Howardniggas... Tell me we're gonna be ok in season 6

Howardniggas... Tell me we're gonna be ok in season 6...

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This guy is unironically the definition of did nothing wrong.

Except that onetime he was a cunt to Kim for no apparent reason and she left HHM and took mesa verde with her. Either I missed the reason for his cuntyness here or it was never explained.

He’s got the ego you’d expect of any high powered lawyer but otherwise he’s done nothing wrong. My prediction is that they go after Howard and Kim ends up getting fucked over hard, facing the brunt of the consequences for it (maybe disbarment).

Howard probably makes out ok in the end and I don’t think Kim will actually die. We pretty much know Lalo dies somehow and Nacho is also probably gigafucked

Howard is not going to live I think
>Kim is going to go too far in her schemes and either kill him indirectly or lead him to off himself
>He starts going after Jimmy and Lalo/another Salamanca offs him for digging into things
I think the 2nd option is more likely. Jimmy got a lot of notoriety for getting Lalo out and dropping off his bail and I'm certain Howard will find it suspicious as fuck. Plus the recent teaser with Howard and Jimmy at the gym has the PI guy he hired with Chuck in Season 3.

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What the fuck
That’s a nice catch. So I guess it really is gg for Howard

Looks like the other side's got an entry hole as well.

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>Except that onetime he was a cunt to Kim for no apparent reason
he was embarrassed after jimmy aired the sandpiper commercial because he had vouched for him and convinced clifford to hire jimmy, but he didn't want to accept responsibility so he took it out on kim

Odenkirk is looking rough. He should catch some rays and eat some fruit.

I'm not sure when that photo was taken but the dude had a heart attack recently

They're going to kill him.

He almost died from (((vaccine))) side effects.


>We pretty much know Lalo dies somehow
Jimmy's first appearance in BrBa, he says "Lalo? It wasn't me, it was ignacio!" So jimmy at least believes lalo is alive

he's going to get CHUCKED

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can't believe they made Howard eat the bullet

makes you wonder whether they had something planned for jimmy's backstory all the way back then, or if they just built those characters around the random shit jimmy came out with throughout BB

Yeah that’s true, I misremembered what he said in that scene a bit. The only counterpoint is the scene where Fring tells Hector that all of the Salamancas are dead. It’s possible that Lalo dies but Jimmy never actually finds out about it. Idk

I'd say the latter, it's a pretty simple throwaway line to establish that saul has had shady dealings with dangerous people in the past

That's a good point I forgot about gus and hector
Combining the two, Lalo probably dies but Jimmy doesn't find out for whatever reason, maybe mike disappears him

Yeah I don’t think they had things planned out too far in advance, but they’re good writers so it feels like it could have been planned out.

Howard did nothing wrong, chuck was keeping Jimmy out of HHM not Howard...

>tfw no mommy Kim gf
It hurts

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>Lied to Jimmy for years while Chuck actively fucked his life & does absolutely nothing to try dissuade chuck or help Jimmy
>Constantly hampers Kim's Career while she worked at HHM for petty bullshit
>Is fully aware that Chuck's illness is complete bullshit, has no problem using it to help Chuck get Jimmy disbarred and only has a problem when it starts affecting HHM's insurance

He's not as awful as most of the cast but he's not a good guy

He looked up to Chuck. Chuck started the company with his dad iirc, so there was a hierarchy of seniority there. I think the only bad thing you can say about him is he hampered Kim's career.

It's always easy to forget that slippin' Jimmy is the badguy in this series.

You know what, yeah you are right he did do some messed up shit but he's literally behind Clifford Maine as the cleanest bloke on the show.

He was essentially buck broken by Chuck’s influence. He’s a trust fund kid who followed in his daddy’s footsteps, now working with his Dad’s esteemed partner. It makes sense that he would defer to Chuck’s judgement and go along with what he said.

It's a throw away line for flavor so we immediately know what kind of man he is. Don't be daft.

When he pulled up the chair...
He was looking at that asscrack, wasn't he?

Kim (and by extension the actress herself) is one of those rare cases where a woman isn’t really that hot on paper but becomes hot with the addition of her personality.

This scene broke me. I'm not kidding. It left me in tears. Jimmy never deserved her. I don't either. But if I had a Kimgf I would do my best to make her smile like this. Every chance I got. I love you kim.

