It's time

It's time.

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Yes braindead leftist americans don't understand his existence is critquing police but can't stand the fact that he is human with his own problems like being a lardass which is probably too close to home for americans

>disliking corrupt and shit law enforcement makes you a literal marxist
This is your brain on the american """understanding""" of politics.

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>it's time to talk about
>x is y (and that's a good thing)
>x is not y (and that's a bad thing)
>and it's everything!

Before they address anything else, it's time to come to terms with the destructive role they've played in making nuclear power seem as unsafe and bad as they do and how they've contributed to the climate and energy problems we're facing now.

Cancel them for being part of the problem of devaluing nuclear in favor of fossil fuels like coal and gas and ultimately strengthening Russia.

What is there to say? Wiggum is incompetent buffoon. Everyone knows it but it's not like people of Springfield are saints.

Does this mean Chief Wiggum beats niggers?

>haha lazy cops


ah yes, let's replace it with not corrupt and good law enforcement that we will create

Looks like we have one here lads, nobody else but busybody american leftists care about chief Wiggums normal people know he is supposed to represent corruption and shit law enforcement
You attach your identity to it

yeah, because nothing happened during those 30 years, right?

>>disliking corrupt and shit law enforcement makes you a literal marxist
Based and antichrist pilled. Death to glowies.

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Leftist DO really ruin TV shows and everything else, and once they've torn down the big "idols," they nitpick obsessively at the tiny ones until it's propaganda all the way down.

Aside from perma-offended trannies flooding on the internet, not really.

I miss Phil Hartman

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Modern leftists are allergic to nuance they need a million labels like a ben garrison comic to explain why he is bad

Every doughnut he eats represents a beaten member of minority.

Niggers were criminals before, they are now and they will be in future, and as such will get on the wrong side of law enforcement
the only difference is whether people know or care.
Niggers and their interaction with cops are the socio-political equivalent of the Observer Effect

Not really no and id say not much has changed in 40+ years the only difference is maybe you have more minority police doing the exact same shit

chief wigger

The Simpsons should replace him with someone pure and incorruptible will serve the citizens of Springfield, like Kyle Rittenhouse

Who gives a fuck? The Simpsons has been dead for 18 years.

I suppose you "dislike" Mayor Quimby and find his existence problematic, too? Satire and irony don't exist to you, do they? You're like Drax from GotG - if it's not literal, you don't understand it.

First they went after apu, now wiggum. Just mercy kill this damn show. They’d be doing everyone a favor.

If the mobilefag election tourists here actually bothered to skim the article it just states that The Simpsons was ahead of its time with its criticism of American police officers, but also that Chief Wiggum is sometimes shown in an oddly positive light when not doing police stuff (such as how good of a husband, father and a friend he is). The article reads like filler text written just to fulfill some monthly article quota and generate clicks. I don't see why OP got so butthurt about it.

>Perhaps the answer isn't to phase Wiggum out of the show, as The Simpsons has largely done with Apu. Wiggum stood out as not just a parody of the police but a particularly pointed one -- a stark reminder that members of the police can want to be good people, can mean well and be your friend. But that they still easily could be short-sighted and corrupt, overly aggressive and dangerous -- and get away with it.
>Maybe it's best if the show confronts the history of the character head-on and what he means in a more aware political climate, and not just having him "prove" himself.
>Moving forward, The Simpsons should deal with the fact that Wiggum is the harshest and perhaps the most recognized satirical portrayal of policing in America -- and face it head-on.
archive DOT ph/9cUvn

You're proving the picture correct. Nuke america already.

Andy Dick didn't.

Even satire on the topics they care about, that’s on THEIR SIDE no less, makes them so uncomfy that they have to cancel it?

It's just that cops have a disproportionate number of power-tripping assholes among them, and blacks have a disproportionate number of violent criminals among them. When you put these two groups together, you can't help but have videoworthy moments. They are too separate issues that overlap like a Venn diagram.

I mean your ilk are the ones that shamed them into being useless. A “lazy cop” should sound like a dream come true to you.

>haha funny Indian man runs store

>Entire podcasts and a movie are made about destroying this one character

>ahead of its time with its criticism of American police officers
jesus fucking christ you really don't leave your house or talk with people. needing a cartoon to realise some people when given too much authority abuse it. this has never happened before usa had police.

Even suggesting phasing out the character outs you as a dumb nigger

Ahaha I remember that movie. Apparently Kumar is a less disgraceful interpretation of Indian people than Apu.

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>Is a corrupt, lazy retard who's often too quick to pull his gun out
What more do they want? He's hardly a glowing portrayal of the police

I bet you make references in your head using harry Potter or marvel comics and attach it to real life events like a mental midget, im glad your seethe essay allowed everyone in the thread to immediately get a gauge on you

You live in america so yes nuke it

Then the faggot got mad when they outright removed Apu because he wanted to write the character himself

Read? Are you gay?

Shitlibs unironically don't get satire

A large(hehe) portion of his character is that hes a donut eating lazy lardass and that hits too close to home

Pink frosted sprinkled donuts are racist. I knew it!

Who are these people dedicated to getting characters cancelled off a show no one has watched for decades?

>simpsons is funny because it critiques things in a funny way
>30 years later retards finally catch onto the joke and decide its not funny anymore
>nothing changes because no one gives a fuck about these people except for twitterposting fa/tv/irgins

>getting this angry over being called a mobilefag
>knowing how to quickly skim and summarize an article makes one a harry potter fan
>posting a text barely 500 characters long is an essay
Underage mobilefag cancer with a fried attention span detected.

You're proving the picture correct.

