Holy shit

Holy shit

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what video game

This is the most absurd and batshit show ever

That image literally made me watch the show. Have never seen a screenshot like it, not from a movie or TV show.

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These tits are mine.
There are many like them but these ones are mine.
Without me my tits are useless.
Without my tits I am useless.

Fat titted Mithraic milf is mine guys, stay away!

Attached: mithraic-milf.png (1011x680, 663.17K)

Show legitimately watches like someone has had a schizo breakdown in the writers room and everyone said "Fuck it let's just roll with this mentally insane script anyway".

Mortal Kombat?

season 2 was garbage

Looks like a monster from a shitty 80's low budget straight to VHS film.

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-02-27-01h55m58s060.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

what show??

the cgi for the tanks literally looked like it was made with technology from the 90s


bred by dogs

Idk why people complain about the CGI. In my opinion it fits really well with the design of the show and gives it that comfy early 2000s look.

we aren't discussing your home videos user

>early 2000s
They had better cgi than this shit by 2000. I honestly couldn't tell if they aired the workprint on accident the first time they showed the tank moving. It looked so bad.

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Raised by wolves

Looks like an early C&C NOD tank.

what SyFy original movie is this?

I stopped watching on season one after the episode where the mithraics fuck both mother and father up. Should I keep going?

Looks like a giga version of those aliens from men in black

>Should I keep going?
Depends. Why did you stop?

I figured out why I cant stand this show, it's the female haircuts.

No reason, I just got tired. Also, all characters introduced until now besides the android couple are mediocre.

Fair enough. If you don't like it, you don't like it.

It's only zoomers who seem to expect $$$$$$$$ ILM/Weta level CGI for everything, regardless of a movie or show's budget or scale. Everyone older tends to just roll with it for the sake of the story. Understanding a bit of janky'ness is always around for projects below big budget A tier.
Historically viewers have been over looking wonky stuff for decades, like say nearly every single sci-fi film before modern CGI. Other than maybe 2001: A Space Odyssey and Starwars.

The doooooor

Adds to the charm.

It's because they're all capeshitting Star Wars faggot gaymers who need cutting edge CGI and graphics because they have no imagination and NEED the computer animation to do the heavy lifting in place of their brains.

Only retards watch things. Retards have no imagination so needs the visuals pumped into their heads. Real men read books.

Fine, blonde sister of battle is my waifu.

It's very possible she survived falling into that pit by catching onto the chain and jumping into one of the tunnels, or possibly Grandmother saved her.
Very possible, fingers crossed for season 3.


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What the fuck. Is this the CGI from the actual show? It looks like some one rendered it in Bryce 3D using Windows XP in 2001.

I liked season 1. S02 was shit

Who gives a shit about the bad CGI. Raised By Wolves is one of the few modern sci-fi shows with SOL (pbuh)

Yes the plot might be absolutely retarded schizo bullshit but if you’ve been paying attention they’ve had all this retarded schizo bullshit planned from the beginning, there’s too much foreshadowing for them to be winging it season by season.

Also Father best character by a mile.

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>we want le intellectual evangelion audience

So was devolving humanity Grandma's plan form the start, or did she only come up with it once her veil was removed, thus altering her judgement?

its only good because its garbage

>Who gives a shit about the bad CGI
>Who cares about CGI when you can have practical effects
>Who cares about colour when you can just use black and white
>Who needs sound, why can't you just imagine it
>24fps what? Bro all you need is 10fps running on a hand cranked machine
Fuck off you old cunt.

i think it was the plan the whole time

if anything removing the veil might make her not devolve them, the veil makes her feel emotions that contradict her design: she was designed to protect humans and devolve them with the veil, now with the veil she might feel love for them as intelligent beings and consider letting them be intelligent as opposed to making them mindless fishmen.

without the veil**


However do not praise the entity! Who here believes sol exists but the entity is taking the mantle in order to confuse and subvert the flock?

