Was this your experience watching Anastasia?

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No my experience was "Anastasia is cute.... Anastasia cute girl"
"Funny little bat fella haha"

>kill tens of millions
>enslave they whole country

Only Nazis hate Mao

Nigga i didn't know about any "-ism" when i watched this animation

>Russia revolution bad, American revolution good.
Revolutions happen for a reason and are neither inherently good nor bad.

commies are bad

jews killing russians are bad

wtf i love Russia now

Were chinks always soulless bug people or did commies do that to them

ok boomer

They need to adopt the musical based on the film, they changed Rasputin for an actual Soviet intelligence officer, even the new Rumour in St Petersburg song is made way better by dunking on Communism.

The American Revolution created a country people fled to, the Russian revolution created a country people fled from.

kys zoomer

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Communism gave them souls.

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never seen it

>china bad
>Israel good
Truly the biggest reddit meme here

>I realized Country X spreads propaganda, quick let me blindly absorb Country Y's propaganda.

You should try meeting a chink

I already met your mother.

take it easy boomer, not good for your feeble heart

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now shes got both and can deduce the facts. problem?

Literally brainwashed by degenerate capitalist filths.

stop trying to steal my shit commie, i will stab you.

Nah, the October revolution was inherently pretty bad to be quite honest with you famalamoid

I remember nothing about this movie except Rasputin

That movie was a historical nightmare.

It actually depicts the Romanov dynasty as being noble and just when in fact it was Tsar Nicholas II and his wife who granted Grigori Rasputin so much influence over the Russian political establishment in the first place. It also ignores all the ineptitude on the part of Nicholas, who was content to let his people starve while he personally led the army in a disastrous and costly war against the Central Powers, and a humiliating defeat to Japan before that. The movie instead dismisses the discontent of the Russian people as being the result of black magic.


Yeah? What if Hollywood released a cartoon about the bombing of Pearl Harbor as carried out by a Jamaican witchdoctor instead of the Japanese?

you trannies don't help your self on this website, you just make it worse constantly.

>The American Revolution created a country people fled to, the Russian revolution created a country people fled from.
That's an excellent, concise way of putting it. It absolutely is distinguished by revolutions seen in England, France, and Russia. Washington in particular proved himself to be a certain type of great man by NOT seizing power even though he was well positioned to do so and become an American Caesar, Cromwell, or Napoleon

>i will stab you.
absolute subhuman behavior right there

it's the only cure for communism

>who was content to let his people starve
Is 'content' the right word? Implies a level of malice or indifference. Incompetent and autistic though he was, not sure if I'd charge him being 'content'.

In the Dark of the Night > All other villain songs

>The American Revolution created a country people fled to, the Russian revolution created a country people fled from.
Because the United States had huge empty swathes of liveable and ungovernable land.

Population of the US during American revolution (1765): 1.5 to 2 million people.
Population of Russia during Russian revolution (1917): 125.6 million people, likely concentrated in the few temperate parts of the country.

Fewer people + more resources, more opportunity.

I loved the train sequence. I would walk away when it was over.

Despite how shitty communists are (especially when backed by other communist states), you Americans still need to repair the damange that really started under the Lincoln Administration (no, not the race thing, I mean the rest regarding tax, federal power, etc.). His fucker was the nexus point that all the dogshit under the Progressive-era Presidents, FDR, etc. flowed from.


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That's the power of propaganda

Assuming you're that guy, then why the fuck were you trying to equate the American and Russia Revolutions then? Some lame attempt to come across as a big brained centrist? The American Revolution was very civilized as far as Revolutinary Wars went and in its aftermath resulted in a lot of autistic squabbling over governance until the Constitution was adopted, not blood civil war, Red Scares, Reigns of Terror, and so on.

If only girls were more impressed by your ability to autistically rant about a childrens movie on cue

Just watch the musical already, it's better historically, the new lyrics and songs are great, even though many of them don't really fit.

The Soviets drove people off due to their severely inept management, it made Tsar Nicholas look like a genius, the country went from poor to fucking new levels of poor. Commies think you can share a dream, truth is you either sell people on it or force it upon them, Commies only ever forced their incoherent dreams onto the Russian people while cutting off their ties to their past, no wonder the USSR was such a shithole.

jews really are some bloodthirsty motherfuckers

>Only Nazis hate Mao

Attached: commygirlscout.jpg (300x224, 23.24K)

I already said. Revolutions are neither good nor bad. Revolutions simply are. History is written by the victors. Of course American history is going to teach foreign revolutions are brutally oppressive while ignoring/whitewashing/deleting aspects that go against their own narrative.

