So... I watched this guy's new stuff, and frankly, I wish I had the luxury of being an arrogant rich asshole that could cluelessly talk down to people.
Didn't laugh once btw.
So... I watched this guy's new stuff, and frankly, I wish I had the luxury of being an arrogant rich asshole that could cluelessly talk down to people.
Didn't laugh once btw.
Watch out, the Daily Show programming still runs deep. Retards here still think he used to be funny or smart.
He, like Oliver, has subscribed to the new woke left without considering to give it the circumspection they have so ably deployed against the right.
He knows what he’s doing.
He sure knows how to piss me off. It's just tiresome, as if it isn't bad enough there are people sucking down and regurgitating the dubious nationalist diatribes of russian revanchist fantasies, there's people that are the same thing, but for black people.
My favorite part was when he painted critical allies in South East Asia as rogue totalitarian states, while making sure that all the other allies in the region understood just how fickle a US alliance can be.
Jon Stewart is literally the biggest strategic concern to Indonesia who base their grand strategy on the possibility of a US fleet appearing the the Java sea because they mistreat their faggots or something. From an Australian perspective the best thing for all concerned is that he be quietly disappeared in a shallow grave somewhere.
>arrogant rich asshole that could cluelessly talk down to people
It's good to know that Jon is still making the chudcels seethe. Even after, how long... twenty years? Jesus Christ.
He never talked down to people. That was his whole charm. He communicated with the republican base on their level instead of pandering to the media in their vernacular.
this is rather low quality bait, even for you
Who taught you to hate?
> talk down to people
only rosie o'donnel
right-wingers are the most hateful people on the planet.
that's just false outright
The jews' end game is to create a subservient mixed race that will survive cheaply by eating onions and that they will endlessly be able to exploit for their own gain. That's why they hated Hitler so much, it wasn't because he was le evil dictator, but because his dream was to create a powerful race of Aryan superhumans, which goes completely against their jew supremacist religious prophecies.
it's objective fact
You'd think Jon would just settle into retirement
Guess he can't help himself
Purge the hate from your heart.
Second most. You've BTFO them hard which I assume was your goal. You are expressing pure hate.
sure thing dude, very convincing, much not bullshit
Wasn't he getting a bit more based since he retired from the Daily Show? Why did he go all in on woke shit and being anti-white lately (much more than b4 anyways)?
no you're right underneath all the hatred of anyone who doesn't worship trump they're lovely people
I am not replying to you after this.
no, he just gave the go ahead for liberals to think covid came from a lab without being branded a racist conspiracy theorist
>The jews' end game
Jews don't have an endgame, they're a bunch of clueless twats like everyone else. If you read the Old Testament you'll see just how fucking stupid and aimless they are.
Didn't they turn on him for that a bit? Like how lefties hate Bill Maher because he doesn't agree with them on everything?
It's a typical goy mistake to confuse wokeness with basedness. They both tackle the same issues and raise the same points, but the difference is that wokeness uses mental gymnastics to reach the conclusion that the solution to those issues is more diversity and more trannies, which is what makes it such a subversive ideology.
And you are---am I getting this right?---NOT a hater? You are unblemished by hate?
>Wasn't he getting a bit more based since he retired from the Daily Show?
No. If anything he just got more hypocritical.
You look at his movie 'Irresistable' a few years back, and it SEEMS to make the case that bipartisan politics and in particular the democrat political machine is the cancer that's killing middle America while also expressing the Jewish romanticism of rural life. The day after it was released he used it to reinforce the Democrat narrative and promote the interests of the political machine and has not subsided at all.
His only redeeming quality is that he is, at the minuscule least, aware of his hypocrisy, while simultaneously doing nothing about it. His ideology seems to be lets keep all the worst parts of the Democrat party while becoming more like the Republican party superficially. Again, this from the guy who made a theatrical feature criticizing bi-partisan politics and the Democrat political machine.
