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Other urls found in this thread:

1. American Movie
2. King of Kong A Fistful of Quarters
3. Comic Book Confidential

>let's see paul allen's cock

The Jinx

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any post-soviet misery documentary, it never fails to depress me

If you ever feel like giving yourself the closest possible simulation to real grief

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>a documentary about me
So basically a sequel to I'm Thinking of Ending Things

The only thing I remember from this movie is midwest bar bros think foreskin is extra weird and even britain has become so mutted that a lot of girls there now prefer mutilated

i like this one also

without the gay editing this documentary wouldve been so kino

>I'm Thinking of Ending Things
pretty good film, is that documentary also about literally me but in 50 years?

>We're just gonna snip it a little so it looks... bigger

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janny is not going to like this

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you didn't watch it

I did
I just have a shit memory lol
It's usually a good thing, I can rewatch movies after only a couple years


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>pooped while they were doing it
how can so many parents put their newborn through unbearable pain like this?

Jiro Dreams of Sushi HD (English Subtitle)

The Crash of 1929 - PBS documentary

The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines"

I saw one from Khazakstan about a town near where Soviets tested Nukes, where there were people thinking they had diseases from radiation, but it turned out they were all just genetic disorders.

The only doc i rewatched was the one about anthony wiener. Its really good imo. Better plotline than most fiction

This all stems from misandry right?

I never thought circumcision was such a point of contention that it had actual movements against it, I always thought it was just a regular medical procedure, I'm not circumcised but a friend of mine had to do it when we were in highschool and he doesn't seem any different than before.

it stems from ancient arabs not being able to wash themselves properly and getting diseases of the cock, so they remove their foreskin to prevent it.
It's then pushed on the goy by paranoid jews that want to be able to blend in when necessary
it's then maintained by the goy out of a desperate need to fit in with what they have been led to believe is "normal"


>threw his life away to speak the truth
honestly pretty based

The Fall of The Simpsons: How it Happened

RetroAhoy: The Secret of Monkey Island

The Money Masters (best documentary about Money)

>all this seething

Circumcision is

1) Healthier: proven to reduce risk of catching STDs including HIV
2) Cleaner, obviously
3) More aesthetic: Girls always prefer cut

But of course it's DA JOOS as usual. Have sex.

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Schizophrenic kino

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>watermark image

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1) There are more medical complications that can result from circumcision than what you can get from having foreskin. We literally evolved to have foreskin, we're suppose to have it.
2) Only if you don't regularly shower, obviously
3) Girls like what they're told to like. Media controls their minds
>But of course it's DA JOOS as usual
yes, obviously

Coping this hard because your parents let you get mutilated. Mommy and Daddy didn’t love you kek.

Where I live it's against the law to snip the ears and tails of dogs, but removing a newborn's healthy body part? A-okay.

Need mo baby foreskins for dem facial creams

I got a 3 day ban for starting a thread about it but let's try again.

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Great post, kike.

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>But of course it's DA JOOS as usual. Have sex.

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nice unsourced screenshot there

nice unsneeded fucknsuck there

>don't try this also elsewhere'', told i24NEWS the Rabbi behind the campaign
was this written by a bot

>this is still legal
I unironically cant understand how

Lmao what a great cuck post
>believing reddit-tier "science"
>mutilate rather than take a shower
>caring about what women think

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The chosen people have to mark their golems

>mark their golems
>also mark their own people in an identical way

This is communism

Read Samhuel

Just thinking about this makes me angry and im not even cut.


more like capitalism

There are a fuckton of "bad procedures" that effect men their whole lives. It's also a wholly unnecessary procedure

let me guess, you need a better source? Or there's no direct evidence the rabbis influenced the outcome of the legislation? Or circumcision is wildly popular among the non-j*wish citizens so it was never going to pass anyway? Or maybe they seemed to influence this particular outcome but suggesting they influence other similar outcomes in other countries is a kooky conspiracy theory? Which one?

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rest in piss
Completely missing the point, this isn't a fuckin direct cinema arte movie it's a memorial for people who were murdered directed by the guy's friend

He could have avoided it if he refrained from tearing his shirt off and going on an unhinged rant about his parents at the end of it. The mix of humor with facts in the first 3/4ths of it would have made it primo normie deprogramming kino.

Lol umad?

I'm pretty sure the jews didn't fire him and blacklist him just for airing family trauma

if circumcision reduces STD risk, then how come USA with one of the highest circumcision rates also have one of the highest STD rates?

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Yeah but it made him vulnerable. If he made a funny and informative video that went viral with normies and didn't set off too many of their red flags and then they fired him for such a seemingly harmless and informative video people would have stood up for him and questioned why it happened. Instead they go "oh yeah that crazy guy who ripped his shirt off and went on a crazy rant got fired. Makes sense to me"

>muh jews
user, the people who cause most of the problems you complain about all have something in common: they are women
Women are the ones pushing for men to get mutilated, nurses will sometimes do it behind the parents.

Jews are completely unrelated to this, they push against those bans because it would also apply to them and in their case its a religious practice