I keep trying to tell you guys this and how it's the exact issue that led to the US civil war, but no it's all "muh slavery" and "sore loser south". No you stupid fucking bastards, it's the exact turning point that resulted in increasing government oversight that the original founding fathers all vehemently opposed.

Those are all post-revolutionary failings. Nothing to do with the actual revolution.

You can see echoes of what's happening in Russia happening now in America. Russia had a specific type of shittiness due to Tsarist autocracy, so the solution was to have an even more authoritarian regime solve everyone's issues. Now in America, government is create issues leading to demands for more socialism (i.e. more government) in order to unfuck things. A vicious cycle.

>kill tens of millions
>enslave they whole country
Satanic States of America?

Their usual defense is "communism has never been done right."

Genocide also happens for a reason, rape also happens for a reason, child molesting also happens for a reason.

What does “having a reason” got to do with something being evil or not?

No, the soviets were content to let the ukrainians starve, communists kill knowingly and even justify their own actions. Nicholas made their people starve because he was an incompetent buffon. Dont mix stupidity with evil.

They were brutally oppressive by the standard set by the American Revolution. The whys and wherefores like the land (although the underlying philosophy the FF had vs. the Jacobins or Bolsheviks was massively different) are a separate topic. Lambasting the Russian Revolution and its aftermath as oppressive and bloody in a way the American one was not isn't the same as claiming it was some bloodless paradise where shit like slaves weren't cynically manipulated, Loyalists didn't have to suffer, etc. So yes, you fart huffing motherfucker, I will continue to see America Revolution as LE GOOD and Russian Revolution as LE BAD. And the funniest part is, I'm English.

Evil also doesn't exist.
One man's evil is another man's good.
Back in the days of manifest destiny killing injuns was seen as a religious duty.
Even today Americans sweep the native American genocide under the rug and ignore it.
Imagine that. A country founded on one prolonged and concerted campaign of genocide.
That's the United States. Yet you don't care do you? Now come back and talk about evil.

Nothing is good or bad if you take that approach, which is argueably true but also makes any discussion about anything virtually moot.

I still listen to this song regularly. I fucking love it.

>Russia revolution bad, American revolution good.
Yes. Imagine being a relativist cuck. I bet you think all cultures are equally valuable too.

>>The American Revolution created a country people fled to
Pretty sure it was already there dude.

You need to finish reading nietzsche dude, you have fallen into nihilism but that only the first half of his writtinfs, the second part is rising from it and choosing by yourself whats good and evil. If you dont choose then your life is meaningless and might as well kys.

>the revolution was good
Aha, well thankfully the ends aren't a thing and the means is all that matters.

The core difference I would say is that the people armed for a revolution are not communists, they are only armed to order Starbucks.

>rising from it and choosing by yourself whats good and evil
If Nietzsche is championing everyone's own personal interpretation, that effectively means it evil has no universally agreed on definition, which is what mean when we say evil doesn't exist.

Sounds very different but still good.

Most people who entered the US pre revolution were indentured servants. and the Contintental Americas were a series of different countries with different languages and cultures at the time.

No it wasn’t

This. It is the outcome that could be good or bad, but you don't know the outcome until after it has happened. It is its own Uncertainty Principle.

Also, especially relevant now, is that the Soviets starved millions of Ukranians to death from 1930-1935. When WWII started and the Nazis rolled in and pushed out the Soviets, they set up a provisional government, restored land ownership rights, and fed everyone. Of course one growing season later they fucked off with all the food.

But if people are wondering why some Ukranians adopted Nazi style symbology, that's the reason. There was a point where even the Nazis were better than the f*cking communists.

Hey you over there. You're not going to sway anyone by attacking. You know that Soviets were not Communists, not yet. They were Socialists on the *way* to Communism, aka "The Long Road" - but people fucked that all up. Humans cannot help themselves. What we need is an AI, like the Kree from teh Marvel Universe.

You are not oppressed tankie