Learn to read. I just gave a quick rundown on the article and didn't state my opinion apart from that the article is just filler with no real messages or strong opinions (more of an observation really). The writer just makes some vague statements with the words "maybe" and "perhaps" sprinkled in to emphasize his lack of commitment to what he's saying.

There's that season 13 episode where Maggie shoots at Fat Tony's henchmen to save Homer.

Read the article. It says what you just said.

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the most retarded thing about the tirade against police is that the police arent even close to centralized, theyre split into so many regions with different policies, laws, training, etc. its so clear that whatever problem people have with police it would be a symptom of other things. probably has something to do with high crime rates, large amount of guns and drug prohibition.

Im not reading a tabloid piece you braindead american

He didn't say anything about Marxists; you did.
But yes, that's still actually correct: Observation tells us that Marxists and other Leftyfucks are the only ones fuming over Chief Wiggum or really any other fictional cop.

losers user. losers.

mutt moment

Any time any of us feel like losers, just remember: we aren’t these people.

>Abloo bloo bloo the kids at my school associated me with Apu

Now they can associate you with street shitting, robo calling scams, and bad tech support. Hope your kids have fun with that, sanjeet.

holy based
if the french are more logical about something than you something has clearly gone very wrong

but ask yourself, what did actually happen in those 30 years, not on a world scale, the simpsons is about a small town, what actually happened in your town?
I bet nothing changed except for people stopped saying 'hi' to eachother.

You guys are fucking idiots.
Chief Wiggum and the rest of Springfield PD were never meant to be any sort of "critique" or "commentary" on IRL Police, let alone or IRL "Police corruption" or any other socio-political issue.
Wiggum and his chums were comedically incompetent, cowardly, dumb and untrustworthy to an absurd degree because
1) That's what's fuckin' funny
2) That's what EVERY character in Springfield is like. The politicians, the banks, the Fire Department, the school-teachers, the construction workers, the scientists, the doctors/surgeons, the clergymen, the TV stations, the Nuclear Power Plant, etc. And those too were, with only very rare exception, never meant as a "commentary" on anything. They were meant to be cynically comedic funny characters in a show where a running theme is that it takes place in the worst possible town in existence.

>1st posts in the thread are assblasted eurotrash
Eurotrash are infantile.

Yeah, I stand corrected: in the past 30 years the Left, even the mainstream Democrats, have COMPLETELY lost their fucking minds and spiraled further and further towards both extremism and general ideological insanity.

Honestly, can anyone name a single fucking thing that Leftist IdPol cultists stuck their nose into and got involved with and the end result was that thing actually being IMPROVED? It seems like without exception the end result is, at best, them slowly ruining it for the people that used to love it and continuing its existence in an unrecognizable and objectively worse state that is less enjoyable and makes less money, or at worst they just outright run it into the ground to the point of bankruptcy or nonexistence. TV shows, movies, comic-books, videogames, cartoons, sports, racing, genre-fiction novels, anime, table-top games, the list goes on and on. And that's just the "hobby" stuff. I'm not even touching on broader and important topics they're ruining, like Medicine, Education or Computer-Science, or individual organizations they completely ruined and destroyed, such as the Boy Scouts.
How many enemies do they have to make before they get the message that nobody wants them? They have what may be the most consistently disasterous track-record of any group or move to ever exist, ruining everything they touch. And they're still baffled that there's "backlash" to them from others.

in my town they built a trailer park and filled it with spics, and two low income housing complexes that they filled with joggers. we didn't have a single homicide in my city in over 20 years until then. now we have 2-3 a year. rapes and burglaries are through the roof as well.

Not indian but I would rather have a thousand apus over a guy who jizzed on his own face on camera

>It's just that cops have a disproportionate number of power-tripping assholes among them
Not really. They're there but not any more so than any other group. 99% of people rarely if ever even SEE cops that much, let alone interact with them, on anything but a rare occasions under specific circumstances (in the past 10 fucking years I have talked to a cop maybe three times; one after a car-accident and two due to being pulled-over for a speeding ticket), and of those already infrequent interactions 99.99% of them go completely cordially, of which there are thousands across the country every day.

Cops are more likely to power trip against white people since they know it wont get them in trouble. If cops acted the same with blacks there would actually be way more violence

What website is this article from?

>Expecting Leftcucks to be consistent
Bro they went from defunding/abolishing the police and screaming in their faces that they were "Nazis" or throwing Molotov cocktails at them in Summer of 2020 to fellating them for facing the "threat" of unarmed boomers walking in the wrong places just six months later.
They largely don't even KNOW what they want, ideologically at least. The only thing they want consistently is whatever is convenient for them and their political butt-buddies at any given time.

The Daily Faggot

Leftypol sent their back-up trannys for todays raid I see. Must be saving up their starters for the weekend.

It's genuinely time to have an open and honest discussion of Jewish overrepresentation in the Biden administration.

I'm serious.

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Every single character in the show is a stereotype.

Should’ve studied harder in school.

Meh. Only Simpsons news I will actually care about is the one where they announce that the show is finally over. Nothing they do hurts me anymore.

t. Seasons 1-10 DVD owner

how does this shit happen kek

estrogen in the city water supply paired with a lifetime of jewish-promoted anti-white indoctrination in their public schools.

>you have to look at people for their merit not their skin color or who they fuck
>wait NOOOO not like that!!!

his nose is literally the same as a pigs

2 percent of population. 11 out of 11 positions. American Asians have higher average IQ than American Jews and outnumber them 3 to 1. 0 ouy of 11 Asians in those positions.

Look, I know you want to fight the fash but you don't have the intellect for it. You're just hurting your own cause. Maybe let more capable people do it and you can help with fundraising or something.