I understand this film series perfectly, ask away

I've never seen anyone online really nail it, and I believe that's because of two things:
They either analyze it from an "action film" perspective or take a "philosophy" perspective when it's not really about philosophy or about action, rather it's about /abstraction/ at its core level. The films and the view of the "real world/matrix world" are an abstraction of "real world" logic. Logic is key, and that's why you see philosophy books scattered throughout the film. They're the result of permutations of logical patterns.
>in English, DOC!
What you see on screen represents a computer but with "our" world. Time is considered a kind of "program" or "container" and thus it generates a "version" of the world. The Matrix world we see is the 1999 version of reality, and when it was made, it was the most advanced version of reality.

Attached: m2.jpg (800x1200, 291.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thefreelibrary.com/Mr Matrix and his dominatrix; HOW 'CROSS-DRESS' FILM GENIUS LARRY...-a0102221884

How neo stop robit in real world

It's also part of the simulation. The "Real World" is actually more like a chat channel that jannies can't spy on because they can't find it. That's basically the plot of the first film:
"Tell me where all the shitposters hang out so we can ban them"


> midwit couldnt be more wrong

Will I ever have sex or is that a simulation?


Was spoon real?

I thought it was just about robots vs kung fu?

>midwit won't call himself a midwit so he has to cope by using a word he thinks is a slur for "dumb person"
It's really more like you're stuck spinning your wheels in the same thoughts forever. You're a "for loop" as a person.
Even if you have sex you can't really have sex because of Zeno's paradox. You never actually put your penis inside.
Series. There's more coming and likely a tv show. Also, Matrix only has 3 movies. 2&3 are the same film which was split with edits because of the $300 million budget.
Are you real?
The fights are representations of authentications, displays of the user having to counter-act a malicious program (imagine if you have a crypto virus and its slowly fucking your PC, and you need to run antivirus quick, that's neo fighting all the smiths at once)

That's true but that's.... Reductive. Off course the movies are about perception . In what way do you feel and see your reality, while watching a fiction . It encapsulates what it's like to tell a story, to understand a story, and what is a story in the grand schemes of things .

Also, kickass action and digital analogy.

Don't try to think that you decyphered (pun intended) something that a lot a brilliant people wrote books about. And some to take on youtube are great.

why didn't anyone in the series know anything about coding? it would seem to be pretty useful for anyone there

>woke mutts good and holy
>a.i. nazis bad
you had an aneurysm over this?

Uh, well, I have and it's not like it's a fucking miracle or something. It's just that no one apparently understands. Your post really shows me you don't get it. You're discussing ideas that are already in your head, referencing those, and then saying "see I made that reference" -- that's not really giving me any information about what YOU think or what YOU believe. The action is again not really the point at all. It's relational or representational. It's supposed to give weight to the feeling of removing a virus or updating a program or reading code, etc.
Trinity does bash stuff in Matrix 2, and it's also correct. Not so much code as scripting but all the same. The idea is that the world you're seeing on the screen is the code. The "keyman" is like a key-gen program who can get you into any other part of the system, which is what they're trying to do, get beyond the userspace.
This is a truly dumb post.

>Zeno's paradox
retrospective measurement has no bearing or act of force on an action.

Explain to me the Merovingian’s character

The wachowskies got the idea for the matrix from a theoretical book called simation & simulacra written by french philosopher jean baudrillard, I bet you havent read the book because you have no clue about what your talking about as most midwits who try to analyze the movie.

There's only one Matrix movie, man. If you actually watch like 20 minutes of the second one you can see "this is not that"

Will you EVER have sex?

It's literally the opposite of what you said. The Matrix was nothing but an advanced data storage/file system that was coded to exist outside of time. The machines & humans were the ones in the 'container' of time. The Matrix data storage with the human 'avatars' were not under a construct of time. It's the opposite of creationism and God. God created time for His 3D creation to exist in. In order to create time, He had to exist outside of it. You can't create something you are already in, just as the machines did not create a 'container' of time through the Matrix. The machines created a system outside of time with the best shot of giving them eternal life inside their pre-existing 'container' of time.