I hope the cheap cgi budget makes it more likely we get a season 3.

>she was designed to protect humans and devolve them with the veil
user I don't think that's what happened, she a rogue AI, they didn't DESIGN HER so she would turn them into fucking fish people, that's just a terrible offshoot of her programming which led to the collapse of the civilization on Kepler. The ONLY thing she could do to protect them against Sol/Entity was take away their ability to hear it, she didn't want to devolve humans, it was a last choice but based on logic kind of thing, they are androids.

What's the reason for combining Mithras and Sol Invictus?

Lucius' outrageous Swedish accent cracks me up.


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she pretty in death

It was clearly the plan the whole time, because that's how the fish people, the dog people and the semi-devolved hermit ninja guy from season 1 came about.
She's very old so the implication might be that the sea devolving people wasn't an original feature of Kepler 22b but was actually something she forced.

It will be interesting to see if they explain how humans could have been on Kepler 22b for so long.
Maybe there's supposed to be a past advanced space faring civilisation but there was a devolution of humans on earth into cavemen to prevent them from being called by Sol.

>It was clearly the plan the whole time
her prime directive is to ensure the "everlasting life of human beings"
as someone mentioned before is an example of a general ai trying to achieve its goal.
its obvious to a human that a devolved human is not a human but for gm a 99.9 human is still a human.
she says herself that she only had to alter some parameters of the equation to get the desired result.
she cannot change the equation, but she can change the inputs.

knotted by mutts

This show is on drugs

They actually made a show based on a dark souls meme? Lmao.

"Humans" originated on Kepler, apparently a society called Technocrats which built Grandmother. They warred, something to do with the snakes and the Entity/Sol, and sent part of their species to Earth to be raised by androids just like what happened with Kepler, and that's how the humans/Mithraics came about in the shows timeline. The cave painting shows exactly what happened in the first episode but in reverse a long time ago.

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My one buddy is in this show, lmao.

Uhhh yeah, by "the whole time" I meant her whole time in the show as per the context of the post I was answering.

Do you know that for sure? In the painting the space ship is traveling to a planet that has all these moons around it similar to Kepler 22b but dissimilar to Earth.
I thought that it was depicting ancient humans arriving on Kepler 22b or was possibly a prophecy (of what Sol would tell humans to do in the) future/time of the show.

who? cleaver? lucius? father?

what do you mean dissimilar to earth? it's the third planet with a moon
how is that not earth?
the ship with embryos & androids is pointed away from 22b

This. When Mother found out what her plan was, the veil made her realize that it was "objectively" the right thing to do. This conflicted with her caregiving program, which is why she tried to remove it.
There's also that scene where mother asks GM if it would be hard to remove the veil, to which she replies something like:
>it won't be any harder than it will be for you to wear it
implying that the devolution plan was conflicting with her programming as well.

snek did nothing wrong
he just wanted to be an elder god and chill

Kepler on the left, three moons, full of squiggles (snakes). Ship that looks exactly like the one Mother and Father arrived in showing 2 pilots and glowing orbs (embryos), flying to a planet shown to be 3rd from the sun with its own moon (Earth). I can't see that as anything but a clear indication that everything started on Kepler and history is repeating itself because muh religion and sci fi mixed together (I say this in a good way). Mithraic tech was legit, they didn't understand but could piece it together and use it, because it had already been developed on Kepler and taken to Earth to be "found" via scriptures. It's all part of the plan, whatever the fuck it may be.

Also I'm not sure what constellation that is off hand honestly but I imagine it plays into it (Kepler IRL is in the Cygnus constellation and it doesn't look like that)

Forbidden World had top-tier titties for an '80s movie

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Is that some kind of space Jew killing space Jesus?

Imagine having such low iq that the setting theme, lighting and vehicle design reminds you of some early 90s shit so your brain automatically thinks the cgi is early 90s quality

There is literally nothing wrong with that scene