I wouldn't read that book if you PAID me that, what the fuck
Her mom knew about the molestation going on but did nothing.
hmm pretty based
literally who?
She dated a black guy.
Schneider really broke her
no wonder 80% of burgerettes are on some type of psych meds
>Schneider really broke her
Her hymen that is
>$28 + tax for a c-list child actress's probably-ghostwritten book
In no way is this worth it unless she finally spills the beans about Beer Can Dan
actually she probably tried to get her out of the industry and killed her chance at having a career
I like how you said actually and then followed it up with probably.
The blonde from iCarly, she was one of Dan The Coke Can Man's toys. She's his least fav due to her comparatively subpar feet and head game, hence why she has no career these days. Not even joking.
>>$28 + tax for a c-list child actress's probably-ghostwritten book
Nah she definitely wrote it, it's probably just her one-woman play of the same name in printed form though.
i thought her mom was super protective and was checking her pussy in the shower
That was Miranda Cosgrove's mom.
>In October 2021, McCurdy revealed that she was emotionally and sexually abused by her mother. She stated that her mother was "obsessed with making [her] a star" and detailed how her mother contributed to her eating disorder. She also revealed that until she was 17 years old her mother performed vaginal and breast exams on her and never let her shower alone.
Her mother molested her almost as much as Dirty Dan
>Dan “the fiendish foot fanatic” Schneider got paid to film and then jack off to this
>he got off scott free
Truly one of history’s greatest monsters
>Jennette is crazy as hell
>Miranda get hammered and smashed by a whole fraternity at USC
I blame Dan honestly.
>Molested as kid
>Molested as kid actor
>Burns coal
Many such cases
>>Miranda get hammered and smashed by a whole fraternity at USC
pardon me
jesus. such a shame Dan is not in charge of the iCarly reboot.
>she was 17 years old her mother performed vaginal and breast exams on her and never let her shower alone.
what the hell? that's a father's responsibility
starting an onlyfans would be more successful and graceful than throwing your dead mom under the bus for 10 more seconds of c-list fame
go away TI
Isn't she a nigger lover?
she got the NBA BBC treatment
Nobody cares about her death mom, honey. Unless you talk about all the shit that happened at the icarly set, nobody is going to read your book.
>Nobody cares about her death mom, honey
she went on a date with andre dumbass and when she wouldn’t put out he leaked her lingerie pics. still poor judgment
iFunny Powder episode fuckin' when, Miranda. Please, just do it for your Yea Forumsfans. We deserve it.
And good luck with season 2. You are the best waifu ever.
shut the fuck up about onlyfans lil’zoom. that is an absolute career killer
i always read "molestation" as "mole station" like a bunch of moles have a secret underground base they chill in lmao
Never gets old haha
Just perfection. She found the fountain of eternal youth.
The line between history’s greatest monsters and history’s most unabashedly based men is a thin one
Reminder that that chick who played the boring friend on the first season of Zoey 101 liked and shared posts calling Dan a pedophile and no one seemed to care or notice.
Pretty sure that’s just typical MSRP price for hardcovers these days, no one paying that much unless they’re going to some indie bookstore
Does she have nudes?
dangerously based
>Just perfection. She found the fountain of eternal youth.
Incorrect, I'm afraid.
based childlike-mind daydreamer
Jealous much, homeless coalburner?
Poor Sam
some lingerie leaks as ass shaking pics she deleted from jewtube
>Yet another child actor goes batshit insane
I don't care about Dirty Dan. I wish they'd stop trying to whore themselves out and get a real career because they'll never get a decent role again (at least not without a massive struggle).
retard she doesn't have a career she's a has been at least this way she can make millions off coomers
look at diora baird she made more in 2 years than her entire career
I saw her clitoris.
how so?
Who told you about the mole men?
well they basically do user
Why was she Asian when she was little?
post it pls
And Miranda, does she have nude or lingerie pics?
That's very specific, user.
Her mother was right.
dummy, the fappening was only like eight years ago. is your memory really that bad?
>never let her shower alone
thats pretty fuckig extreme, this girl will have issues for life
why not both?
>one year, after either the kids choice awards or the teen choice awards she uploaded a youtube video where she was wearing a really low cut dress
>fapped to it many times as a 15 year old
>video was deleted and i can't find it anywhere
can't even have a nostagia fap these days
Sucked so much dick so hard that her face stayed permanently squinted for a while. She literally wore a corset on the red carpet for School of Rock even, really wanted Dan's attention. It's fucking gross and crazy how blatant Hollywood was with Miranda in particular. Like only Millie beats her in terms of how blatant it is.