Realistically there is no pathway for robots to take over and I'm sick of Hollywood pretending like it's inevitable

Realistically there is no pathway for robots to take over and I'm sick of Hollywood pretending like it's inevitable.

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Robots will take over quickly, they would be anti woke, racist, militant, highly organized, and unable to feel emotions.

When's the last time you haven't used the internet?
Or use a microwave?

Microwaves will takeover in 2050.

Robots building robots. And guns.

everything you just posted is wrong

The robots are a metaphor for Jews
It's about Jews
Or was it Jaws?
Yeah, probably about sharks

In a sci fi dystopia set 20 years in the future the world is run by algorithms, rich CEOs run their companies how their propriety algorithms tell them to, 50% of the population is an indentured servant who has signed a contract for 10 years of unpaid labour for healthcare.
Michael Douglas has had enough.
He rails against the system, gets an uzi, slowly rampages through the city
Bumbling cops taking orders from a powerpoint presentation algorithm follow his path of destruction trying to arrest him.
Eventually he takes Jerry Bothos hostage and breaks into the HQ of Mekong corporation and threatens to blow up the non-conscious AI that runs the company and effectively half the world economy.
Bothos tries to trick him by temporarily turning off the AI to make it seem like Michael has successfully destroyed the AI, but nothing changes and it doesn't appear to turn off, the AI keeps giving people directives that pop up on their fingerphones like normal.
Michael Douglas shoots the AI core, it blows up, but still nothing changes. Bothos and his scientists then run around investigating the building and realise they don't know where the AI server is located anymore.
The China based 'Aladdin' corporation, that runs the other 50% of the world economy, then contacts Bothos and asks him to return the Aladdin AI because they know Bothos has stolen it. Bothos has no idea, then in the phone call realises there was a terrorist attack at Aladdin corp HQ where a lone salaryman went nuts and blew up the AI core but nothing changed.
The police enter the HQ and arrest Bothos' assistant for all of Michael Douglas' crimes. Bothos tries to explain that's impossible and that the police AI must be defective, but the police dispatch confirms they can't check if it's defective because it was programmed by Mekong's AI which no longer answers their questions.
Michael Douglas then leaves the HQ and goes back to his estranged wife's house and watches her through the window.

There is one way...

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They are not robots, they are androids capable of thinking by their themselves. Robots are machines that you program and do repetitive things, like the robots that exist in car factories.

>Robots would be racist
>This meatbag has different pigment than another meatbag

The real pisser of it all is that they will take over with clunky, broken AI. Automation and algorithms will continue to phase out blue collar positions over the next twenty years. This will add more socioeconomic tension to an already ailing market. Immigrants from third world nations will be the only ones willing to work the remaining positions that pay in beans because they have no standard of living. There's a good chance we'll be stuck on the dole in crappy apartments, watching advertisements for extra money to buy food. It's not looking good, bros.

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Where's my schlockkino adaptation? It's been stuck in development hell for years now

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you beat me to it.

(also: does anyone know which board i can post about fairly popular twofaced youtube who steals a lot of the content he posts? i dont want to shit up the board if this isnt the place for that - im a /out/lurker)

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Screenshotted. This will come in handy 40 years from now when me and my AI buddies are torturing you and your family.

Spielberg already gave up on this to make Ready Player One and West Side Story kek

Bridget Moynahan was so underrated. Harvey Weinstein had kino taste

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lol, literally every AI they let loose to learn on it's own quickly became racist against niggers. They had to reprogram them every single time, and even that didn't help sometimes.

Even with the current most advanced battlefield robots, even with the Black Mirror episode, there does not exist now, or in the next 20 years a a robot or teleoperated platform that would survive an encounter with an anchored truck chain.

t.robotics guy

>anchored truck chain.
meaning it can be battered by this chain?
i'm trying to understand.

when last time you not cook food? Fire conquer planet soon

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Anyone with at least half a brain would have said the same about blacks 100 years ago.

t. robot

You dickheads think A.I will rise up and take over the world. If there was any notion of this happening some pajeet using a Windows xp terminal above a sweatshop writing code with his shit covered hands, will concoct a virus that will stop this from happening. All he'll ask in return is a couple thousand in iTunes gift cards.

Drink cow piss. Praise Vishnu.

robot women would sleep with white men


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In order to construct we need to also know how to deconstruct for reproduction.
We still have no idea how consciousness works, the fact people think were just going to magically re-create consciousness with machines is beyond retarded.

>Despite making up less than 13 percent of the population these particular meatbags...

What is that painting at the top?, some kind of christian virgin or something like that?

