Who is your sitcom waifu. For me it's this big sexy bird lady

Who is your sitcom waifu. For me it's this big sexy bird lady.

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Early season Dee was something else.
What I wouldn't give to have her strapped tightly to my wall for me to tickle torture daily.

alexis from that one gay show that all the faggots and fat white women like

This post made me hard as fuck dude. I almost kept this to myself, sorry I didn't

Love her big flipper feet.

its always sunny is midwit at best
let me guess, you also enjoyed video games and weed

>Early season Dee was something else
No shit, she got herself an entirely different face

It’s canon she gives foot jobs. Or at least was interested in being a foot escort. Aw man if we could only get an episode about that :/

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See most people hate Rob for writing the show into the ground. I hate him for not keeping that scene going. There's a cut as soon as he says let me see your feet.

I hope everything good turns to ash in mouth.

post them

>show literally has an episode about how poop is funny
>thinks "midwit" is somehow an insult here

Why are you like this?

why yes, i do enjoy an occasional joint and a video game.

not enough love as a baby? no father? u sound like a prick

truth hurts huh losers. go smoke a bowl and lose another 2 hours of your life.

That is much worse than watching a movie and losing 2 hours of your life, right?

dude you are so angry and jealous its actually sad haha

Reply to me you coward

>projecting so hard that you are giving yourself stress tumors
okay buddy :)

Kandi from Two and a Half Men.
Sexy, sweetheart simpleton. Perfect wife material.

>Dana from Step by Step
>Donna from That '70s show
>Britta from Community

Anyone else wanna hatefuck Janice from Friends?

I don't smoke grass but you have some grave insecurities, that, this far in your life, will most likely stay unaddressed forever.

For me, it's Daisy

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>Dana from Step by Step

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It would've been a good episode

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why does weed upset so many people on Yea Forums?


Because it's degenerate?

but the daily, multiple DUDE ALCOHOL threads about daily heavy drinking aren't?

Of course they are. Are you retarded or something?

its always sunny sucks ass
(I know they're reading this)

Lack of social life so a lot of folks here never got offered any. It's a "the grapes are sour" situation.

>He makes bait
>He makes hate
but most of all
>He can't relate

not at all, but I hardly see anyone complaining about those using alcohol compared to the seething that weed consumption causes to people like yourself.

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I only said it's degenerate. Yes, I get it. You're butthurt because someone doesn't like something you like. You don't have to bitch about it all the time.

why are you so emotional about this user? it's just weed

Annie, she's literally perfect

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You're the one seething because I stated a fact. Why are you projecting?

Early seasons Monica. Best looking woman to ever appear on the television in my opinion.

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I'll never get why the fuck she bogged herself so badly

For me it will always be Elaine. Elaine Costanza was her peak

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>Well of course you can make love to our niece user. so polite of you to ask.

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By having lots of money and thinking the horrors of age can be hidden away with excessive plastic surgery.

Meanwhile Jennifer Aniston still looks alright, and I'm sure as hell she got work done too but she didn't fuck up.

you're the one who started seething. someone mentions weed in a thread and there's always one contrarian virgin faggot that goes DUDE WEED LMAO

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Nice try jew

I'm Finnish but whatever floats your boat, schizo

Aniston has definitely had a lot of work done, but she didn't go completely fucking overboard like Courtney Cox did. At least Aniston still looks like the same person

MJH was one of my first TC crushes. Always watched Clarissa and Sabrina.

Not a great show, but Corin Nemec is a qt.

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based Satan knows where it's at

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liz lemon

fuck off mongol this is a white's man board

>a white's man board
perhaps a white man would've had a better grasp of the English language?

>he doesn't think binland is white
wrath is nigger behaviour, autismo.

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It does now, yeah

Unlike someone like Kaitlin, she was actually good-looking at the start so she had more to think she was losing, even though she was still fine

that's a deep cut