Legendary transgender speedrunner Narcissa Wright was to have a documentary released about her speedrunning career

Legendary transgender speedrunner Narcissa Wright was to have a documentary released about her speedrunning career.



>film maker makes kickstarter to make documentary about Narcissa.
>Claim it'll be done late 2020.
>Gets fully funded. Raises 50k.
>Only 5 updates since it got funded.
>Latest says it's far from being done and gives no ETA.

These days Narcissa just streams herself on YouTube taking LSD and reading Harry potter.

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She threatened to shoot people at an event and then herself. Did anything come from this, law enforcement wise?

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She got perma banned and then they changed it to like a two week ban on appeal. What a fucking clown this guy is,

She literally threatened to shoot up twitch HQ. She's getting unbanned in a few days.

Imagine being on acid and realizing your a mutilated freak

The mouth smile teeth thing he does is so disturbing lol


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That's a man.

Did a tranny actually name himself narcissa? This has to be an elaborate troll.

at least he has a sense of humor

The documentary is dead because he stopped speedrunning

I was recommended this fags stream a few weeks ago on jewtube, where did i go wrong bros?

I have like a dozen troll accounts on YouTube that I've been using for years and a few months ago I trolled the shit out of one of his live streams. First off, there was only like 4 other people in the live stream chatting, and he had it set so when people posted a comment a robot voice would read it out loud. So naturally I would post shit like "you will never be a woman" and "you'll always be a man" and a bunch of racist stuff in chat, so the robot voice would read it out loud and it'd distract him from playing his game, he'd pause the game so he could ban me and continue playing, then I'd hop onto my other account and do it all again. Eventually I made him cry and shut down his live stream. The next day he was streaming again and he had it set so only people who were apart of his discord group could use the live chat.

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Narcissa is like a Hunter Schafer transition gone wrong

>be one of the best speedrunners of your generation
>start taking female hormones
>suddenly suck

Really makes you think

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I thought this was funny until you mentioned the part where you made her cry. Not cool dude. You're Punching down and going after east targets, you're a pussy and a bitch and I'd slap you if I saw you doing that shit in real life.

more like gone wright

Imagine killing yourself because of speedrunning of all things lmao.

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Yea I think she transitioned to being female

iirc it was just a tweet, nothing much and I understand why theyre getting unbanned beyond just them being trans. He seriously needs some help though, the fact he hasnt an hero’d is amazing.

You sound like a faggot.

This is a disturbing case. What's the situation like with his family? Is he living at home? Was he raised by a single mom or something?

>you sound like a faggot

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You're not cool or funny.

Family is poor+in debt after sending him to college

looks like his life is on...

a speedrun

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>having a text-to-speech chat that's open to the entire public
was kind of asking for it

Dangerously based.


Speedrunning is the most degenerate thing mankind has ever created.


an impossibility

All of these posts are very likely Narcissa. The thing about this troon is that he finds out wherever he is mentioned and goes there, has google alerts set to the name, checks lolcow(doot)farm, kiwifarms, imageboards, etc.

Cosmo, you will never be a woman. I know you've heard it a million times already but its not too late to stop trooning and go back to being a man.

Rwhitegoose is another speedrun faggot that has had a bad case of troll's remorse. He got caught being a /pol/fag and got cancelled a while ago. Now he is acting like being a /pol/fag was just an edgy phase and the jews are 100% good people.

I know all of this because i'm a speedrunner myself, good thing i'm not a troon.

You could've seriously made her take her own life with bullying like that. Is that what you want? For people to suffer and end their existence? You would've been charged and went to prison if she wrote about you in her suicide note.

i have no idea who this person is but this image always makes me laugh

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>It was just a tweet.
I know people who got felonies for posting something like this on Yea Forums. They were underage and poor but the state still raped them. Just a tweet isn't an excuse. The state doing nothing is because he's a tranny.

i thinmk narcissa is cute

Kill yourself cosmo

i think so in an ugly way.

I think you're just jealous because she has loyal followers and she's talented at speed running and no matter what, she holds world records, and that can never be stripped away

I hold WR's in speedrunning as well LOL, I actually hold them in more relevant games. I'm actually NOT joking lmao.

I hope this is real, I feel like there are some speedrunners I could see here but I cant think of them right now.

He just couldn't get past those first jumps.

there's also a pretty funny image of Yea Forums getting btfo in smash by it

Based. Doing god's work, user

I promise you what i'm saying is the truth, I wouldn't say i'm the most popular speedrunner but my twitch numbers beat narcissa by a lot. The issue is, I obviously won't dox myself on Yea Forums of all places. In the speedrunning community you have to place nice with troons, you have to put your gay (she/her) (he/him) shit in your bio, and basically be nice to their face if you don't want to be cancelled, I had a really close call with one of these people a long time ago. Nobody actually likes the troons in speedrunning, but we have no choice but to submit to them.

same, it's a real classic

You are my brother in Christ.


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I was mad he died


i want to beat this ugly faggots face in everytime i see it, whats that a quarter of a tab of acid? hardcore man

>>Gets fully funded. Raises 50k.
>>Only 5 updates since it got funded.
>>Latest says it's far from being done and gives no ETA.
How the fuck do kickstarter projects get away with this shit? They just get to take the money and run?

Delightfully devilish

We have a grooming victim over here.

sometimes they look cute but other times not and it confuses me I am so fucking degenerate I am never going to have sex and I don't deserve to

>and last but not least, I blame the youtube user Groyper88 for my demise, woe is me!

Kickstarter isn't a store. Any money given is a donation. If a project funds, the creators get all the money and have no obligation to complete the project or issue refunds

He talked to famous speedrunner WQQQQWRT recently

Get help, Cosmo.

I'm a trans individual who has been on Yea Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.

Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.