Not really. Stewart is turning into Bill Maher for millennials. Points out some of the insane behavior by his side but goes along with most of it.
>whites have power and privilege
>also, I can openly slander the entire white race on multi-billion dollar media platforms and never suffer any negative consequences like getting fired, getting put on the no-fly list, getting my bank accounts shut-down, having biased media articles attacking me written, being put in prison for hate speech - all things which happens when you slander other races (and one race in particular)
I'll never understand how they consolidate these two conditions; the theory of white privilege and the fact of it never manifesting in reality. The scary thing is that they're probably aware of this contradiction, they're probably aware that their white privilege theory doesn't really explain or predict anything about society but they promote it anyway because they simply hate whites and want to attack them. Every idea these people present is in bad faith.
You're mad because you know he's right.
>doesn't answer the question
>Just get more hateful
American politics is cancer.
Your post is trolling garbage.
>You're mad beca-ACK
Member when pic related got btfo by Jon Stewart? I member.
>Stupid opinion
Checks out.
I blame Jon Stewart for the reason politics lost the bit of civility it had. I forgot where I heard this, but for a long time while he was on air, people would just make these headlines like,"Jon Stewart DESTOYS so and so. It really started with him. Now Youtube compilations regarding politics are always about "destroying" the other side. I suppose those faggots have forgotten that we both live in the same country and should be working together. You can't "destroy" the right if they're just as much part of the nation as you are.
youre a towel
Sir this is a Wendy's.
leftoids are not my countrymen. I have nothing in common with them.
No. When did that happen?
I remember Jon Stewart going on crosstalk back in the long long ago to criticize CNN for being too sensationalist and dishonest, and Tucker called him a hypocrite to which he replied that he's a comedian and people shouldn't listen to him.
Do you think the jews realize that if there ever is a racial war they're going to be one of the first to go. All the "rich white men" that people want killed are jews.
he was the genesis of reddit humor: snide comments that weren't even comedy or funny, they were just politically ideological posits done in a snarky delivery and basedjacks (soon to be troons) ate it up
haha go back
See, it's difficult to process the truth so you're lashing out. It's understandable.
nigger shut the fuck up.
basically they're all part of the forces probably egged on by the adversaries of this nation that set the stage for potential civil conflict
Leaf here, I actually like Tucker Carlson. He's the only Fox News personality I can stand to listen to.
Lefties really only hate him because his conservative pundit show is getting good ratings, not because what he says is particularly outrageous.
> all the other allies in the region understood just how fickle a US alliance can be.
India figured that out quick when they were chimping out and threatened to sanction him for not sanctioooooning hard enough
>nigger shut the fuck up.
Don't have the video but it was on pic related. Jon Stewart took Carlson's little baby balls and tacked them to the wall.
>you can't hold me to any standards, i'm a comedian lmao
>jew fucking around with baby balls
Tale as old as time
I prefer the Daily Shoah
>accept my arguements
>but I'm off limits at the same time from criticism
is there anything more jewish than this behavior?
Tucker never recovered, even now he does a bad Bill Oreilly impersonation
Based Mike enjoyer (Sven not so much)
>you’re a lot funnier on your show
>you’re just as much of a dick on this show as any show
Based anti-white jew owned that bitchboy
Well Jon does admit he's a comedian, Tucker only admits he's a comedian in court otherwise he LARPS as news
i'm guessing you didn't like his white privilege sketch?
of course people stop laughing when the joke is on them, but it needed to be said and i applaud Jon for this
No, it's classic pilpul. Good thing is once you understand and anticipate it, you can see right through it.
I sleep soundly each night knowing people like you are going to burn in hell.
Bill O'Reilly was based in his day, but then so was America.
they can't stand the bants so they run to a Trump rally to cry about it
>and im a right wing shill but I will fail to mention this
>it's a right-winger just learned a new word episode
>Bill O'Reilly
a dumb fuck who fucked kids with Trump and Epstein while LARPing as a conservative.