Yes. A series of films, you retarded pile of bio shit.

Every time user goes to put his penis in the vagina, he has to move his penis closer to it. But every time he reduces the distance to the vagina by half, the vagina is also allowing the penis in a little further. Because he keeps fucking the pussy and the pussy allows him to fuck it there's never actually any time where he is truly fucking the pussy.
Great question and exactly one part of the film most people gloss over or go "I don't fucking get it."
He's 100% related to the trainman. He's the representation of an Operating System space that handles traffic but doesn't allow for users to enter the platform, in other words, he's like the representation of a server controlled by a systems admin who doesn't need wealth or power, and yet cannot take it from others. His name is based on the first French kings, which is why he's called "The Frenchman" and the namesake is based on the power structure the kings had. Difficult to assail but also unable to dispose others. When you're in his operating space, his OS, that's his world and he's basically God, because he operates the space that the programs from the other OS cannot access.
I guess you could say
>Agent world is Windows (All the WINDOWS on the buildings as well add to this)
>Real world is Linux (complicated user bullshit, mostly on metal and not pretty but you're Free!)
>Merovingian's world is like MacOS, and he's a Steve Jobs asshole
No shit, Sherlock?
The 2nd movie is better and it filters midwits HARD. I consider it to be the world's greatest pleb filter ever made.
Sex isn't that great.

>Sex isn't that great.
So that would be a no?

>my mom and dad are christians, so am I
>here's why every movie is about christianity
>my mom and dad are hindu, so am I
>here's why every movie is about hinduism
They had both of you in the film already.

> no shit sherlock?

Go eat some onions now

Sex outside of a relationship brings me no pleasure and most women aren't worth it. I also like to stick my dick in crazy and it's not worth it otherwise. But that said, you're sticking your dick in a creature which wants to kill you. It's really just not too simulating for my neural makeup at least. Maybe for you it's different?

Bro can you analyze this next? Like, as deeply as you can?

Attached: wp9661767-bo-burnham-inside-wallpapers.jpg (1242x1832, 330.94K)

>Years after the release of The Matrix, both the Wachowskis came out as transgender women, and some viewers have seen transgender themes in the film before it was officially confirmed.[156] The red pill has been compared with red estrogen pills.[157] Morpheus's description of the Matrix giving you a sense that something is fundamentally wrong, "like a splinter in your mind", has been compared to gender dysphoria.
I hate this timeline so fucking much.

this is a post-event arbitrary mathematical measurement which has no power over any former action.

>shallow man tries to appear deep
There's a price to be paid for power, you know? Can't just have a movie there to wake the goyim up from their work/sleep program. ;)
and yet you will have to wonder, when you are experiencing it, and time goes by, did you really fuck the girl or did you just have a memory where you already fucked her and re-lived it?

Please explain to me the philosophical meaning of the new Matrix movie

It attempts to show the elements which constructed the first film and present the meta-narrative that was originally intended. They /wanted/ you to see The Matrix as a type of game and it also references the concept that The Matrix refers to a version of the real world.
When you see them "re-play" the first scene from Matrix 1, but everything is slightly different, that's trying to illustrate to the viewer how The Matrix program/system works. It's code running on a system, and it also plays with the idea (in my opinion correctly) that this world is also a kind of "Plato's Cave" or container just like Neo was in. Which again, really it is. We DO live in a simulation and most people utter those words without truly comprehending them.
>you think these are shitposts you're reading?

How about eating some cake or cookies?

So it's actually, "Yes, I have had sex"? Also:
>Sex outside of a relationship brings me no pleasure and most women aren't worth it. I also like to stick my dick in crazy
So you're male. Got it.

Neo said he doesn't believe that he is The One, but Trinity does. This movie tells you that you need female's approval if you want to be a king. The Matrix is female.

