Exorcist named the best horror movie of all time in a poll with over 1,000,000 votes

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 21-46-51 The Exorcist Named Best Horror Movie of All Time.png (786x205, 24.33K)

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I agree with the poll. It's not just a good, scary movie, but it's well-acted with a great cast and is a good script that would almost stand on its own without all the horror too.

No one asked me.

It sucks. Saw is best

Ok, but I don't remember asking.

TCM is #1 disregard all other opinions

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Offhand I'd probably start by putting it up against Poltergeist. Aliens theatrical was surprisingly still literally terrifying the last time I watched it. Gremlins I think probably qualifies for contention. I don't think it has too much comedy. Ghostbusters I think does. But wait a second which reminds me, Evil Dead 1 and/or 2. They might be the best place to start.

1. Let the right one in
2. Suspiria (1977)
3. Repulsion
4. The Vanishing
5. Rosemary’s Baby
6. Perfect Blue
7. Tale of Two Sisters
8. Hour of the Wolf
9. Eyes without a face
10. The Shining

all that shit you named isn't even technically horror at all you fucking halfwit

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The Fly

Based list but add Les Diaboliques and remove The Vanishing

>Evil Dead part 1 isn't strict horror

For me it's
1) Rosemary's Baby
2) The Shining
3) Suspiria (1977)
4) The Exorcist
5) Possession (1981)
6) The Conjuring

They are horror, though

I agree
This user is right

I wouldn't say it's the scariest horror movie but it's definitely the best. The effects and creepy shit still holds up today and the movie is just fantastic.

Yeah even Ghostbusters has some seriously scary shit. Like when she gets taken in the chair. But even if it was some literal masterpiece I'd still offhand disqualify it for contention for best horror just since it doesn't have enough or whatever. Because I would perfectly fine betting that it's absolutely a better film than Exorcist.

>Hour of the Wolf
Scary how boring it is.

the exorcist is probably the best, but the scariest movie that I’ve seen is the moth man prophecies. the sound design genuinely fucks with you

>Let the Right One In
FINALLY someone with taste in kino. Great list overall as well.

50th anniversary in 2023

Terrible list in general, but the new Suspiria is considerably better than the old

Shouldn't horror movies be, ya know, scary? What the fuck is scary about Exorcist? Little girl saying fuckpussypoop? Or random 1 frame jumpscares?

for me its Rosemary's Baby then The Exorcist

Good choice. Got the top 20?

i gotta watch that again, i remember it being extremely creepy

I remember getting so scared by horror movies as a kid to the point that I wouldn’t be able to sleep that night. Even softer horror movies like Signs terrified me. I don’t feel that at all anymore, I haven’t been legitimately scared by a movie (startling doesn’t count) for at least a decade. Do you guys feel the same? I would attribute this to getting older but I remember older people I knew getting scared by movies back in the day

Any recommendations for horror movies that are actually horrifying?

>Shouldn't horror movies be, ya know, scary?

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Existential dread. Helps when you have something to bring to the table--if you aren't afraid it's because of your own lack of imagination.

>Shouldn't horror movies be, ya know, scary?
That would be a happy cherry on top but no, Horror as a genre is more about aesthetic than genuine terror... obviously. You're maladjusted if you get scared by a movie as an adult.
Yes all that's normal, like I was saying above.

user, you just grew up. Adults aren't getting scared by movies (adult males I mean, women never grow up intellectually), they just like the thrills and funny gore

Not necessarily, the fear element comes more under terror than horror, which horror can refer to a much broader spectrum of emotional responses than just fear alone

>entrance music plays
>BWP struts down towards ring

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>Existential dread
I don't think this term means what you think it means

zoomers BTFO

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Can we all agree that videogames absolutely mog movies in horror department? Even a silly fucking flash game like FNAF is 1000 times more unnerving that any film.

i agree with you its kinda cheesy

You're an embarrassing idiot.

every single old horror movie is not even scary and just comes off as boring as cringe. I'll take any modern horror movie over any of that garbage any day.

Yes most of all because there are zero niggers

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Horror movies don't need to be scary! Yes I prefer slow burn atmospheric movies over cheap jumpscares. Jumpscares don't scare you and they are so cheap! So you are a pleb?! Why don't you recommend some movies? Do you have ADHD? This is bait. Imagine actually spending time making that image. Those aren't even horror!

>1. Let the right one in
>6. Perfect Blue
are you gay?

what kind of sad freak would put that much work into bait

How new?

no cap bruh fr? 2016 bruh no cap

Pazuzu seems like a nice guy here. Smiling and waving. What’s the issue?

I wouldn't put Let The Right One In at the number one spot, but not a bad list

talk like a normal person you retarded faggot

It is also worth mentioning all the individual ways in which it is not scary:

1. If one does find the creature feature technique scary.
2. If one is not Catholic, i.e. does not believe in pagan polytheism and natural revelation.
3. If one does not believe children to be innocent.

1. Alien
2. The Thing
3. Re-Animator
4. American Werewolf in London
5. Under the Skin

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she did nothing wrong

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1. The House That Jack Built
2. The Shining
3. The Exorcist
4. Alien
5. The Thing

Funny thing is that it’s kind of true. They probably chose Pazuzu because some of the filmmakers were religious and wouldn’t want to fuck with a purely evil demon. Pazuzu is evil, but in lore he likes humans more than demons that fuck with humans especially with fertility.

Not scary. Didn't piss and shit my pants.

Maybe I need to watch it but Re-Animator is overrated.
From Beyond and especially Castle Freak seemed better.

What the fuck are you me? Fucking kino list and I actually agree with the ranking too for once

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Sure retard.

>Maybe I need to watch it but Re-Animator is overrated
>calling something overrated before even watching it

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Fuck. I meant re-watch it. Wojak still relevant I guess.

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Kek, been there. But yeah you should do yourself a favor and rewatch it, it’s one that I revisited years after having only seen once and it holds up like mad and is a comfy as fuck watch as far as 80s body horror kino goes

Why is the horror community filled with so many retards? It's either fat smelly soiboys or fat degenerate bulldykes/faggots/roasties. I can't stand the horror fandom, they are all degenerate lowlives and complete failures. Not to mention the wokeness infiltrating it. What happened to normal people who enjoyed horror?