Any exam kinos?

Any exam kinos?

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>Can use a calculator
Lol get outta here with this easy shit

I recently got my GED and it was surprisingly difficult.

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I guess D

naruto chunin exams


The fuck is this nonsense?
Is this "discussion for first graders" or something?

>what makes the towel dirt after bath
ESL shit


i hate how every IQ test is just the diagonals

4-What is the difference between a duck? Explain, 10 marks.

Easy as fuck and it's c. But of course this is a bait image

has to be one of the snakey snake things

clearly f, are you all trolling?

what's the answer, my negro friends?

You all laugh but the question about the nurse with the coffin-peddling husband is constantly gotten wrong in the West by gullible idiots willing to trust the system.


non brainlet

Yeah it’s obviously C. Can’t believe I share a board with all these midwits saying D

it's C
each line has one item each with 1, 2 and 3 dots, third line is missing 2, which leaves C, D and F
each line has one bucket shape, one N shape and one shape with three vertical shapes, third line is missing a bucket shape, which is C

C: Two dots and U shaped

I believe it's C, it's needs two dots and to be a U shape based on the pattern

why did you delete your post on an anonymous website?

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We did this one too. Its F.


I guessed F too. What does it mean if you can get questions like these correct quickly?
I've never taken an IQ test but could I get a job more easily if I scored high on one?

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It's C
>needs to have two dots
>needs to be vertical
>needs to have the glass shape to match the other two in that diagonal line

Because the shame was too great

Why do all the F niggers not explain their choice? What is it about that answer that draws so many idiots?

there's no need to feel bad about an honest mistake, it means you're just like the rest of us!

4-Why would a man shoot someone before throwing them out of a plane? Discuss, 10 marks.

Black is an absence of color.

Pretty sure it's C

It's F, right?

I have never understood these things. What is this type of question called so I can learn about it?


1. black isnt a color. words are fluid and dont have an exact meaning. cameras could only capture white until technology became more advanced. when people say color television, they mean the full color spectrum.
2. to a towel everything that isnt towel is dirt.
3. no.

ok how many points did I get

Nigger Filter 3000

I get that you need two dots in the last one but I do not understand how you are expected to figure out the rest

Black or White isn't a color.
That's like asking
>Diamonds are the hardest metal, but the still break when shot at but a soft metal like stone. Discuss!

i'm not getting my ged i guess, i don't know how you can tell the rotation pattern, i noticed the thickness and the numbers but i can't see a rotation pattern there

it's literally always the diagonals


oh i thought it was horizontal or vertical only, didn't know they could pattern diagonally

the triangles and lines function the same. you already have a diagonally line so it cant be A. you have a "bucket" in row 1 and 2 sp you need one for row 3 which is C
white is a color.

Nigerian Dead Poets Society

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I'm gonna say F.

Thought I could also see it being C because of that "U" shape it has.

>Has to be a U shape because the U shape moves 1 space to the right in each iteration of the sequence
>Has to be in the wavy style of the 3rd column

It's C, only brainlets will disagree

all three have a zig zag pattern, a three vertical lines pattern, but only two have a U shaped pattern

in hindsight it's quite obvious

It's C.
They're organized based on general shape and number of dots. You're missing a U-shaped one with 2 dots.

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why don't the patterns connect?

You know what? I wouldn’t pass.

you were supposed to discuss 3 not reply with one word though

1 black and white is not color television because color makes color television and color is more colorful than black and white colors, give 10 marks.
2 dirt from the floor after using towel and dropping, 10 marks
3 trick question never trust a nurse, 10 marks

1. "Colour" is shorthand for "able to display all colours, not just black and white" in the context of describing a TV picture
2. Because washing yourself with soap and water doesn't get you 100% clean, and because soap residue is a form of "dirt" in this context
3. Yes

humans arent perfect. with more humans the probability of someone trying to do some mischief rises. since there is a slight chance that the nurse and husband work together, its best to avoid her if youre trying to play it safe.

They don't "connect" but there is a pattern. There's 3 rows of 3. Each shape moves one to the right at the start of next row, rolling over to be the first on the left when it gets to the edge.
You'll notice the dots do the same thing, but they slide to the left at the start of the next row, I was just highlighting based on shape because it seems more obvious to me.
So you could figure out the pattern, or simply deduce what's missing based on what's there. Several ways of figuring this out, and if you can't you're retarded.

the vast majority of jobs don't give a shit about your IQ

That's what I did too, but on second thought the diagonals don't matter.
This. Every row and column has 1, 2, and 3 dots so the last one needs two, and the missing wiggly one is (you)-shaped.

This was meant for you.

Oh, I didn't know you could call something a pattern if it's not sequencing

That's like calling pic related a pattern

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Someone who puts a fucking IQ score on their resume is the kind of employee who will quit over the smallest shit, because they're "too intelligent for this shit".


why do all the answers look like two nostrils taking in a quality brapppp

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1. White is the addition of all colors while black is the subtraction of all colors. They are both concepts based on the light spectrum but technically not 'colors' in the traditional sense. Color TVs include all the colors in the light spectrum, not just the addition or subtraction of them
2. Soap and water and clean off some forgein debris from the body, but some debris require a more abrasive material to remove from the body, which is what a towel is for
3. Depends on her record, a nurse in that situation that is involved with significantly more deaths is suspicious, however it is completely reasonable to assume that she would be less likely to kill you because of the trauma of constantly being around death

>Neither black nor white are colors. Colors are how electromagnetic radiation (light, made of photons, in the visual spectrum) is perceived when absorbed by the human retina. Black is what is perceived in the absence of any such light, white when broad spectrum radiation is absorbed resulting in roughly equal perceptions of 'red' 'green and 'blue at the same time. A color television, unlike a black and white version, is able to emit light of one wavelength at a time.
>Dirt, dead cells and soap residue transferred from your body to the towel.
>this is a case of implied conflict of interest. However, the actual impact is likely small - the coffin seller could eliminate any real conflict by declining clients who were treated at the institution where his wife works.
What do I win?

C, only wordcels choose F

why are you assuming its a life and death situation?
the question doesnt imply it

I'm a wordcel and even I know it's C.


there aren't any words, explain?

I dont even know what wordcel is and I think I'm I'm that and it's obviously C

C, but fuck this