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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice, I love seeing black actors get big roles.

Nice, back to the slavery

I thought Zemeckis was notoriously protective of Back to the Future? We've only seen like, a cartoon show and some Telltale videogames apart form the movies (Ill ignore the shitty console games).
What changed his mind?


>Back to the Future (remake): Black Marty and the Doc have to visit the future to stop Black Marty's son from get involved in a crime that gets him sent to prison
>Back to the Future II (remake): Black Marty and the Doc have to visit the future to stop Black Marty's son from get involved in a crime that gets him sent to prison
>Back to the Future III (remake): Black Marty and the Doc have to visit the future to stop Black Marty's son from get involved in a crime that gets him sent to prison

So after this and the black Rapunzel movie announcement is it safe to assume Hollywood is basing their decisions off internet memes?

Attached: Tyrone Back to the Future SHEEEEEIIIIITTT.png (1024x764, 631.94K)

Nothing. They just went ahead and announced this, now he's trapped.

>black Rapunzel

Attached: We Wuz Rapunzelz n shieeet.jpg (800x606, 34.3K)

I like it when when reboots hire women or black people to butcher and kill their franchise. Kind of like the ghost buster.

But who gives a fuck about making good tv nowadays. Its all about western propaganda and pleasing the paid metacritics.

It's their shitty ai, fed by reddit, instagram and Facebook

damn he got uglier

>why yes we did want our reboot to fail

Attached: Black To The Future[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foxh6kr.webm].webm (350x262, 2.28M)

0% chance this actually happens.

Nobody is going to watch this shit. He's the weakest link of the Stranger Things cast (purely based on his lack of charisma and acting talent, Yea Forums casual racism aside) and any travelling to the past would involve some heavy-handed racism storyline, nobody wants to watch that shit in a Back to the Future movie except a small crowd of woke victimization enthusiasts.

It's fake, retards. It'll tom holland

Holy shit. Marty makes Superfly is actually happening.

Attached: RUFUS.jpg (1007x915, 314.07K)

>be black
>travel to 1950's
>"look a nigger came out of nowhere from that weird looking car"
>lynched by mob
>the end

Lies. Back To The Future will never get a reboot. The creators have said this many times.

Why didn't they cast tom holland?

this is obviously another "tie an up and coming black actor to franchise reboot anchor and toss him overboard" but you're right, you love to see it.

Attached: don't dusney ples meh.jpg (636x395, 47.4K)

While this is definitely fake, the creator can't stop studios and he doesn't live forever

this cunt can't even act ffs
dear Hollwood cunts,
stop remaking shit you fucking hacks.
Come up with new stories.
Love Cpt Pants

Black to the future lol

>Another fake screencap thread
>Its also a racebait thread

Faggots like OP should be executed

Attached: Bátima.gif (499x289, 351.69K)

He looks like a racist caricature

Lmao this can only end well

>we'll never let another bttf movie happen
>just Nintendo games
>and a cartoon
>and countless toys and action figures
>and lunchboxes and t-shirts
>and a theme park ride
>and a comic book series plus spinoffs
>and multiple board games
>and multiple books
>and another video game
>and a stage musical adaptation
>and a feature length documentary
>cause we have to draw the line somewhere

This is lowkey cruel

Why are they so ugly bros? Why?

just stop watching. how many threads, days, years of your life have you spent whining about the exact same headline

They need to call it Black to the Future. I would unironically watch and enjoy a modern day blaxploitation take on back to the future

Now do a Jada edit with no hair

You really think so? He doesn’t look like that to me but I’m not familiar with the guy at all except for this post. He looks like a run of the mill dark skin black guy


In the reboot he car jacks the delorian? Lamo

KEK. This made me laugh hard

Wasn't Marty white trash, whose son also went to prison and he got fired from his job for insider trading? The McFlys were white trash. Even the third movie had them be Irish vagrants.

he has the whitest name any nigger could have HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAH

Is the BTTF the last major Hollywood IP that hasn't been remade?

You do know that 30 years ago for the Zoomers is the 90s right? He'll be going back to a time were The Fresh Prince was a hot sitcom, Wesley Snipes was a big action star, hip hop was cool and popular and ruled by Tupac and Biggie etc. But knowing this woke shit, he's probably gonna end up stopping the Rodney King beating. If Will Smith didn't throw his career away, there might've been a kino scene where the kid meets him and tells Will, "You won't believe this story... my life got flipped, turned upside down" and then a dawn of inspiration flies across Smith's face.

I don't care anymore

Ah shit
My eyebrows raised when i read this thumbnail in the catalog

This means im racist, right?


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It means you're gullible and fall for clickbait fake headlines, but so did most other posters ITT so you are in good company.

At this point I encourage this shit.
(((They))) are finally isolating the normies, the spics, the chinks, and the overly patient and formerly unassuming whites.

The backlash is going to be glorious

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Sure it will

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Nah. We need to burn this motherfucker down.

Anyone excited for the part where he goes back into the past and all the white people are horrible evil racists so all the millions of kids watching the family friendly movie will be taught that white people bad?

america is OBSESSED with black people

Welp, there goes the perfect Miles casting.

Marty, if your father doesn't rape your mother tonight in the back of the car before the dance, you'll be erased from existence!

>You do know that 30 years ago for the Zoomers is the 90s right
Well seeing how the 90s were in fact 30 years ago I don't see how that's wrong or what do zoomers have to do with it but okay. I guess denentia really fucks up a boomer's brain

>Black to the Future 4: Aww Sheeit, Here We Go Again

Wait. Seriously? The kikes are doing a black rapunzel? Source me senpai.

How will she let down her nappy, greasy, brittle, nigger hair though?
>ayo bitch toss a nigga yo extension cuhh I’m finna bouta hit dem skinz and spark dis blunt ya heard

>The backlash is going to be glorious
Yeah, just like it was with all the other franchises they BLACKED
In your dreams chuddie, this is the norm now



It’ll probably be about going back in time and taking Qwoneesha to get an abortion before she gives birff in da amberlamps to a nigger that ends up going to college and becomes a country western singer and destroys dey famlee (sans father of course) reputation the hardest, and less literate niggers in the projects






Now I will watch your movie Mr Sheckelburgsteinwitz

What are you going to do, assault someone on international television and prove to earth that letting niggers into any part of civilization is a failed experiment?

it's fake you idiots

>ayo, Tyrone, climb yo ass up herr and gib me my EBT and grape coolaid nigga

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