It's not funny

It's not funny.

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Did they rip out the seats?

Last time I was at the cinema I spilt a ton of salsa on under the chair next to me snd chuckled on my way home knowing some wagie would have to get on his hands and knees to clean it up lol

I remember when I was a kid my dad took me to a burger joint and then we decided to go see Kung Fu Panda 2 in theaters. I shit myself at the burger joint because I thought it was a fart but it was an entire wet soupy diarrhea. We drove to the theater and sat down in the seats. It was a family thing for us to sit with one seat in between each other for more space. During the movie I slid my pants+underwear down just far enough for my shit covered ass to touch the seat. I sat like that for the rest of the movie. We left after and I would have loved to see the wagie's face when he saw that seat afterwards.

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It's got to suck for cinema wagies, I know when I was younger me and 2 or more other friends would constantly fuck around doing dumb shit like that. One time after a show we went into cubicles next to each other and kept trying to piss on each others feet through the gap, floor got drenched



>dad somehow doesn't smell the gigantic ass chocolate mess
Not buying it.

not my problem wagie, clean it up

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Kek reminds me of a time when I was about 8 or so, I was at a resort thing in the Republic of Ireland with my family. I was playing in this indoor play park with ball pits, a slide, mats and different obstacles and shit. It was nearly time for them to close and I was up at the slide, I really had to poo and thought I couldn't reach the bathroom in time so I went behind this big cube shaped cushion obstacle next to the slide and slid out a huge log. Came back to play the next day and it was gone.

We sat with a seat in between us. Also I wasn't coming off the seat throughout the movie. I had my ass planted in that seat and no smell was escaping.

>didn't smell it in the car

The smell must have escaped and reeked the moment you stood up

meant for

The wagie jokes are pretty funny but for real if you do this shit you are subhuman apes.


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>I was a kid
>Kung Fu Panda 2
God what am i still doing on this site?!

>act like a nigger
>oh no why is society collapsing?

Clean it up wagie!

KFP2 came out 11 years ago user.. you've been here too long I'm afraid.

based when i was a kid i shit my pants while at the park with my family had to wipe my ass with leaves

I've got a big boy job but you are either not white or a city degenerate that has 0 sense of communal good because they lived in a shithole.

you gonna do something about it cocksucker? didn't think so, still not my problem

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There is no leaving this place.

I just don't get how you can make such a mess without it being deliberate. How hard is it to carry your trash with you to the cans they have by the exits? How the fuck do you spill your popcorn everywhere and drop your drink?

No dude niggers acting like niggers is bad, but if I act like a nigger its harmless fun

This is the kind of thing you do as a young man to make your friends laugh, but later on you look back in regret that you did such a niggerish thing. The "clean it up wagie!" fags are still very young

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Not my problem.


>without it being deliberate
user, they're niggers, of course it's deliberate

its not my fault the meat fell out of my bag during the kino screening. and it's certainly not my problem.

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He seems to have missed the spaghetti

uh oh wagie looks like i made a mess in the toilets again

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It's always either niggers or teenagers, or teenage niggers.

American are disgusting subhumans

I used to work on vacant homes that had no water so the toilet didnt work and Ive had at least one emergency situation that required going to the bathroom with in a few minutes where no toilet was anywhere close but there was no outdoor area to go

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Gee user I don't know maybe it was deliberate or something.

>nigger acts like a nigger and tries to justify it with niggers
Quintessentially American posts

Pretty based trucker.

It's already over man, no use in trying to fix it as one (one) person in a country of 300 million

not my problem cart cuck

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wait was it in the woods and you are the pope

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Luckily I live in a white country so people don't act like animals. Would be pretty pissed if I went shopping and saw that in the parking lot though

you think i have sympathy for the vaccine passport checkers who have to clean up my shit?

the supermarket has employees dedicated to collecting carts, why would i do their job for free?

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>why would I act as decent human being? I'm American after all

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>your problem.jpg
Funny how you nogs always assume anyone who dislikes your chimpout must be a wagie. I just don't like seeing my neighbourhood getting shat up by subhumans

I don't think you have sympathy for anyone. You're a disgrace

How's the type 2 diabeetus treating you?

I return the carts and throw away my trash because even in a crumbling, hopeless society I don't want to be part of the problem.

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still not my problem lmao imagine going through life with a slave mindset lol

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i sympathise with people who are just like me, also with old women who are kind to everyone

Are there any actual wagies here right now? What's the worst mess you've found in your retail wage cage?

>'rona regulations demand everyone use a shopping cart at the super market
>due to this supermarkets now tend to unchain the carts so you no longer need a coin to use them
>everyone still returns them in an orderly fashion anyway
Feels good to live among functional human beings.

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>i sympathise with people who are just like me,

>Imagine going through life with a slave mindset
>Acts like a nigger

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>whoops i didn't mean to smash this cart into your car
>whoops there goes another one
>ouch that one was an accident as well
>lol hope you don't mind dents and paint chipping on your new car that you have payments on haha
>smash another one oops sorry

social outcasts who are ugly

suck shit cunts not my problem

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>slave mindset lol
You're a slave here though. A slave to your chimp impulses. Nature gave you the will to overcome them but you're still a thoughtless animal. It would be sad If it wasn't so despicable.

>lol hope you don't mind dents and paint chipping on your new car that you have payments on haha
unironically this thought fills me with joy every time i stand up for myself by not returning the cart. some seething fag who financed their car getting btfo by cart chads like me.

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Clean it up wagie

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no matter how hard you seethe this will never be my problem

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No matter how much you try you will never be human, retarded ape.

>euro poors be like

of course it's not, you're an animal. better people have to fix it.

get your prostate and bladder checked, it's not normal for you to piss in bursts like that
t. doctor

Imagine being a nigger though, wait, you don’t have to imagine that at all user.

>look at me I'm creating jobs by being a slob
no, you're just wasting everybody's time and resources

Fuck you for stealing my digits

There are way worse wagie jobs, the teenagers working there over the summer need to stop bitching

my time is just more valuable than yours, sorry you're still a worthless hospitality worker but that's not my problem either

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>always the same few images
>people always fall for it
Never change, Yea Forums

>my time is just more valuable than yours
The only value you'll ever have is being a food for worms and a fertilizer, subhuman.

Sorry buddy I don't live in country where waiters have to beg for tips.

thanks for the (You)s retard

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