What was his appeal?
Why did the british love him?
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he makes kids dreams come true on TV, then made their nightmares come true backstage.
Bongs love creepy weirdos. It's why they have a monarchy, it's why their pop culture hero is an autistic man traveling with young men, and why their state religion is the worship of hospital beds
>let me just tell about a country I've never been to based on what I've seen on Fox news.
Americunt education in action
he got on TV in its infancy and managed to stay there until he was accepted as a "character" and an "eccentric"
ironic post
The country is full of peasants in eternal servitude to the upper classes. Jimmy Saville presented an "in" to make the upper classes more palatable in the TV age to the rest of the class system. They therefore courted him and learned all they could, even if he was a relentless paedophile, in fact many of them found out they could get away with it from him.
As long as the UK is a monarchy the British people will remain slaves.
millions didnt watch the show for him, they watched it to see the joy of kids who had shitty lives get their dreams made real.
Jimmy wasn’t even from an upper class family
Y'know. He's a funny guy.
Deny that you worship the NHS
I'm a Brit. As a Brit, I know just how many forelock tuggers there are in this shithole.
no user he's right
t. british
The entire British elite must have been pedophiles. There's really no other explanation. Why the British people like pedophiles so much, I don't know.
It was a different time.
But really, so many nonces from the BBC around that period
You know how the guy who talks about faggots being everywhere is most likely a faggot still I'm the closet? The British run around calling each other pedos to deflect from most of them being actual pedos. The united kid diddlers, that's why most of them look inbred.
>an autistic man traveling with young men
Yeah, what is this referencing? Doctor Who?
i don't worship are nhs
i will never worship those who tick tock danced in their empty rooms whilst telling the world they were overloaded with patients for sympathy points
hair kino
NO allegation against Jimmy Saville has ever be proven. There is ZERO proof for any of it. All the 'stories' came out after he died and could no longer defend himself. They were all sold to tabloid newspapers. People just accept it as fact, NO PROOF.
i bloody well an't got the chuffin foggiest, m8
yeah maybe doctor who but i thought he always had a homelyfit younger female companion
Too Gear
james is younger than jeremy though
it's not even Gear enough lad
How much does MI6 pay you
What does proof look like in this case?
Literally anything other than some 50 year old woman telling a newspaper he touched her 40 years ago
a punched lasagne
he was really good at molesting kids, brits LOVE that shit. have you not heard of the Rotherham incident?
Britain is literally run on noncery. If you want to be famous or in power the only way in is by letting MI6 have a dossier on your noncery as insurance.
Brits, explain yourselves
just a bit of banter
what's a quick pokey bum wank between mates
British wrestling used to be pretty popular
>A glass eye stolen from a corpse by Jimmy Savile, which he then made into a trophy necklace, was sold at a charity auction for £75 shortly after his death.
>It is believed to have been worn by the paedophile DJ as he co-presented the final episode of Top of the Pops at BBC Television Centre in 2006, where he also groped a child.
>An official NHS report revealed yesterday Savile had bragged about stealing glass eyes from the sockets of the dead at Leeds General Infirmary, and had them made into rings and medallions.
>also gloated to others that he enjoyed 'posing' with the corpses and said that he would 'wheel them around' at night at Leeds General Infirmary.
He's fun.
>One witness told investigators that Savile revealed the origin of his 'gross, big silver rings' when she remarked on them.
>He said: 'D'you know what they are? They are glass eyes from dead bodies in Leeds Mortuary where I work and I love working there, and I wheel the dead bodies around at night and I love that.'
>Another, unconnected witness - who was employed at the hospital - added: 'I do remember seeing this ring he had on that looked like an eyeball and - and I must've mentioned it to him.
>'He said: 'It's made from the eyeball of a dead friend.''
That’s based as hell. Too bad about the pedophilia.
Why are Anglos so fucking evil?!
Jimmy was a Catholic
I think people focus too much on Saville individually without understanding the broader implications here. He was supplying children from these hospitals to other elites he was connected with, it’s not like he did all that stuff just for his own pleasure
>Fagging carried with it well-defined rights and duties on both sides. The senior, sometimes called the fag-master, was the protector of his fags and responsible for their happiness and good conduct
> He was supplying children from these hospitals to other elites he was connected with
Delete this, yankeecunt
That's always the pattern when pedophiles with connections get outed. They always make a SCATHING documentary where it was just a lone wolf elite and no goyim there is no institutional child rapist mafia that engages in ritualistic abuse and murder. Just the one weirdo haha. Pedophilia is solved forever!
oi bruv don' bovva wivvim, dem cunts across da drink eez propah cunts innit *smoked a fag*
Somebody skipped on their meds again
You know say what you want about Qanon but we all know that the world is essentially run by rich and powerful pedos and they're everywhere. Governments, royalty, corporations, celebrities, the list goes on. Did everyone just forget about Jeffrey "My Girlfriend's Dad was an Israeli Mossad Agent and I throw pedo parties for the rich and famous" Epstein
In fact the NWO has done such a masterful job of Mind Raping normies and pulling the sheets over their eyes because normies are just lemmings who have been trained to call you crazy for pointing out the obvious
Welp at least muh Far Right schizo puppy eating conspiracy theorists like myself are right about everything; and the Left, Establishment, Elites, and NWO can only gaslight and dilate
Because they are all paedophiles as well
Yeah you, your estrogen pills trannie
Otis was American, so call it an Elevator, not a "lift."
You just KNOW this guy works for the BBC.
He probably also lets his wife invite a BBC over as well
You say that like pizzagate and qanon aren’t literally psyops designed to make accusations of child sex trafficking look like schizoid conspiracy theories. You can blame normies for being blind to the truth but at least they’re not the ones actually falling for conspiracies which do nothing except help delegitimise the valid accusations. If retards like you weren’t shooting up random pizza places, maybe people would take the accusations more seriously.