>I have nothing in common with them.
Is that true? Or did you see it on Fox news?
MOST people are neither, even if they say they have alliegance to one side or the other, they mostly just want the country to be run well and to not be particularly bothered by it's problems. The American system has become particularly insideous in that it generates two classes of people who are constantly at each other's throats, who see's anyone not part of their class as part of the other class by default, which prevents any groups that actually require political effort from gaining any traction.
BLM was the finest expression of this. Blacks in communities with very poor quality policing (almost exclusively democrat run jurisdictions FYI) raised their voices to call for reform, within minutes it had been taken over by democrats within the political class, mostly white, calling for maximalist socialism and a race war.
It's called controlled opposition. And it has been devastatingly effective at tearing America apart while ensuring ever declining standards of living for the majority of people.
I could not watch more than ten minutes of that episode, it was like a pogrom or something, ignorant, and plain evil. The hatred and arrogance dripping from the screen.
You have your opinions, and you're welcome to them.
Go back to Russia.
>Blacks in communities with very poor quality policing (almost exclusively democrat run jurisdictions FYI)
Then why are cops always leaving Nazi shit and nooses all around? lol
India was a foot out the door already after Biden turned the inaugural meeting of the Quad alliance into a climate change summit.
The other three members of the Quad alliance being the two largest builders of coal fired power plants in recent years, and the world's largest coal exporter.
India used borderline undiplomatic language when Obama tried to pressure them into a China style climate agreement. And India is probably the most important member of the alliance since they're the only ones with the manpower to match China.
>He was raised in a Jewish home.[9][10] He had a bar mitzvah while on a trip to Israel, and then was confirmed by his Conservative-Reconstructionist synagogue.[11]
Wow that Jewish pedophile worse a bow tie once. He must have more in common with Tucker than his fellow Jews!
Biden really is justing US foreign policy like nobodies business. Putin's fuckup is a godsend to that administration.
or, you're just spacing out stuff because it looks like ass to read without double spaces
It's niggers that leave that shit around, proven fact. Not even they like living near other niggers.
That's the one I'm talking about. The one where the moderate Tucker tried to get Jon to recognize his hypocrisy. Tucker still bangs on about the things discussed then, Jon Stewart just got more hypocritical.
>Wilbur Ross - big Epstein associate and partied with him when he got out of jail in '17 as trump's sec of commerce
>Mnuchin and buds financed Epstein and associates up until his second arrest
>Acosta got Epstein out of jail the first time with a slap on the wrist for raping kids
>Barr's Dad gave Epstein his first job at an all-girl's school, and later Barr was the AG in charge of the very prison Jeff was found dead
>Mick Mulvaney worked at companies that had deep ties to Epstein's associates, he too was seen partying with Jeff multiple times
>Trump was present when Epstein was running girls out of his club, flew to his island multiple times, had deep business ties with him, and of course wished Jeff's gf well when she was being charged for helping Jeff rape kids
>I learn how to post on Yea Forums from a classroom.
Reddit spacing is when the post is formatted to look good in the reply box, not when posted. Oldfags make their posts legible.
leftoids just optimize what's best for their social status and careers. If we went full National Socialist tomorrow, and leftoids could derive social status from being a good National Socialist, they'd transform overnight and become the most committed nazis. In fact, we'd have to rein them in because they'd take it too far. It's all about seizing the media, universities and politics. If the normies see that the messages come from authority, they'll reflexively embrace them
>i-it's the blacks
don't you guys ever get tired of politics?
> India was a foot out the door already after Biden turned the inaugural meeting of the Quad alliance into a climate change summit.
A cabinet full of Jews and this is the best they can do
they need to get back to their containment board
Yes. Unfortunately we are bombarded by people trying to destroy our lives and countries with it.
He’s like trump, talking down to a nation
>No, hecking my fiction is the real one!