She wants to see morbius, what do? suffer through it for some pus?

She wants to see morbius, what do? suffer through it for some pus?

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yeah user, that's the price you pay for bussin

Do it faggot


marry her. morbichads rise up

>not being a morbchad in the year 2010+12

letting the woman plan things.

what a bitch

do it for the perchina user

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She’s an eager beaver because i’m a top guy, physically. Most guys can’t relate

>suffer through it for some pus

Yeah, if you plan on getting anywhere with women you better get used to suffering through dumb shit.

helo butifel show bob and perchina

>"tity more tity"
This kid is going places

ceah bruh the fukin pussy

I poound tat fukin puss right next her asshole nad i fukin sniff it fukin sweet pussy ass

fukin that pussy


practice@7cheabruh #GOTIGERS

imma fuck chelsea bruh in her asshole fukin cum in ther efukin creampie redtube

A few nights ago a friend’s roommate started texting me goofy messages, and it became clear she was alone in her room and quite drunk. She spent a few hours sending me absolutely ridiculous messages (hundreds) and videos of herself, getting drunker as the night progressed, before announcing that she was too drunk too live and that she had to go to sleep.
I only know her as one of my friend’s many roommates, and she hasn’t messaged since.
What did she mean by this? Is she embarrassed?

By the way, despite being drunk she was still more eloquent and had better typing than OP’s girl. Is typing like OP’s girl an American thing?


Imagine being such a beta you suffer through some shit movie just for puspus

It's a 1hr40min long inoffensive movie, just watch it with her. Make out if you get bored, if you're not worried about the security cameras in the cinemas.

A based lad in the making.

Don’t sacrifice your kino license for the possibility of pussy
Be strong
Make her watch Yojimbo

>if you're not worried about the security cameras
This is the most incel thing I've ever read on here.

get drunk and do the same thing back to her. either that or make her think she sent you some dirty vids but told you to "shhh... keep them a secret" and deleted them off her own computer thinking you were gonna do the same. maybe you can convince her she shit herself a little trying to pose for you.

absolutely based drunk messagers
work out what her drinking schedule is and then pretend to be drunk at the same time, if ur both getting drunk at the same time invite her to a bar and shell prob go
also dont watch morbius lol

>Women don't take initiative with him
stop telling on yourself

sex gifs

>tity more tity

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I saw this on a date the other day. We both went in knowing it was going to be bad and ended up having a great time quietly laughing together at the absurdity of Jared Leto's ridiculously edgy bat-man adventures.

the trick is to order vodka sodas but then yours is just soda. vodka cranberry works good too but you'll get made fun of. or you can fill a whiskey bottle with iced tea - brought one of those along on a first date one time and just kept takin' swigs.

Literally me

faggot just drink alcohol
also the less gay and faggy way to do it is like in mad men, scotch water and ice, slowly sip it till it turns clear then order another, you get barely any alcohol but it looks like youve had 10 drinks

>faggot just drink alcohol
>you get barely any alcohol
you're just using the same angle I am but my thing is better. hope u had fun sucking my dick, retard.

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Lol that user and other little pussies ITT probably have no experience drinking or are vicious binge drinkers who have no ability to properly get a load on. I agree if you have to do the fake drinking thing do the Roger Sterling technique, the other one you don't want to get caught.

>being unable to outlast a fucking woman while drinking

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You should consider suicide you dumb faggot. I can't believe this thread actually has responses.

Nah I'm just asian

based chad in the making

>the other one you don't want to get caught
that element of danger is what makes it more fun than sipping watered down whisky. lying to strangers and getting away with it is extremely fun.

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You can't get caught out using his technique and you'd have to pay off the bartender in most cases to get them to go along with your ruse. His technique is much more subtle and also lower maintenance. Even if someone accuses you of doing it with his technique you can just finish your next one to shut them up.

You also have to set it up with the bartender in advance, and make sure it's the same bartender all night, just way too much effort.

>youtube search
Not only a coomer but an edgy kid

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you neednt worry then its not like your gonna get a chance at a girl anywway

no, you tell them you're the DD - simple as. you can tip more if you want to be a nice guy since your tab will be low, but it's not necessary. nobody cares unless you're dragging some comatose drunk chick by her ankles out the door.

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lmao no you don't you fucking retard. you must really have shit charisma if you're having to pay people off for normal behavior to not hate you.

>user finds a girl that wants to see the movie staring the notorious pedo cult leader creep

Nigga gonna be missing a kidney.

I recognize this pasta. It's not even cold user...

do it

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Perchina-posting will be the new cunny-posting lads. You heard it from me.

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if she's wanting to run around doing all of these things, she is not DTF any time soon. she may even be using you for a free night out.

just a heads up, user

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yeah but wanting to see an awful movie is a pretty good sign she's up for something else when the lights dim down

Nah. She specifically wants to go with a guy to watch Morbius because she wants someone she can fool around with, while she closes her eyes and imagines that guy is Jared Leto. It's super obvious what's going on here.

t. woman knower

Maybe if they rented a movie at his place and ordered a pizza (sushi is the play, tho).

But seeing a film at a theater is restrictive. You can't talk. You can't cuddle. And if Morbius is bad (it is), it will dry up her pussy.

Next thing you know you're raping her in the parking lot cause she said "no".

>8 year old has the linguistic ability of your average 30 year old pajeet

>suffer through it for some pus?
Well, hopefully you get puss and not pus, but still, the entire movie, and after the movie she'll have his gigantic cock on her mind so you better be able to measure up, user

I'm an incel because I don't want to get banned from my local cinema?

Just bring her back to your place and put on Das Boot. If she likes it you have foind wife material. If it bores her she’ll initiate sex before you’re an hour into it, and then you can dump her afterwards. It’s a win/win

lol you guys get no play!!!!!!! devising all this stupid shit. literally just ask her to fuck. she made it clear she wants it, you don't need to play games

ashley is a good girl

the fuck is 'per china' supposed to mean


The kid is a Chinese spy. Probably Hunter Biden's handler.

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This kid is based beyond belief

>women used to make fun of men for reading cape comics haha stupid nerds
>women are now the biggest consumers of capeshit
No bitch we're going to my house and we're having a Tarkovsky marathon I got the 4 hours cut of Andrei Rublev without subtitles, I'm not 12yo anymore I don't care about kiddie hollykike cape shit, also I'm gonna put it in your ass and you're doing the dishes

You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Send her a dick pic
Bitches love dick pics