Pretty much never references his race

>pretty much never references his race
>movie has nothing to do with black culture
>just kicks ass and does cool shit

Every modern black actor is placed in roles in which their character is essentially just constantly talking about being black.

What the fuck happened? It feels like we reversed the course we were on at the end of the 90s.

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For the last year I've just been watching movies ranging from 40's to 90's and it's really interesting how many black people are in them with no mention of race ever.

There wasn't mixed couples and shit but I'd rather go back. I mean I grew up through it modern day sucks.

blade was fucking great

yes, and not many people give Steven Dorff his credit.

Attached: deacon_frost.jpg (400x400, 26.46K)

Joggers are proxy warriors for the oligarchs and whenever they need chaos and destruction against whites they activate their Monarch programming and they dance like puppets. The 90s was a period where they didn't need constant social signalling. Nowadays people are awake to their schemes so they need constant social signalling.

It was great up until they entered the temple, then the movie falls apart.

Are blood raves real? Even if the blood is fake?

Attached: c7c.png (612x491, 105.87K)

I remember being a fat lil white boy running around the house as Blade.

Can Mahershala make the new Blade just as good?

Wealthy realized we were close to the public realizing they were the problem so they invested in dividing the races again

Who will play Blade in the inevitable reboot?

No, Snipes is a martial artist and fight choreographer so the movie looks awesome because he's doing most of his own stunts. New one will have the horrible fight editing most modern action films do.

Can that guy even do a high kick?

Attached: motherfuckers-always-trying-to-ice-skate-uphill.gif (498x198, 812.07K)

What is it about remakes/reboots you don't get?

A Blade that can't say Motherfucker? Fat chance.

Blade > Blade 2

Del Toro is Reddit: the Director

him and denzel are/was the only real niggas in hollywood

I'm 100% certain there have been raves where people were covered in fake blood. It sounds more like a 90/00's thing, though.



fuck me

>What the fuck happened? It feels like we reversed the course we were on at the end of the 90s.
We were never on course for equality; that's just what white people were told. The course was for white people to let down their guard while they were still the undeniable majority in their countries. Now that white minorities in every white country are a guarantee within a few short decades, the "course" has progressed to "white people are inherently evil". By 2030, it will progress very openly to "we should kill all the white people so we can live in a utopia".

based and redpilled

It would probably be really freaky to be showered with fake blood while a strobe light is going,
people waving glow sticks, and being high on ketamine or ecstacy.

based retard

Attached: 3794464-blade_hd_by_biggmiggz-d4l3zxa.jpg (738x1082, 254.12K)

The ruling class unleashed CRT and wokism througj media proxies in order to saw division among the lower classes

This is the default opinion you retard. Blade 2 is good but worse.

1990s "race-less" characters went too far in the other direction. Like Morgan Freeman in Unforgiven, there were absolutely no references about him being black, a few years after the Civil War. Gene Hackman looked like he was going to unload every name in the book before killing him, but he just looked at him mean

Valid point.

I seriously doubt it.

>shit cgi blood effects
>woman kills one of the sacrifices needed for the ritual - ritual still happens anyway
>shit final boss fight

It's like the ending was a different movie altogether.

making Little Bill a racist would have taken away from the moral ambiguities of the main characters, but for sure one of his lackeys should have said something

Never forget
>we used to have blockbusters with a chinese and black lead
>Will Smith was the biggest action star after 2 decades of an austrian who could barley speak english
>Eddie Murphy made two comedies per year and was loved by all
>black sitcoms were viewer magnets
>blacks winning socars and other awards were normal and expected and not something that every news station had to report as exceptional
>the best known and whealthies athletes were both black, will be forever remembered and got every boy to play at least basketball
>black music was as popular with kids as much white music if not slightly more and actual music not just talking fast
>and in all of that race played no fucking role
Racism was al but fucking defeated outside of a few shitholes in larger cities, but one fucking event ten years ago turned the media and it's handlers into a frenzy, kicking off the race war again. I wouldn't be surprised if you have now actual real fucking racists because of it who had no problem listening to R'nB, playing basketball with black school friends and watching MiB and Rush Hour 20 years ago.

take your meds

Why didn't he open his eyes?

It's going to be r-rated user

>There wasn't mixed couples and shit but I'd rather go back
how is that a bad thing? better than this forced diversity and degenerate blacked and bleached bullshit.

>I wouldn't be surprised if you have now actual real fucking racists because of it who had no problem listening to R'nB, playing basketball with black school friends and watching MiB and Rush Hour 20 years ago.
Hi. I have no hatred though. I'm just very tired.

with the mouse pulling the strings and signing the checks? fuck no. it's going to be pg-13 because it has to make $800mil to break even.

It will be decades before we get another Wesley Snipes to show the whitebois how it's done.

Passenger 57, Demolition Man, and Blade, three of the best action movies ever made all built on the back of the raw talent of young Wesley.

Contemporary American Racism is mostly atroturfed being as it makes it easier to control the peasants

In 1880s America? No it wouldn't

The world is definitely getting shitter. Ted Kazinsky was right.

>Every modern black actor is placed in roles in which their character is essentially just constantly talking about being black.
Well, at least Snipes compensated for that on the set

back then "acting black" was still associated with the coolness of the 70s blaxploitation. today that is seen as racist and evil.

Grow up

Kazinsky was retarded for thinking it could be reversed. The actual answer is what certain parties are doing now, and that’s eugenics with a focus on removing people that can’t deal with contemporary society from the gene pool. It’s evil, but eugenics always works.

Modern progressive liberals don't seem to realize treating black people with kid gloves like their some sort of special needs cases is actually both condescending and racist.

Nigger fatigue (aka Sambo Shock or Post-Negrotic Stress Disorder) is real.


racial marxism

go take your pills, schizo.

tfw Blade 2 was the best movie Marvel ever made.

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It's a shame this lil nigga never got a crossover with anyone.
Who knows what nuBlade will be like.

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Will Smith never surpassed Ahnuld. No one did (spiritually).

It's true, you fucking moron. OWS spooked the rich too much.

>What the fuck happened
Libshits happened user

i didnt know Blade was marvel. why dont they do some shit with him

>What the fuck happened?
He didn't pay his taxes

Black people never got the memo and continued to engage in crime, murder, rapes, and assorted violence. So of course the Leftists needed a scapegoat for the failure of the government policies they enacted, so they picked white men to blame.

that can't be true since Blade Trinity is better than 2

Mahershala Ali got cast as Blade and will have an MCU movie at some point.
He's not a bad actor but idk if he'll be able to own the role like Snipes did.
I doubt it.

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shit tier b8 not biting

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>but idk if he'll be able to own the role like Snipes did.
He's not a martial artist and has none of Snipes charisma.

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90s minority characters had some appeal to them beyond "we wuz kayng" and making everything political.
Ironically, Hollywood is trying to make it into a cultural thing now and failing when you didn't even have to try back in the day.
I know real life racists who like Spawn. At the same token, I've seen black nerds dismiss blackwashing fantasy characters, Wakanda and shit like that.

Attached: spawn.jpg (1041x1600, 343.53K)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Blade was at least partially modeled after Snipes following the movie.
He gave it flair.

My boggle?

They already announced that the series is going to be PG13

>What the fuck happened? It feels like we reversed the course we were on at the end of the 90s.
Occupy Wall Street happened.

I think they had an opportunity to do that with Anthony Mackie because he seems alright IRL, but they again went with the sjw angle in Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
The MLK do better *flies off* shit just feels like scolding the audience at this point.

said no one ever