Cool World

Yeesh, what a downgrade.

Attached: holly_kim_comparison.jpg (615x310, 49.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how do i get to cool world bros?

Through the end of a noose

>cool world
>its hot

only movie i've had to pause to jerk off midway through

Attached: Holli Would.webm (720x576, 2.63M)

You can tell the guy who made this movie had a huge fetish about fucking cartoons

and in turn gave me that stupid fetish

Attached: Holli Would 1.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)

That would be Ralph Bakshi.

Attached: 1_BgzUZ9e2uwf2QVpnpyutww.jpg (500x386, 42.62K)

No matter what the art style. 2d>3d

Holly isn't even the best Bakshi girl.

Attached: Wizards_-_Elinore.jpg (704x388, 52.96K)

This movie is weird as hell. I liked the twisted backgrounds

Older user here, my friend’s dad would best off to this movie regularly. It was weird.

Same. Soundtrack's a banger, too.

... in front of you ?


that scene was something

Attached: Holli Would 2.webm (1920x1080, 2.29M)

For me it was her dancing.

the dancing was good too

Attached: Holli Would 7.webm (720x576, 1.83M)

I'd like to see the original footage of the real girl dancing.

Is this movie worth watching?
The title being "Cool World" always makes me chuckle

It's just weird enough to watch at least once.

it's not good movie ,but it is a fun movie .alcohol makes it better

Attached: Holli Would 6.webm (720x576, 1.77M)

Only good bit movies trash

>not Rozz

I don't know why I'm supposed to hate this movie. The plot wasn't that hard to follow and the backgrounds looked really pretty. It's not Dick Tracy, but people are way too harsh on Cool World.

It's from a time when Hollywood had to try and would make all kinds of different movies. It's not a good movie but I think that it is interesting enough to watch if that makes any sense.

it was a latter day ralph bakshi movie that was envisioned as a horror movie about a half "toon" character who's life is awful trying to get revenge on her parents. after who framed roger rabbit blew up, the studio turned it into a weird horny drama. i don't really know what to make of it or what brad pitt is doing there

It's too long, a bit boring, looks cheap and has a weirdly talented cast sleepwalking their way through the film. It should be a lot better.

Also, this thread lacks videos of the MC's hotter doodle girlfriend.

Here you go. I liked her, too.

Attached: 3ba9df2df920f1954ac427551846294b.jpg (722x600, 69.08K)

i need an animated cut-out png version of holli so i can play her on my pc screen on the corner thank you

Was this shot on really cheap camcorders or something? All the versions of this film are muddy and grainy

a blu ray was announced so we might get some proper HD without those weird filters otherwise the dvd version is the best one currently

Why didn't Brad Pitt just let one of the gangsters in the cartoon world kill him sooner so he could turn into a doodle and be with his girlfriend?

Attached: frodo.jpg (600x599, 45.22K)

Just realized now she wasn't wearing panties.

i LOVE that little detail

Attached: Holli Would 3.webm (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>what if we made Who Framed Roger Rabbit? but as a softcore porn
>well nevermind the studio says we can't do nudity so let's just show off our Ersatz Jessica Rabbit a little more
Cool World sucks because of the lack of nudity.

Indeed. 2D>3D

How can you jerk off to animation that jerky

very carefully

Attached: Holli Would 4.webm (1920x1080, 1.16M)

It's really amazing how much worse this looks than Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

My dick. Is this rotoscoped? It seems too smooth to not be, but at the same time it's weirdly choppy.

yeah rotoscoped but with limited frames due to budget. they probably had to redo it a bunch of times due to faggot studio meddling

from what i've read yeah

Attached: Holli Would 5.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

I think it already is out, and it's still very grainy

pretty sure it's not ,there are 1080p streams ,though they suck

>ywn have anal with Holly

>anal with Holly

avoiding cartoon babies i see

Attached: holli 62.png (1067x1316, 851.25K)

hehe, I'm actually a father of two sons IRL, I just love anal, prefer it actually over vaginal. There's something so hot about making love with your woman's ass

relentlessly based

Attached: cool-world-bakshi-awesome-holly-pub-cel_1_6babb85885afca811fc9ac69abb0e03f2-removebg-preview.png (242x347, 51.14K)

Tell me you've got an enema kit at home and you make sure she uses it before right? You don't actually stick your dick in shit? I know it doesn't have a nose but ffs

>Be me
>Bored working the nightshift at a gas station
>buy some microwavable chili and Fritos
>start watching Cool World on my phone
>chilis done
>use the spicy nacho cheese dispenser in the Frito bag and dump the chili in.
>Finish the hot diaper of food I made
>wash it down with a monster
>damn this movie is kinda saucy
>go to the bathroom to jerk off
>im the one who cleans the bathrooms anyways
>mid jerk
>Stomach makes a new noise
>Non-newtonian fluid gushes from my ass hole
>still semi-erect
>not used to this feeling
>even though the wrath of God is forcing its way out of me, keep watching cool world
>the worst is over
>feel something in my feet
>my cock is floating above the rim instead of facing down
>I pissed my pants while they were on my ankles
>try to dry it with toilet paper
>no use
>there are cameras in the building
>wear wet pants for the rest of the night
>smell like shit
>smell like piss
>Cool World is a 4/10

Attached: download (2).jpg (512x512, 36.5K)

Thank you, fellow anal lover

Attached: hollywood-sign1992_drhmaagy2.jpg (970x615, 136.73K)

Nah men, nothing so porn industry.
If she takes a sufficient dump and feels empty bowel wise it's a green light.
Unfortunately, she's not into anal like me so ot's once in a blue moon.
Hell man, when you have kids even regular sex is rare, let alone anal which takes prep time

I'd like to try it. It's just that the risk of poop turns me off. I've got a friend who tells me: 'You know a girl loves you when she does ass to mouth.' Which I find fucking nasty. To each his own.

Also Bakshi somehow made prime Kim Basinger look like a sweaty pig

Imagine being such a coomer that you unironically think that Cool World is worth watching.

That IS nasty, and as an anal lover anything beyond vanilla anal is a trun off.
I don't know exactly, when and why started my "obsession" with anal; sometime in highschool, but as to why I can't tell. To me, ass and asshole are the sexiest part of female body, bit she has to be properly built, no skinny bitches, Latinas are where it's at.
As for getting your dick brown, if she shits properly you're pretty much good, if she does aenema, you're golden.

Attached: 38e7e95bfed93d171e6ba32c58dca34855f1e64c.jpg (1000x833, 289.49K)

your friend is kind of right though
but women can't feel love, it just means she thinks the guy is valuable enough when it comes to good boy points (or whatever scoring system you want to use when it comes to females scoring men on their total value - fame, wealth, status, breeding qualities, intelligence, height, dick size etc) for her to perform such an act

What's better: Doggystyle anal or cowgirl anal?
The latter always looks kinda weird in porn. But it's about how it feels right, not how it looks on the outside.

you're lucky you find anything anal sexually attractive, I like asses but the anus is nasty and gay and not visually appealing at all