Based Mads BTFOing Depp

Based Mads BTFOing Depp

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did he really post that lol

If he actually posted that he's more based than I thought.


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I wish I looked like that.

what's the psychology behind mads' handsomeness

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His face is what I think of when people say "chiseled good looks."

psycho killer type. women love it, men fear it.

Who's net worth is higher though?

did death stranding increase his profile?

chiseled features. Strong jaw, very strong cheekbones strong brow. The only thing missing from him imo is a strong nose, but that would make hiim too powerful

has anyone seen the movie?
I saw a lot of trannies saying it was bad but it actually had some decent reviews from what I read

>get brutally abused by your wife
>lose a chunk of a finger because of it
>she accuses you of hitting her
>world is so fuckingn trash that even after proving she was the one doing the abuse and you the victim, you are still fucked by the media and film making industry as if you were the abuser.
fuck this clown world.

did he really post that lmao. god damn hannibal is based

kino face

>be rich
>decided to save some money by suing her wife and some newspaper in one go, forcing the trial to be done in europe.
>proves that his wife abuses him.
>wife proves that he is a junkie.
>lose trial because europoors hate junkies.
deserved to be honest, how can you be so fucking cheap while being rich?

what’s his net worth now?

He is Danish, most Danish men are really hot.

Highly doubt Mads even uses twitter

That's not the vibe he gives at all, he's just a handsome actor. Doesn't do it for me I have to say, there's something very performative about him that gives me the heebiejeebies. And it's not just being an actor, I like some actors (carnally). But I guess it does seem more common in actors. I'm definitely far more attracted to more serious men.

He's so gorgeous.

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he's too based for twitter

Sir you are looking at

the movie is shit though so it doesn't really matter.

Shitty hair genetics

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Must a movie be good? Is it not enough for him to play another hot gay villain?

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>all that
>for 5 bucks

A hat will fix.

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I saw the movie, it wasn't nearly as bad as some people are saying
it was better than the 2nd one and mads is great.

He elevates everything he's in desu. Hadn't seen the second until yesterday and it was messy as fuck, so I'm expecting it to be better even if only by virtue of his performance.

No trust me, the 2nd one was awful but this 3rd one is really not bad at all, basically as good as the 1st one. Structured/paced perfectly, much more emphasis on creatures this time, the acting is better, and Mads is great
I think people are just being harsh on the movie because of Rowling


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It's simply a combination of good look aesthetics
>the whole facial hair
>the graying hair bit
>the eyes
>bone structure
>his Danish background that makes him some kind of exotic white
>the nose
>even those wrinkles
>even voice is kino
A lot of women will call him 'daddy' in a heartbeat

I forgot where I read it but he has someone else manage his social media accounts

Depp is a talentless hack and we knew that already. So is mads though lol.

In fucking what universe?

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>tfw he's actually old enough to be my dad

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He richly deserved it.

Relax Mr Depp

Old timey European look to him. Like his ancestors came from the steppes.

You should have seen him 20 years ago. He looked like shit. Truly an inspiring story for Yea Forumsgoers.

guess some men are just late bloomers

What? He was attractive when he was younger, just in a different way.

Depp is so pathetic. He needs to just retire to a compound in Colorado until finally blowing his brains out like his worthless hero.

I would feel bad for Depp, bu then I remember he has always been a big defender of the West Memphis Three , convicted child killers. He was even best friends with that piece of shit Damien Echols

Do they explain why he looks different again in this movie? It’s funny that he’s had three actors over three movies in the series (Farrell/Depp/Mikkelsen)

because he's bald?

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Did they explain it the first time?

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that looks like it'd be at least 10

6 dollars and eight cents

incel men are deluded when they go on these gay tangents about how "handsome" that swede is or how handsome they believe women perceive him as lol

Colin Farrell never really played Grindelwald though, his face was that of a character that was always meant to only be in one movie
Grindelwald (Depp) was just impersonating him with Polyjuice

He was using human transfiguration to masquerade as Colin Farrell who was imprisoned/dead or something, then when they caught him at the end of the original movie he transforms into his original Johnny Depp form. Side note, I'm so glad that they kept Mads' styling pretty simple, Depp looked so over the top cartoony evil but Mads is perfect.

>married to age appropriate hot milf for over 20 years
Mads is one of the few good ones

>he transforms into his original Johnny Depp form
Really? Why did ournos write headlines about Farrell not returning for the second movie, then? Just plain retardation?

No, just like they didn't explain Dumbledore's change in appearance and demeanor in the original series

I saw it and liked it, don't trust the trannies. They've been shitting on it just to spite Rowling.

Fuck off loser

>Just plain retardation?
unironically yes