300 has aged horribly

Seriously, is there a movie that has aged worse than this? Not only does it looks awful but also how racist the whole thing. Just a testosterone fuelled white male fantasy of a war against evil brown invaders.

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Cope your life away, nigger

Hello, this is a bait thread! Any posts found below this one are falling for the bait! Uh oh, watch out! If you find yourself typing a response, immediately stop and reassess your goals! :) Thank you for reading!

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The first battle scene hasn't aged well. The pacing was always shit.

Its so easy to make a thread on 2022/tv/. Just say white, chud, tranny or two genders and get easy (you)s

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reminder according to the bible, the spartans were israelites

>It is found in writing concerning the Spartans, and the Jews, that they are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham.
1 Maccabees 12:21

josephus confirms this as well

>"Areus, King of the Lacedemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting ... we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedemonians (Spartans) are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham ... This letter is four-square; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in his claws"(Ant.12:4:10)


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Nah it has improved with age

The movie would’ve been better without all the anglogermcuck actors

You are autistic as fuck and incorrect.

Seriously, the first thing you need to do from now on when you develop an opinion on something you "noticed" is remember that you're probably wrong because you are a retard and instead of sending your opinion off into the world, keep thinking on it. When you are done with that, think on it some more.

That's what Greeks looked like before most of them got TURKED

Sure genghis

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Why are Romanians like this?

Why are Asians like this?

So Greeks really were niggers? Sheeeeeit!

Yeah, and anglogermcucks are asians. Pretty simple stuff, really.

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I'm serious, I was arguing with a Romanian guy on YouTube about this exact topic and the irony is that this gypsy wouldn't look out of place in Japan and Korea lmao. The moment I brought up the fact he looms like a chink, he blocked me.

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Not really, the idea of white people giving a fuck about protecting their homes is laughable.

Have you tried reading a book though?

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Anglogermcucks will never be related to Europeans no matter how pale like the chinks they get.

Doesn't change the fact that Mr Dumitru looks like he walked straight out of Tokyo lol

I wouldn't start making comparisons if I were you.

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Both futhark and gokturk derive from phoenician, as do ancient greek, italian, and other euro scripts. Is everyone phoenician as a result of this?

Lol, this is the guy calling you a Mongol.

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lmao oh look another anglogermcuck wishes everything came from asia why am I not surprised

protip: vinca is older than phoenician and futhark comes from gokturk and has no relation to european runes

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Lol, you've been completely pushed into a corner after he posted that youtube screenshot. Completely dismantled lmao.

If you say so

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I'm not even a germanicuck you dumb gypsy lmao. I'm just laughing at your hypocrisy.

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Don't care what type of central asian you are, Hansdeep Nigelwong

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That's a Romanian I just posted Gypsy LOL

good for you genghis

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>lmao oh look another anglogermcuck
My point was that writing scripts aren't necessarily tied to race.
>wishes everything came from asia
Oh yeah, I forgot that the phoenicians were super asian bro.

its extremly political relevant nowadays. in the age of blm, rapefugrees hordes and cultural degeneracy its important to remind of people that there still are the forces of good.

Cope some more Genghis

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>Just a testosterone fuelled white male fantasy of a war against evil brown invaders.
Damn, now I want to watch it again

Garbage beyond dated horrendously ugly sound stage digital homo fueled film, like most Snyder flicks are.

Spartans weren't waxed oiled up hairless metrosexuals

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They also weren't anglogermcucks

Completely forgettable and Reddit as hell

I'm American buddy. I don't give two shits about europoor racebaiting or whatever faggotry you are talking about. Just wanted to point out the garbage logic behind your faggoty infographics.

Gerard Butler is Scottish


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You will always be Asian no matter what continent you migrate to, Genghis.

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You're a strange individual, I always see you posting here. I'm curious as to what your views are. Who are the true Europeans and where are they today? Let's have a civil discussion about this, you're clearly very passionate about this for whatever reason.

Looks like the new trend for shills is to try and push a "LOOK MOVIES WERE ALWAYS BAD" narrative. It's funny that every thread that starts like this devolves into abject praise for the movie they're trying to shit on.

1 European out of many anglogermcucks

>You're a strange individual, I always see you posting here
this dude is mentally ill he has been shitposting on this site for a very long time now, used to do under a trip now you can't filter him

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That guy doesn't look remotely Asian

>white male fantasy of a war against evil brown invaders
So it's never been more relevant?

Pic related if you don't see your tribe in this picture you are not European

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At least he's the lead, there's also an Italian actor I think but most are Anglos unfortunately

Remember when the sparta fad was spammed everywhere? Viral marketing has changed a lot since then. Now it's all outrage farming instead.

My DNA test came back mostly franco-iberian. Not even 1% east of France. Your inane gibberish does not apply to me, but I doubt anyone could make sense of it anyway. If you are european, there are more important things to obsess about than this, I'd imagine. Maybe germanics came from asia, what would it matter anyway? What exactly do you believe that changes?

meds aren't white

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Post it then, let's see how pure you are.

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Thank god for that. Wouldn't want to be lumped with those chinks.

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Illyrians don't exist anymore

This movie desperately needs a remake with proper representation of women. The army needs to consist of half healthy-at-any-weight women and half MtF trans-women. Also, these guys aren't that cool, we all know that Captain Marvel could whoop all 300 spartans with one hand behind her back.

Every one of those tribes still exist in Europe today. Sorry, Genghis. You failed your duties to China.

>posts a subhuman living on welfare that has 10 kids he cant support like a literal nigger

Bro, you might or might not be new here, but a way to generate traffic in a thread about a movie you like or are currently watching or whatever, is to make a complete shit thread about the thing you like. The more you make it sound earnest and not obvious bullshit, the more likely you are to draw people into your thread.

Where are they?

>how pure
Never said I was pure, bud, and I'm not wasting time getting my login info to get it anyway. It was about 80% iberian, 10% france, and the rest was a hodgepodge of amerindian tribes. Now reply to the rest of my post, what does it matter where germans are from, what would it change, and why have you been spamming this shit on Yea Forums.

Exactly where they've always been.

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Opinion discarded

Point out exactly where, what countries would that constitute and what names do they go by now?

Post it then

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Reply to the rest of my post and I will.

Post your genes first, genghis, then we can talk about why your cognitive dissonance is important to the discussion.

How common are blue eyes amongst Illyrians?

Nah, you are arguing in bad faith and I'm not gonna give into your demands until you give me a reason to.
>cognitive dissonance
I already said that I could accept germanics as being from asia, now tell my why it matters, and what it changes.

I'm not arguing in bad faith. You brought up genetics, I wanted proof. Now you're backing away in fear. Why is that?

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I appreciate that Snyder actually pulled off something stylistically different. It's vulgar machismo but at least it's sincere and makes for an entertaining movie. It at least TRIES to capture an ancient warrior ethos, even if it's more like a comic book caricature. Compare this to Troy with Brad Pitt where Brad Pitt's Achilles is a cocky American "dude", there's no style or vision whatsoever, whereas Snyder has vison. I can see why Pajeets love him.

It's okay to kill brown invaders. Highly ethical and relevant topic.

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>You brought up genetics,
Why are you such a schizo, in every reply you called me an "anglogermcuck", that's why I mentioned my DNA test.
>Now you're backing away in fear.
A retarded schizo at that. Not a single American has a single reason, however minute, to fear anyone from any other country on earth - whatever their ancestry.


It always looked like an overly-stylised music video. This film was tacky on the day of its release.