It's over.
It's over
Other urls found in this thread:
"well i like to fuck people who know how to eat"
What trashy show is this?
Feminist propaganda. Don't watch it.
Also filename
>Don't watch it.
no matter how you feel about it, telling someone this is a clear indication of seething
and then she got BTFO by him in the second season kek
Good, imagine wasting your first time on that dumb used up roastie instead of a virtuous maiden.
If you have to wait a whole season it's not exactly "BTFO" friend
That's exactly what it is, sporto, and I'm not your friend, guy
>virtuous maiden
>hahaha I totally got you bro it took me a year but I finally came up the most epic comeback and now you have been totally OWNED!
>Wait what is this about again? I can't remember what you were even mad about.
>uhm, well... shut up
>these are the people posting in walled threads
holy fucking kek
The level of tipping in this thread is going to topple Yea Forums.
The funny thing is the he ended fucking her and then dumped her fat ass.
Agreed, why even look at her when a qt like Jules exists?
Did she actually know or was it just a test and he failed?
The Jerk Store called, they're running out of YOU!
fuck off nigger retard
nevermind the people who wrote that
fuck YOU for posting it, i don't need to see this shit
Extremely punchable face.
>virtuous maiden
/pol/lacks are so fucking delusional lmao
>the looping on that webm
Well done just for that.
oof, cringe, yikes. imagine unironically watching shit like that.
>mfw fellow Jules appreciator
I am currently RE-watching it :) It's a great show
Those subtitles are fake right?
>yfw fellow faggot
don't watch the hitler speeches in their entirety.
>tfw vindication will come in season 3
Everything is leading up to Nate and Jules. Their other relationships were resolved, Nate finally admitted his feelings to himself, it's the only outstanding plotline.
show is too based for Yea Forums neurons
that is not a woman's profile kek
i keep email my countrys ministery of culture, to have this show banned. i dont want any protestant lgbt gay jewish propaganda in my sunni country
Honestly it's kinda sad so many anons can't appreciate the best character on the show
as someone who fucked a tranny, the post cum clarity is horrifying
What he hell are you doing idiot? You're supposed to wait a year until you come up with an insult.
Best show in the last 5 years.
Why should someone watch this faggot-tranny shit when shows like Skins and Freaks and Geeks exist?
oh it's the daily euphoria shill thread
I hooked up with a tranner and cuddled afterwards, sounds like you picked an uggo.
what did your penis smell like afterwards?
You must travel to UAE for a wife. Western women are for shitting on.
man shoulders
Uh since when can you dress like that in the UAE
Don't believe everything the media tells you.
>Jules flashes into Nate's mind during his sexual fantasies but Yea Forumschuds will deny he's attracted to her
Designated tourist zone. Probably a whore though, fuck all reason to visit the UAE otherwise.
>believe me i have no emotional attatchment to you
would it work?
Ethan was kinda ugly and socially awkward, no wonder Kat wasn't interested
Her entire "sexual awakening" was a lie and she was mostly just mad at Ethan because she was jealous he talked to another girl not because he was shy
This is why young men don't care about society anymore.
I already live in the desert, don't need to visit another one with sand niggers in it lol
Yeah but Ethan stands out from the rest of the cast by being ugly, guy has negative sex appeal. Was the point that uggos and fatties should settle for each other?
>tfw teacher at a high school
>can't watch euphoria because it's too fake
I get silent glee when I see a dumb pig slut think she's worth more than a trough full of gravy and cornmeal
>there are people browsing this board right now who eat this slop right up
yo i just took a fat shit and its smeared the entire toilet when i flushed it
having not watched this show, i'm guessing the writers are unaware this "woman" is repulsive in both appearance and attitude, right?
Whores are repulsive creatures
You trannies are so fucking deranged. You're like an incel on steroids with your retarded obsessions.