, whatever this is.

actually, i take that back now that i'm thinking of it. I do know one guy who isn't married. just engaged.

Marriage is worth it to gain citizenship right?

and if you refuse, the courts will use the police as the violence against you. We simply shifted things, but it is still shit.

Lol at the saps who think loss of money and assets is the worst thing about marriage

NPCs do what they're told to do.

Fucking enjoy it while it lasts, bitch is in some kind of weird mood and will succumb to her instincts in time

Then, anyone who brings up a prenuptial agreement, you slap them in the mouth

You possibly have a keeper, rare

She'll eventually resent you for making less money

Also the men she works with likely make more money than you as well, so that will be a continual threat

>Lol at the saps who think loss of money and assets is the worst thing about marriage

Man, I'm sure glad my ex divorced me during the housing crash and didn't get jack nor shit. I also crashed the car that was in both of our names and I got sent the check since the insurance was under my name.
She declared bankruptcy at the same time she filed for divorce, and bounced a check for her divorce lolyer so he didn't really come after me about the car and didn't work her case.

It's amazing how much better everything got or me when I kicked her out in hindsight. Gonna get engaged again after dating same girl for 10 years, she makes more than me now so that's what guys have to do now.

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you could try not getting divorced

Lol at mentally ill shut ins dying of old age alone with nobody to care or remember you and then your myriad of pets eat you. Families enrich our lives and hold us together as a people. It’s no secret that the collapse of the American family unit shares a direct correlation with the soaring depression and other mental illnesses that people have now. Humans aren’t meant to live their lives alone.

People will never stop believing there is more to life than hopeless blackpills about how everyone is nothing but a greedy animal. It’s the basis of literally all civilization, the hopeless romanticism that drives everyone from paupers to kings to do things, that is literally what makes us human. It is the basis for all love and religion and meaning in life. Leave it to some celebrity to try watering down the human condition and convincing a bunch of retards he’s right so he can LARP some enlightened guru when he’s really just a miserable dipshit pedophile.

>oh no, my nagging wife and my in laws

What in god's name could be worse than half your money gone on a 1.5x yearly basis for the rest of your life?!

>People have feelings that are contrary to reality so there

Ultimate cope everyone in your life knows your miserable

>Also the men she works with likely make more money than you as well, so that will be a continual threat

Trust BUT verify, never stop doing spot checks or spying. It's hard for some guys to compartmentalize or be smart about being jealous, but if you ever get wind or hard evidence she's a cheater, you can preemptively protect yourself and get that escape plan ready to fuck her over first.
I mean, if you aren't running credit checks or tracking her vehicle, you're dumb.

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Jokes on you, I don't have pets to eat me.

Most guys you see that bitch endlessly about marriage are people who can't accept personal responsibility for their own life choices because they consistently choose relationships with the lowest hanging fruit of whatever random, garbage women sleep with them, and then blame their entirely predictable failed marriage as some kind of innate ether that permeates the air and just makes marriages fail for no particular reason (or reasons that have nothing to do with them).

It's very whiny and displays a complete loser mentality.

How much did you lose? Be honest

Bout tree fiddy

This is mostly true, if you are constantly trying to improve yourself and striving to be the best version of yourself that you can imagine, you don't usually end up with a garbage wife.
If you are a high value man, you have options and choices and don't have to put a ring on some skank who let you touch her tits for 3 months.

Some dudes give up after getting married just like women, don't become a fat slob and don't accept that your mate can become a fat slob.

Things are totally fucked though, i wouldn't want to date in 2022, women are all on some type of ssri and in massive student debt and mind poisoned by pop culture and the media.

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The fact that women cannot love men and will always view you as an expendable means of resource extraction is the worst blackpill.


My miserable what?

Adam should have stopped after Loveline he has pretty much ruined his legacy.

You ever think the fact that you use terms like “blackpill” unironically is what’s driving women away from you? You know women can tell when you’re a disgusting incel from a mile away. It’s painted all over you.


