You're put in charge of casting the new season of True Detective. Which two actors do you cast and why?

You're put in charge of casting the new season of True Detective. Which two actors do you cast and why?

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Mel and Danny Glover

Donald glover and Mel gibson

Mel Glover and Danny Gibson

Bro holy shit are you serious ? Fuckin 4 seconds apart we post the same shit

matt mccogleney and woody harrelson

Kristen Bell and Noah Munk

Steve Buscemi and William H Macy

Eric Roberts and William Fichtner

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matt mccogleney and woody harrelson

Kristen Bell and Noah Munk

Steve Buscemi and William H Macy

is it called "the unfuckables"?

And Mickey Rourke

Steven Seagal and Fat Steven Seagal

Eric Roberts and William Fichtner

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is it called "the unfuckables"?

True Detective - how 'far' will it 'go'

none. the actors don't matter when there's never going to be a season one script again. they worked on that for over ten years to get it right. probably the best set of ideas in those writers' lives. it won't happen again.

fuck that, let me choose the director. It's Fukunaga, and it's going to be kino

He could be the kino villain

Lynch to direct? Raimi?

Is there anything worse than having dementia?


And Mickey Rourke

Is it jsut me, or is there posts doubling up?

Steven Seagal and Fat Steven Seagal

Roberts’ sadsack good for nothing brother. Fitchner is the supportive partner when swerve he’s a piece of shit. Rourke redeems himself and saves his bro. Maybe too nicey but I just love me some old actors

Literally the same two guys, playing the same two characters, post the events of the first season. One of Marty’s grandkids gets abducted and murdered and they find out it’s tied to the original pedo ring. It would break the fucking internet.

He could be the kino villain


Some black and some chinese guy
Ios angeles or new york
Would call it True Detective: Rush Hour.

Yeah it is. Either that or I’m going insane in the membrane

True Detective - how 'far' will it 'go'

This guy and Benecio Del Toro.

They could make an awesome mexico season with a serial killer being covered for by the cartel

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Kyle MacLachlan and Freddie Highmore

Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal
I just really like their charisma and they are really good actors

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Cillian Murphy and Eva Green. Because they're more favorite current year actors.


Kiefer Sutherland and Donald Sutherland.
No need to elaborate.
Russel Crowe.
Jodie Foster.

>gimme that Golden Globe already

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yeah and it would fucking suck too

Will Smith and Chris Rock

Set in Detroit, or Bal'imore

aidan gillen and tom hardy, they have unmatched chemistry

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Fuck I was going to tell you why it would be kino but I can’t disagree with quads, you win this round.

Is it jsut me, or is there posts doubling up?

I would watch

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double check

Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch

Some black and some chinese guy
Ios angeles or new york
Would call it True Detective: Rush Hour.


don't know who the second guy is but kyle maclachlan cast in true detective would be so fucking kino my brain would actually explode. the metatextuality alone, chuds might actually have to do a little reading to understand what was going on.

Yeah it is. Either that or I’m going insane in the membrane

Donald and Danny Glover are different people

Jonah Hill and Daniel Kaluuya

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Idris Elba and Zendaya

Bro holy shit are you serious ? Fuckin 4 seconds apart we post the same shit

Second guy is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and nuNorman Bates

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Fuck all that shit, just watch S1 again. More like True Kino amirite? Fuck yes I am

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