Jaime Pressly says in the DVD commentary of "Ringmaster" that there was accidental penetration twice during her sex...

>Jaime Pressly says in the DVD commentary of "Ringmaster" that there was accidental penetration twice during her sex scene with Michael Jai White. After the second time the director just reworked the entire scene so they are "having sex" in their underwear even though it doesn't make sense in the movie.

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isnt that rape?

damn why didnt they just have real sex then

How fucking loose or turned on and lubed up was she for there to be accidental penetration not once but twice?

I'd comment on her DVDs. If you know what I mean.

>actresses arent whor-

>accidental penetration during a sex scene low budget flick
>Michael Jai White
Riiiiight, 20 bucks he just stuck it in there and she didn't complain about it

why do Asian dudes write up fake shit like this to post on Yea Forums? Do you really lead that boring of a life?

cope yakuboid

why do chinkoids spend so much time thinking about white men?

you're in the closet and should come out babydick

>Michael Jai White
>isn't white

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lel that insta-reply. i just know you're mashing f5 on this thread. seethe, yakuboid.

>tfw you post on /r/aznidentity

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>why do chinkoids spend so much time thinking about white men?
Imagine you kill female children
so your race is overwhelmingly males who cant get laid
the few females chase after white men en masse
thats why

where is this info other than Yea Forums?

the shots have zero nudity and it's all from the shoulders up, why would the actors even be without clothes?

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She was actually implying he had a small dick

it's in the DVD commentary

newsflash: It wasn't accidental

>accidental penetration
So he was sporting a major chub? That's not allowed on set is it?

its not real. OP is Asian and this is his fantasy

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>This is a disturbing photo

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So it's like alone in the dark, where you can see Slater wearing jeans during the sex scene?

Nigga looks like a Lego dude ahahahaha

This shit busts me up even more since I started dating an Asian girl. Pictures like this don’t exaggerate how much Asian guys seethe when they see a white dude with an eastern girl, it’s so true.

Seething ricecels, it never gets old

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This man shouts Banzai

wow white women really love bbc huh

what would you talk about?

If that's below average then I must be a fucking monstrosity.

you go fluck yourself paste boy, now.

i'm sure you actually are

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>there was accidental penetration twice
100% happens more often than they admit and probably more in the old days. This is specifically why they use "merkins" now.

I'm sure that's true. Have you ever seen "Monster's Ball?"

is funny how similar asians are to blacks, look at the nose and lips, don´t get me started with the ooga booga wy women like a bunch of primitives

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They guy was probably just trying it on.

For me, it's Mortal Kombat Jaime

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You have never made a woman wet, have you?

Yeah, "accidental". It's hard to keep the BBC away

Seems legit Chan. They do cover genitals for nude sex scenes


Asian penises in your head lent flee

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Wow this thread sure is full of confident white people who have no race insecurity at all

Let go of all your misogyny. It's only hurting yoh and making you unhappy.

>Armond White
>Barry White
lol who wrote this shit

>Jack Black

Michael Jai White would be flipping out if this story was true since his wife would kill him
(I mean that Jamie let the cat out of the bag..not the whole banging stuff)

god i wish she was my blood related sister and then i fucked her

Fugging hell lads, I'd love to watch them fuck

>Wow this thread sure is full of confident white people who have no race insecurity at all

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Armond White, the man who is such a contrarian that he chose to be black just to defy his own last name

Shocked. I am shocked.

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im literally dating a 19 year old 5 foot tall flat chested cute asian girl. I wonder how much seethe I generate just when we walk through he mall.

no one's jealous over your SEAmonkey

MJW is an honorary white man

lol she's korean

>look up Michael Jai White
>not White at all

Rape confirmed


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Yes. That's a good candidate for what I'm talking about. I wish they'd admit it, would help sell the film.

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flip the soi and the chad and then the picture is correct

>both wearing pants of some kind
>accidentally penetrate, twice