Why didn't she just go to the gym and get a good job?

Why didn't she just go to the gym and get a good job?

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She had a good job.

She wanted a few guys that she couldn't have so she ended it.

What she should've done is put on a nice tie, wear clean jeans, and give a firm handshake.

>Mike Simmons, the station director, said Chubbuck's suicide was unrelated to the station.
>"The crux of the situation was that she was a 29-year-old girl who wanted to be married and who wasn't," he said in 1977.

She was a typical unattractive roastie. Her standards were insanely high.


I think she was cute , however you are right , she would probably think me ugly and reject me

I saw the real video, don't @ me.

I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine

>doesn't want to date someone unless she actively had a crush on him
>wasn't willing to give someone a chance and try to get to know them
many such cases

>eat healthy

There, she can get any man she wants now

kek why would anyone want to date some jewish ghoul?

Ugly people with high standards are the literal worst
In the end, she did the right thing

>29 years old

But you'd be saving a crazy woman.

for some a ghoul is better than nothing

certain look in the eye and an easy smile

>Greg tells The Sun that she had two serious relationships. The first ended when the guy died in a car crash while Christine was still a teenager. The second was with another man who worked in television.

>She moved to Pittsburgh to be with him but her father was dead against the relationship because the man was a Jew.

>Greg believes the films may focus on the fact Christine was a spinster and still a virgin at the age of 30.

She didn’t even look that bad. I think she just had a bad case of princess syndrome. So she expected to have a billionaire chad begging for her pussi.

Id easilly place her 7/10 perhaps even 8 , but Ive been told my standards are weird

you're a retard yeah

Looks like a tranny

>Chubbuck had her right ovary removed in an operation the year before her suicide, and had been told that if she did not become pregnant within two to three years, it was unlikely she would ever be able to conceive.

Imagine the nagging and complaining if she was your Jew wife too... jesus

what pussy does to a mf

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>kek why would anyone want to date some jewish ghoul?

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This. In reality she probably had some mental illness beyond that. All it takes for a woman to get a man is literally showing up.

>still a virgin at the age of 30.
I could've saved her bros...

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I could have saved her.

It was 1977, Men were men back then, there was cucks but basedjaks didn't exist yet

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The pussy market hasn't inflated to unsustainable levels yet in the 70s

as someone who is most likely going to die alone it might be nice , sure she might nag , she might not have. no way to tell for sure

korean women treasure their virginity
they don't kill themselves because they can't be whores

Attached: pure virgin wendy.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

All women are the same dummy.

Can always put her in her place

I know you shitpost but Koreans tend to kill themselves a lot

What is your endgame with this shit?
Seriously I see this shit in every fucking thread now that remotely involves women.

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Is there a documentary on this chick or just the movie?

nah , Im not going to hit anyone, especially for something like bitching. Just like my father did , calmly tell her Ive had enough and im going for a ride , if there is an emergency call my cell phone

>Chad doesn't want me. bye bye :(

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also rebecca hall was too attractive for the part

Don't question schizos on this board.. you're just provoking them

I think just the two movies

Yeah looked it up. I’d prefer a documentary to a fictional account but whatever.

>still a virgin at the age of 30.
How is this even possible?

head back

>Chubbuck's lack of a romantic partner was considered a tangent of her desperate need to have close friends, though co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her. She was self-deprecating, criticizing herself constantly and rejecting any compliments others paid her.
Do roasties really?

>self-deprecating 30+ year old virgin who wants friends but doesn't know how
I don't remember anyone asking to use my life story for a movie

>29-year-old girl
to be fair, it was truly over for her

Lol, most of them lost their virginity to Korean version of Weinstein.

It was the 70's user...

I don't know who this is but just based off of OP's pic, she's not ugly at all. Above average.

Could this actually be something Mike just made up to deflect any blame from the station?

Oh you mean the decade after the one that normalized free love?
Dumb zoomer.
The 70's not only had the pill and free love, but it was before the AIDS scare.
People were fucking even more in the 70's, without condoms.

While true, this is also a meme because most people were still normal then

Being normal is what gets you laid.
All the spastic anime video game playing faggots and incels of today aren't having sex.

Speaking of condoms. I watched this thing on Hefner, and did you know he banged like 2-12 chicks every night most of his life raw dog and all he got was the clap a few times? Literally how is that possible. Like statistically, it seems borderline impossible. I thought my record of 12 chicks no condor and no stds was pretty good. That nigga banged hundreds, maybe thousands. The fuck

Yes I know. I had women friends who were virgins into their mid 20s in the modern day. I’ve heard stories from older people that contradicts much of the free love propaganda. Because it was.

Probably because they all worked for him and they all had to take std tests prior.

Even the boomers who weren't engaged in free love/casual sex, were in committed relationships and having sex with their partners.

She probably had her expectations all fucked all up from reading romance novels and junk. Or she had desperate, forceful energy. You don't have to like a chick to fuck her but some personalities are such turn offs that sex isn't all that interesting either. Hatefucks notwithstanding.