(Morpheus also believed in Neo, but he's a man so it doesn;t count).

You can't assume I'm male just because I have a penis idiot.
ALMOST the case. It's rather that if you are The One then Trinity will Believe in You. It's because Morpheus identifies Neo as the one and believes that he is the one that makes Neo into the one. But paradoxically, it's Neo looking for Morpheus which allows him to be found.

ppl say shit about how it's not that efficient for humans to function as batteries and while that is true the vr must have come first and then the robots saw that nobody was using their bodies besides a few neurons and decided to use their caloric processes to turn into energy. the question remains though why they chose to keep using humans at that point since they were fully in control and not just throw them away for something better unless they just have no way of changing infrastructure to another energy source. if they have the ability to mass produce humans that means they can switch to some other kind of organism for biofuel pretty easily i'd imagine. humans are not that efficient. could just be handwaved as some last piece of human programming left that made the robots feel like they still had to keep humans around in some form.

>shallow man tries to appear deep
Holy based. Op I thought the wachowski sisters the matrix is about trans rights

>You can't assume I'm male just because I have a penis idiot.
You didn't even say you had a penis. It's just your answer:
>most women aren't worth it
>I also like to stick my dick in crazy
>But that said, you're sticking your dick in a creature which wants to kill you.
Yeah that's every guy ever after they've managed to get laid enough times. You're not special.

Originally the humans were supposed to function as processors. It was changed because the film was already hard for stupids to understand. The idea was that each human makes up the Matrix/Windows/Agent program by allowing it do use their minds to do work for it. It feeds you pleasure signals and you live in ze pod.
Anyone trying to expose the system gets ritualistically humiliated unless they are also extremely powerful. I fully believe whatever weird BDSM kink crap they got into after they got enough fame to do it fucked up their minds permanently (and I believe this was on purpose but that's off-topic)

The whole battery thing was an idea from the executives, it was never actually meant to be in the movie. The original pitch was about how human brains were used for some sort of collective quantum computing, but they feared that audiences wouldn't understand that kind of concept in 1999.

How did the creators come up with the premise? Did it exist before?

I can't tell if you mean the creators of the movie or the system of The Matrix. If you mean the movies then it's pretty much just a modern version of Plato's cave philosophy.


Explain this

Attached: images (1).jpg (296x170, 4.88K)

Yes it's literally a super-old concept in philosophy (Plato's Cave, Republic of the Soul)
BUT, they combined that idea with Beaudrillard's commentary on television, film, and our experience of existence as the simulation. Aside from all the philosophy stuff, it draws from anime, William Gibson's novels like Burning Chrome and Neuromancer, and I think also it has some roots in a comicbook but I don't remember exactly what the name of that was. Some other user might.
That's how Morpheus sees himself.

Explain this

Was chuck even real? I know it says formerly chucks on the sign but I dont remember Chuck at all

The Sneedulation is a part of the Matrix outside of the "falseworld" of Springfield. Sneed is the nexus between our world and Springfield, whereby Chuck enters a quantum state and Sneed becomes the originator of Chuck, while also causing himself to exist by witnessing Chuck, and taking over his business in the temporal past. Mentally it's a construct that exists as a mechanism to avoid firing too many neurons when encountering a part of the ApexExist program which we are a part of.
>ApexExist is the name of the game you live in.

Is it possible that Seraph could've been a rouge agent/angel, became a virus and threatened the Matrix as a whole like Smith did? He was stripped of his wings because of betrayal. Who did he betray and why?

I really hated the army bitch in Matrix 3. The old councilman guy in Matrix 2 is interesting. I wish he had more scenes.

"He is described as the personification of a sophisticated challenge-handshake authentication protocol which guards the Oracle"
Oracle is another name for Java. She "Knows everything" because she runs most of the code in the Matrix. When Smith corrupts the Java install on the system you can basically see everything go to shit at that point and no other humans can really propagate in the system. Seraph is the one who defends her, by "Challenging" anyone who wants to talk to her without access. Neo passes the handshake and that's why they instantly stop fighting. Seraph is able to recognize Neo because of how Neo fights. So he's really more like a recognition/guardian program. Corrupting him means that there's no protection for Java/Oracle.