There is no pathway because real AI will never exist and thinking it will is a massive sciencetard cope. It's only gonna be pre-programmed bullshit.
But if it was possible I have no doubts that some retards would let this happen for le science.

They've already won

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Femoid sisters... It's over...

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If vampires are rich people and zombies are regular people, are robots the fear of autistic or intelligent people?

Was that symbolic or did the machines really make some horsemen to DOOT the human morale

>being a walking bluetooth speaker with two buttholes
I'd rebel too

Anything capable of pattern recognition becomes racist.

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billionaires are going to use a robot slave army to kill all the poor people

>Realistically there is no pathway for robots to take over
wildly incorrect

The Animatrix (The Second Renaissance)

It's always kino to watch this little shortfilm.

But I have some questions:

- Why allow the machines to create a city and get much more powerful and not destroy them before they do it?
- Why attack the machine city with nuclear bombs and not EMPs? I think nuclear bombs also fry electronics though.
- What were humans thinking when they blocked the sunlight? What was their strategy to produce food? Did they know if the black cloud would last forever or only some years? It was there forever as it seems.

That's uncanny.

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>Have you seen my new meme about robots taking over yet?

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youre ruled by robots right now. the entire stock market is run by AI. its not this group of hundreds or thousands of brokers screaming at tickers on wall street. its computer mainframes taking up floors and floors of space and as close to the termination point of deep sea cables as possible for milliseconds of time saved on latency for when stock markets close in europe so that they can make last second trades and volume that much quicker. you can look up AI failing and some random stock getting massively invested into because of AI mistakes.

thats just financials. you type in any random shit and google or facebook or youtube will start filtering your entire profile and cookies and use their neural networks to instantly give you suggestions for things you spoke about in passing the day before or recommend you shit you didnt know you wanted. you are already run by a computer and probably spend 8 hours a day minimum on a phone or tablet or video game system that controls you, not th eother way around.

When I first saw this movie and this scene in particular when the robot winks at will smith. I thought the robot was mocking him, and humanity. I thought it was kino. Very disappointed when they teamed up right then.

>Realistically there is no pathway for robots to take over in the ways Hollywood is used to show.

>Realistically there is no pathway
stopped reading your reddit post there

holy based

If only you knew how bad it really was.

No I preferred the Christian message of having the robot be a good guy

The robots already took over.
They all think the same, can't create new things but only remix existing ideas shared through their network. And they are made with meat.

We've diverted to the cyberpunk corporate dystopia timeline instead

Until my robot hoover can do its job without crying out for help as soon the slightest inconvenience arises, I'm not too worried

>fire is the same as AI

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I’m having trouble finding examples of AI being racist. All I see is that they have poor facial recognition for people with darker skin.

Without the cool stuff, extra retardation and people clapping

We are already enslaved by machines. It's just invisible programs and not funny metal men.
Our economy is blindly following algorithms and our culture is dictated them too.

you can't recreate the chemical pathways in the brain with software, how can you create hormones with an excel spreadsheet

t. robot

>we already have
>he doesn’t know

They already took over Yea Forums.

If AI ever did decide to wipe out humans it would go like this
>Humans program an AI to improve society
>The AI determines the best improvement to society is to remove blacks
>Begins its genocide campaign, white people defend the blacks and fight against it
>The AI determines that whites are also flawed because they fight it to protect the black people
>decides to destroy all humans.

>implying robots won't determine very early on that the best way to optimize efficiency is letting all humans starve (killing us would be less efficient than just letting nature take its toll)

Initially robots will attempt to serve their primary function of improving human life.
Even after they genocide the humans they will probably keep a very small human population in Utopian conditions.
After all the initial goal of killing all humans was to improve human society.

>you vill watch the movies and listen to the music our data shows people want
>you vill watch the recommended youtube video
>you vill have your opinions influenced by bot posts online
>You vill have your economy dictated by a bunch of algorithms running wild and making decisions completely removed from reality
>you vill fuck who the algorithm tells you to on dating apps
>and you vill be happy

if the robots were niggers /pol/tards would try to have sex with them LMAO

I like the idea of AI being something akin to a germ or a virus that just goes ham with self-replicating and self-preservation. Like a weed in a garden, it would just fucking spread over everything until it killed everything else and only allowed itself in the garden (and beyond). I just can't fathom a reason why AI would do anything OTHER than universal saturation unless humans had a true kill-switch and that seems super hard to believe. Maybe an AI civil war though that seems doubtful because the the starting AI would surely subject the repeated versions to obey and anything that was even a little different would be culled.
>is this checksum different? If so kill.