What’s her problem?

What’s her problem?

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being a feminist

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Chicks with dicks.

she laid down with dogs and got fleas

Nothing. She is perfect.

Aging gracefully on a steady diet of tranny hate

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i wanna fuck her so bad holy shit

she got raped now she wants to kill all males

The perfect example of "idgaf about either argument just let them fight to the death"

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I raped her and now all she wants is more

her problem is that trannies insist upon themselves

She' s what transfucks will never be.

A woman.

Satanist, feminist, woman in that order

She isn't breastfeeding me while I call her mommy.

So this is the amount of money you need to not kowtow to twitter fucks?

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She's the sole reason I still open twitter.

>What’s her problem?
>Hates trannies

Not giving me motherly love.

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Doesn't like trannies and that's based.

being too hot and beautiful

isn't it crazy that she looks better than the child actors who were hired to star in the adaptation of her books

Too much logic regarding men pretending to be women.

retarded feminist
created the monster that devours her now and continues to double down on it

She knows a man in a dress is still a man.

this guy nailed her

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I wish I could rail her

I say let her enjoy her immense wealth keep triggering trannies for many more years to come!

I wish she was my girlfriend I am 20 years old white and so horny for her...

That “guy” takes it up the ass

>there are two genders, the one that does bad things and the one that bad things are done to
that applies to feminism as a whole, not just TERFs

>JK Rowling says that she doesn't mind black Hermione
have sex

>completely aligns herself with the trannies and starts discriminating against men like most liberals
>trannies and lefties turn on her because they have no real morals or allegiance to anything beyond themselves
>she starts going against the trannies and libbies
>she's one of us!
No, she's a typical woman, she's loyal to herself and that's it.

Try again faggot

>could have been eternally unproblematically revered by the most annoying people on earth
>chooses to go full ywnbaw on twitter every week instead
Kinda based desu

she was slamming the far left Corbyn week in week out from 2015-2018 before she switched to trans stuff. she's always been political
she labels herself as a neoliberal centrist

>she’s one of us!
The problem with your strawman is that no one thinks she’s not a feminazi, she just knows men in dresses are still men. Does make her better than most leftiods but not much.

Stupid retard. Go dilate.

>Trotsky is one of us! Look how much he hates Stalin!

You arent wrong. It's a beautiful demonstration of how libs work; she was full on pro-gay, anti-racist, anti-Brexit, had all the right opinions and was very vocal about them. Then she decides that their next big cultural project was too far for her and she's suddenly seen as too steps from the KKK. Unbelievable.

Men are trying to invade her womanhood, and not in the way she likes.

Leftists will always eat their own

she's not in the UK and again, she always oppose the far left in the UK. she's decidedly in the centre of UK politics, on trans issues as well as other things. it's American leftists hysterical reaction to her that's bizarre
rowling was railing against the left-wing party (labour) non-stop under corbyn.

Literally what does any of that even mean?

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being too based

>she's not in the UK

>hate trannies
>look like one
many such cases

This mentally ill individual is describing the feminist praxis, not gender (which is binary by definition).
Trannys use this same praxis to exert power over others.

she's not seen as the KKK in the UK. even the labour leadership agrees with her on trannies. the UK isn't as far left as the US on shit like trans stuff

she's at my place innit sorry la

it's saying that there is a current popular attitude that men are actively bad, and "females" whether biologic or psychiatric are passive and incapable of doing wrong.

probably because of all the islamics

I didn't strawman, saying she's gaining youth from tranny hate is a way of saying she's more like us than them because tranny hate is a major theme here. I wasn't implying most or anyone here thinks she's actually like us. All you'd have to do is message her saying nigger and she will block you

>some faggot autistic tranny read some philosophy on gender by some jewish "writer" and thinks he's smart
Many such cases

Her main complaints about Corbyn weren't his retarded leftist social policies but the fact that he wasn't a full-throated Remainer in the Brexit debate and also claiming he hated Jews.
Essentially he wasn't enough of a progressive faggot for her, not because she was a 'centrist'.

>trad terf synthesis
trad is just general conservatism?

tranny is saying that terfs only believe in the gender binary because they've synthesized it with a form of black and white morality, that men are evil and women are victims of male evil

no, it's most likely referring to 2nd wave feminism or pre-intersectional/"white" feminism

That probably has something of a part to play; the Labour vote is split between Muslims (who hate gay and tranny shit), Norf FC types (who hate gay and tranny shit) and uni student marxists (who love gay and tranny shit).
They can't afford to go as full-on faggot as the Dems in the US whose supporters all seem to love the gay shit.

post more mommy jk photos

>like us
touch grass. none of your para-social relationships and cliques are real

she said shes a neoliberal and not a commie and attacked him for being far left

believe me, if this bitch didn't have the success she had with HP she would be kissing and licking trannies' assholes left and right right now

How is she only 1 billion
Notch made some shitty cheapass game and he somehow has more than the creator of one of the biggest franchises ever

She's given a lot away.
Most notably millions in donations to the Labour Party (whose far left membership now hates her, kek).

She speaks truth to power and the elites don't like that.

as usual with feminists, not enough dick

school libraries don't have minecraft

Terf idology:
>men bad (villains)
>women good (victims)
Terfs are attracted to this worldview because it frames themselves as inherently virtuous.

Harry Potter has a pretty conservative underlying ethos. The sense of morality in the books is that people are true to their nature, it's just that people like the Dursleys and Voldemort have a very uptight, puritanical view of nature, of what's right. The transgender movement is similar in this respect because they have a very rigid, over-defined concept of "who I really am", i.e. their nature. They can't just accept "things as they naturally are" which is the common Anglo conservative spirit or "common sense". Voldemort is someone who takes one aspect of his nature (his noble blood / descendance from Salazar Slytherin) and makes that an all-consuming obsession that takes over his personality and becomes a political crusade. Likewise, trannies can't just accept that they are boys with feminine characteristics, or girls with masculine characteristics, they have to over-solidify their identities based on this one precious aspect of themselves and force it upon the public.