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>Splitting the season in two halves
Why are they doing this

WTF is our boy going to die? Poor Howard

user, that was pretty gay of you to say

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This. Also being under Chuck's thumb embarrassed him and he took that out on Kim aswel.

God damn it if Saul gets Howard killed or Kim imprisoned the finales gonna suck. Killing off Chuck (who literally did nothing wrong) was bad enough already

Chuck did everything wrong.

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Chuck is literally me

You also humiliate and sabotage people while pretending to be their best friends?

Why would it suck? In real life good people get fucked over all the time

Falseflag photo. We all knoe Vince and Gould browse this board

Chuck is one of those guys who appears good by all traditional indicators of moral value — he follows the law, contributes to society, and abhors dishonesty. But when you drill down further you find only ego, callousness, inflexibility, and cuntyness. A good person would feel proud of his younger brother for pursuing a better career, not attempt to sabotage his attempt at self improvement. In my view, guys like Chuck are a graver threat to human well-being than guys like Jimmy

im not sure if Gus was naming off every Salamanca that died or every Salamanca that was killed in Mexico beforehand. Probably the ladder but if he was naming everyone he didn't mention Lalo or his real name, Eduardo. Regardless if Lalo DOES die no one will probably find out because if he was killed then surely Mike would know and if Mike knew he would tell Saul but clearly Saul still thinks he's alive in breaking bad.

chuck was the villain until you saw how jimmy acts without him around. chuck was right.

Wasn't it a self fulfilling prophecy: Chuck sabotaged Jimmy because he thought Jimmy was a lawbreaker, so Jimmy had to resort to breaking the law, proving Chuck right. Which doesn't exempt Jimmy from responsibility. I just think he did more to build a bridge with Chuck and Chuck's unwillingness is what send them both into a spiral.

Chuck was a cunt and he deserved to die, if mostly to release him from his shitty crippled life.

Yeah I don’t buy it. Jimmy’s a fraud, don’t get why he acts surprised that Chuck doesn’t want him working at HHM


You don't buy it, because you are human scum like Chuck.

>Wasn't it a self fulfilling prophecy
Yep, it was. That's why it's obvious to root for Jimmy at first. But shit like the insurance company, blaming Howard for Chuck's death etc shows that Chuck has valid reasons for trying to keep Jimmy away from the law

>But shit like the insurance company
To get back at Chuck
>Blaming Howard for Chuck's death
He didn't want to blame himself because deep down he still loved his brother.

Chuck was a textbook abuser. Jimmy should've just cut ties and both would've been better off.

This is one of those points that I often raise with other fans of this show, and one I think is too often glossed over. It could never have been any other way: Chuck is A. absolutely right about Jimmy and B. the reason Jimmy became Saul. Maybe in a different world, if any one exchange between them or their parents were a bit altered, then they could have helped each other reach the height of the law, but in the world of the show there was no other way it could have ended up. This word gets tossed about frivolously but it's legitimately Shakespearean. Bravo, Gould indeed.

There's only a month's break instead of a year

Kim got Mesa Verde to work with HHM, yet Howard remained firm on her punishment. Y'all are also forgetting the time Kim was out for lunch with Kevin & Paige and Howard went over to their table to humiliate her.

This, for people who seek out BCS production news, that picture was way too obvious. So obvious that if anything it proves to me that Howard survives

he looks like he breeds asian boipuccis on the side

>Howard probably makes out ok in the end and I don’t think Kim will actually die.
Let me stop you right there
Kim has to go live in South America in hiding to protect Saul
Howard won't make it
My dad works at Nintendo, cheers

>the time Kim was out for lunch with Kevin & Paige and Howard went over to their table to humiliate her.
He was just saying hi

>Kim has to go live in South America in hiding to protect Saul
Idk about South America but I’m pretty confident that Kim will survive. I still think she’ll be disgraced as a result of one of their schemes. She will take the fall for Saul somehow despite his best efforts

He will change his name on Wendy.

there is no way saul behaves like he does in breaking bad without something happen to him in bcs. i guess he will be responsible for the death of howard, nacho or kim. but he cant even admit that he is responsible for chucks death. its gonna be complicated.

nah it was under the guise of saying hi, but he was there to rub salt in the doc review wound because he was bitter after Chuck's whole "HE DEFECATED THROUGH A SUNROOF" fiasco