The bacteria in your gut will eat you from the inside out if nothing else does. That’s what rotting is.


I’m an American woman now! I want what’s coming to me! HALF! Half yo shit”

Can you believe Eddie Murphy has 10 fucking kids?


I make no attempt to get women and I don't want any. Try someone else.

Reminder that even Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, some of the richest men in the world, had to give up half their shit. You really think you can pull off something they couldn't?

The institution of marriage was invented to control prehistoric incels and keep cavewomen from just being pumped and dumped by cavemen Chads.

Our ancestors found out, in those rare times of peace and abundance when most of the young weren't dying to war and dangerous work, that men become angry and dangerous when they aren't wanted as a mating partner. Unfortunately, women left to their own devices would rather be celibate than have men under a certain threshold on the hierarchy as their mate. Which makes sense considering we evolved in a world pre-medical science where childbirth carried such a high risk, and childrearing such a monumental investment of time. Why would women want to risk it for subpar offspring from a subpar mate? But women aren't happy to just be baby incubators for Chadgar as he goes from hut to hut inseminating all the tribeswomen either. They need companionship and protection and assistance in the childrearing process.

So, arranged marriage was born. Grog the incel and Thagra the roastie are paired up, and while it's maybe not the pairing either of them want, it is what they need. And their tribe made it clear that divorce wasn't an option, so they made lemonade from those lemons. The problem isn't the institution of marriage, abandon marriage to the peril of society itself. The problem is the institution of divorce.

Lol you win this Cope of the Year award.

Why does it bother you if you have one less competitor in the dating pool?

Same, desu. I've thought I was unhappy because I was alone, but it was actually because I was poor. Now I'm well off and happy.

Men see a romanticized version of marriage and buy into it. Men love for love's sake (although sex is important there are plenty of men who stay in sexless marriages because they still love their wife.) Most women like romance but at the end of the day they need a provider and that is their goal.

Those redpill incels have one thing right, Men love women, women love children.

Not 100% of the cases there are women who are built different regardless of what those redpill incels says but unfortunately since the decline of the west most of them are focused on themselves. Being married to the state for single parent benefits and child support is just as good for them as having a man so they don't see a practical reason to give a fuck about you.

It bothers me that you’re spreading this sour grapes blackpill bullshit around, you want to feel sorry for yourself the rest of your life that’s your business but stop recruiting. All this redpill blackpill bullshit is just a self defeating prophecy. You can’t get women to be attracted to you so you make yourself as unattractive as possible. I get that it’s easy to give up rather than face rejection after rejection, but you keep moving forward, finding someone to share your life with has real value.

No thanks. Once you understand what's going on there's no way to participate anymore. The things I would want from a woman are not things that women can provide, so there's no point. I don't want what women actually are.

>things I would want from a woman are not things that women can provide
I know I’ll regret this shit but fuck it. What things?

Marriage is not Marriage. I used to be Libertarian, but I still refuse to just give the government the power to define what real marriage is. Marriage always existed long before civilization. Then the catholic church usurped the power from the community and regulated it. Then the state came. First the state only registered married couples. Then they started changing the contracts. Yes, marriage is a contract even without a prenuptial.
Civil Unions, which is what I call state marriage now, is basically just a findom bondage contract. You declare that you will keep supporting your wife, even if she is no longer your wife and broke the contract. She can cheat, denounce you, cuck you. Doesn’t matter. You pledge to still financially support her.

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>half of my money just went out the door'
In the UK, a woman who lives with you long enough is entitled to your assets. Provided you're in a relationship.

Children will have both parents


Losing your kids? Dumbass

Marriage is just a legal union. You don't need to be married to someone in order to live together as a couple.

Human empathy

This but unironically

yeah its almost like Yea Forums isnt a reflection of real life.

From your description, it seems the actual problem is incels.

>unironically using kevin samuels memes


dumbest post I've ever seen on 4channel

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>virgin losers posting on the worst board on 4channel have no concept of love and marriage

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Oh, you’re crazy, that’s all you had to say negro.