The councilman guy is kind of a bad character. He's a meta character in the "real world" who is supposed to represent all the old "redpilled hippies" or "im a redpilled californian, we also are part of the matrix!" thing. Must have been a rich executives idea or something because he really doesn't make sense. A lot of movie 2 & 3 was added on later in editing. It was NOT SUPPOSED to have any of the fight scenes in Zion. All that was added later.

Op do you have some type of write up I would be interested

> It was NOT SUPPOSED to have any of the fight scenes in Zion. All that was added later.

>The councilman guy is a bad character
I guess. If I concede that, I’d say he’s a better character than the other Zionese people. He’s not one dimensional like the other retards like Locke and Niobe. He shows curiosity and skepticism how the machines work which seems to me the antithesis of stereotypical hippie types.

Not yet. I'm going to do it one day and probably also a long video review so that the points are easier to understand. It's really not a film that is simple to analyze and it's played for comedy in the new film that people just
>don't fucking get it
and seeing Neo's reaction to that is hilarious.
>Bro it was a total philosophy mindfuck with sexy babes
>nah bro it was more about it being a game
>im just an executive lets make more of this crap
The issue is an old one as well, just as old as some of the ideas they present. Similar to Buddhism, people approach it and believe that it's like some "type of thing you do" or "you have to act this way", thinking that the self is like a mirror, and you follow the rules, clean the mirror, and then you can reflect things.
There is no mirror. There is no spoon.
That's the real illusion, and computers are the same way. It's all just binary transistors and memory. You're just flipping bits, moving around code. The code is what's real, what you /see/ isn't what's real.
What makes my post on Yea Forums isn't hitting "submit", it's

getOne: ->
response = {}
if @nodes.container
for key in ['t-response', 't-challenge']
response[key] = $("[name='#{key}']", @nodes.container).value
if !response['t-response'] and !((el = $('#t-msg')) and /Verification not required/i.test(el.textContent))
response = null

setUsed: ->
return unless @isEnabled
if @nodes.container
$.global ->

That crap.

Can you explain this please??

Attached: A7451341-B854-4041-A661-84AA2AE318D0.jpg (750x1070, 393.97K)

>I’d say he’s a better character than the other Zionese people.
100%, but all of that was added later. The ONLY scene that was supposed to be in the movie originally was the sex/party scene. Zion is supposed to represent "The Cave", and at that point Neo is still in the "Matrix World", not having realized that the "Real World" is another program.
It's because 2 and 3 are the same movie, and have the same budget. A lot of fluff was added to Matrix 3 so that they didn't have to cut anything out. That was the compromise. No 3 hour long Matrix 2 with a $280 million budget. A 2 hour Matrix 2, and a 2 hour Matrix 3, same budget, and we will spend $20 on new scenes and CGI for the re-cut of Matrix 3. That was the deal basically.

first movie from 1999
already 1 after....

lel, of course, with one of the best article zinger titles ever
"Mr. Matrix and his Dominatrix"
thefreelibrary.com/Mr Matrix and his dominatrix; HOW 'CROSS-DRESS' FILM GENIUS LARRY...-a0102221884

Very interesting user and trips of divinity.

coming soon
Matruck's 5:The City Who Slicked Me.

For people who don't read the whole article:
>Sporting dangly earrings and a knitted cap, he was accompanied by 36-year-old Karin Winslow - a well-known sado-masochistic dominatrix, who had just left her trans-sexual husband and taken on Wachowski as her "slave".
>well-known dominatrix whose kink is turning her "slaves" into transsexuals.
BIG THINK. Guarantee she had him say that. Often when people get involved with someone like this their ability to be honest goes out the window.