Kinostation thread?

Kinostation thread?

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pure unfiltered kino.

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>the dildo

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>pedo cunnyshit
of course, probably a troon

>this is where they found the body?
>yep. hands still on the keyboard
>what was he doing
>some kind of message board. kino... dubs... looked like gibberish to me
>sad way to go like that, but we all gotta go sometime
>*click of the camera*

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too many memes

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>all those piss bottles
Hey to anyone that pisses in a bottle, wtf do you do if the bottle fills up and you can't stop? Or do you pee once into any single bottle because that way you won't overflow?

i enjoy this image every time it's posted

Damn Mathew Lillard lives like THAT?

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You pee until it fills and normally that's enough to empty your bladder a bit so you don't need to pee so bad.

I do it when I wakeup and there's a flatmate in the bathroom. You kind of slowly pulse the piss out. Like squirt, stop, squirt, stop...

Anyone else watch their kinos when on the move?

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Its 2004, you just moved out of your parents dysfunctional parents home, this is your new bedroom, you are stacking shelves for minimum wage and you are shitposting on this new side with your Yea Forumsros.

Imagine the smell

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wtf is gooning

>the same le joke images for the past 16 years
Wow. Epic. Now I remember why these threads are 404d now on sight

raggy? what's pirate ray?

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Uhmmm... Do you hold the bottle down and point your penis down or do you let it be idle and just place the bottle on top of the glans? ++ do you do it while standing? Did you ever try while sitting? How comfy is it?
Sorry for all the questions it's very difficult to grasp the experience without having done it myself.

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Essentially its just edging and dedicating your life to pornography addiction.

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Why did these go out of style they're awesome



I see no problem with this

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because the economy got fucked and prefab houses are cheaper, essentially.

I like them but would be terribly if you had a babby

Wtf where's the rest of his right foot?

...behind the step that he tripped on?

nooooo not true we are richer than ever before!!!11

Wtf does her not understand how stairs work? What a dork?!

>and you can't stop
develop better bladder control

based retard

>never felt the euphoria of pissing after holding it in for an entire day
Show us your hot sauce collection


looks dangerous

what are all those black things

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is he pissing in water balloons?

We had one in my parental house. Broke my heart to see when they decided to fill it up and just get large tiles. They literally invested thousands of dollars to remove the soul from the house and make it look like every other house on the block. Every brochure I see, or every show on tv, it looks the same now. Large black tiles everywhere combined with ikea bullshit.

Good room cleaning motivation, thanks

your average cunnygger

Here's me and my wife waiting for The Expanse season 7

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>Yikes Scoobs, this distro has like proprietary blobs!


This guy just needs something comfier and organize the cables better

they were shitty improvised explosives

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>died happy in his bed next to his waifu

We could only be so lucky.

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Yikes but genuine question, I thought iOS came out with the ability to catch pedos that use their products? I remember seeing everyone start freaking out about muh surveillance after, don't care still using my iphone, doesn't affect me because I don't look at that stuff in the first place

>leg stirrups for extreme gooning sessions

the jew fears the DIY squat rack