Can anyone honestly explain this?

Can anyone honestly explain this?

Attached: hypnotoad.jpg (1079x1120, 220.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:ürich

>The entire world you know is actually a world stage for The plot of a ancient cult that worships fallen angels and are planning a world where demons rule and reign through technology with themselves as gods in a nightmare slave world

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This but without the ironic filename and frog, and that time is cyclical and it has happened before and will happen again.

it´s the times man, not even the elite knows what´s going on

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me in the middle btw

What game is this??

1995 Illuminati card game


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i like how SJG literally satirize every aspect of society with these cards, it´s hard to find media that poke fun at literally every aspect of society in a clever way

the new version released in 2018 sucked hard tho

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dey do be like dat doe

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>that filename

I think these would be great for cartomancy.

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I don't get it. I thought it's just an iphone filename.

this will happen in the next century

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>real life Shin Megami Tensei
I'm prepared for this

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I’m one of special ones

I saw someone say that SJG announced an Illuminati video game like a year ago but can't find any info on it, anyone heard about it?

What? Did you make a typo?

I can't because I'm retarded.

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see this

that's not a video game though, unless you just mean who cares because it'll be shit anyways

Robert Anton Wilson wrote the Illuminati books that I believe this was a tie in to. He was a libertarian acid mystic disciple of Timothy Leary. He and the discordians largely lampooned conspiracy theories at first and then ended up entangled in them, it wasn’t RAW but one of those guys knew Lee Harvey Oswald for instance. Later in life RAW wrote a lot about the CIA, the Bush Administration and his notion of “Tsarist Occupied Government” which bears striking resemblance to “Zionist Occupied Government” and accompanied diatribes on James Angleton

What game? I'm guessing GURPS given the thread but I'm not sure.

The thread really should've ended here.

>one of those guys knew Lee Harvey Oswald
Kerry Thornley, they were stationed together at a marine base in California

A 90s trading card game used history and various conspiracy theories (the true and schizobabble alike) to construct a game where the goal is world domination. Then because of the format, years later, people can isolate the “dude that’s so true bruh” cards from the nonsensical cards and use the truthiness of those to asset the makers were clued into a worldwide conspiracy, and use that to call the remaining cards prophetic.

And, most damningly of all, due to a lack of reprints, noone can post those nonsensical cards to refute the points being made, such as "terrorists would attack a government building!!!"
like, no shit

wow, finally a version of MTG for schizos

It already happened

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oh yeah? show me a card where they call out jews

reference to how dick cheney stoleand hid a lot of US nukes during a made-up training drill under his supervision?

i think its a reference to the 30yo boomer scourge

yeah but how do you explain the coincidences like the frog god card referencing the pepe kek god and hypnotoad? what are the odds that its a random coincidence?

this seems to have most of them

It’s isn’t random as much as it’s the limits of human imagination
>dude worshiping a frog that’s so weird!!

Not even mentioning all the actual frog deities from ancient egypt, China, etc.

Where is the proof or evidence of them planning to make demons rule?

I don't know, how do you explain that plane crash in Baines that left no survivors?
Pattern Recognition is mankind's greatest strength, and also its greatest weakness.
Not to mention that the ancient egyptians did have an actual frog god they worshipped, which is where this game likely gets its inspiration from.
That frog god being named Kek, like the WoW language filters, is fairly puzzling, I will admit. But anything beyond that has a logical explanation.

what the hell are Gnomes of Zurich?

Bruh, OP is clearly heqet

out of every animal and deity they specifically chose a frog, isn't that weird how spot on it is?

>Gnomes of Zurich
(((Swiss bankers))) you see its not the jews its the swiss!


Attached: Can_440ba9_6712189.jpg (712x618, 198.53K)ürich

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What about the Adepts of Hermes?

No? Frogs are prominent in folklore for most of history. Then boystown or whatever was a comic by a person of limited ability/imagination trying to make distinct characters.

it's based on tsathoggua, which predates "kek" entering the public consciousness by about 85 years

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prob shabbos goyim

>Adepts of Hermes

I don't trust anything posted on a wordpress as fact. As it stands, this guy has more pull than whatever that link has.

I always wondered why Gypsies feared frogs, both the animal and icons/statues of them.
Does it have anything to do with Kek?

>zoomer doesn't know the wtc was bombed years before 9/11

Who's this dude supposed to be?

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johnny depp

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My god, the Hibernian Conspiracy...

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Julian assange

yeah I was reading that wikipedia page yesterday and it seems like a lot of the popular conspiracy theory stuff is just Operation Mindfuck

lol he looks like my best friends dad

See, now THAT makes sense.
you're best friends with julian assange's son?

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Just who is Rick Harris?

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