
Ooby Dooby Edition

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Happy First Contact Day to all true Trekkies!

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I wish we never made first contact in Africa

The world wouldn't be as developed if it didn't happen.

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nah, the industrial revolution would have happened earlier because it was cheap than slaves

Happy First Contact Day!

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if only because mansa musa singlehandedly bankrolled the renaissance, never forget that.

>hail corporate first contact day

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In celebration of FCD, today was the release of the 4K remaster of Star Trek: The Motion Picture on Paramount+ -- and it's gorgeous.

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Can we talk about how perfect this cold open is? How can you say Enterprise is a bad show?

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For the 4K release, there was a special screening yesterday on the Paramount Lot in LA for lucky fans and social media influencers.

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>How can you say Enterprise is a bad show?
Because I wasn't a kid when it came out.

It was great, they didn't have to change the intro for that episode but they did

it's pretty good except for the painfully obvious cut to some rando holding a shotgun pretending to be cromwell

Beltran is a big/tall guy, doing a jump like that without hamming it is pretty impressive.

New video.

>ruin an episode in one character

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>ruin an user's life in one character

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>watching trash

>watching trash

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Wasn't he supposed to be Jack London

It's fun watching how much pain NuTrek is causing him. I couldn't relate for a long time, but now I do. Quite cathartic desu

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this but unironically
fuck mcmahan

happy first contact day

best episode of TOS

Would you let her assimilate you

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Pic unrelated?

> first contact day
> wears glasses instead

if you are gay and/or lack half of brain, yes

A:E is the worst TOS episode

based and allisonpilled


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shit taste m9

Mike agrees with me
so kys

I love this 'sode. I'm rewatching it now.

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But A:E has now been referenced on Star Trek: Picard (a Paramount+ original) which is a good show, so it can't be bad anymore.

mike is a fat lonely drunk

Mike Stoklasa is a Spirk shipper.

there but for the grace of god go we

>A:E is the worst TOS episode
No. Most of Season 3 is worse.

I like Lower Decks because whenever someone asks me about the worst episode of Star Trek, I can just pick a random LD 'sode, and I'll always be right.

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The bones of his ancestors are very calcium-rich.

It's Star Trekā„¢ at its finest.

Isn't Beltran Latin American playing a Native American or some shit or am I thinking of that Highwater guy.

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Thank you for making it first contact day themed
It's also my birthday which was fun to find out in 1996 when I was 13

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Assigned to a Miranda class again

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Meaning of life according to each series.
TOS - Bettering humanity through exploration, challenging our abilities, faith in our ideals, being willing to sacrifice for those ideals
TNG - All that with a bigger emphasis on diplomacy and reason.
VOY - Survival at all cost. Pure materialism. Ideals only matter as long as they serve ME.
DS9 - Ethnic identities.
ENT - Ethnic identities and cute dogs.
STD - Subversion. The meaning of life is spreading confusion and incoherence to undermine any attempts at bettering humanity. Hail Satan.
PIC - Celebrity. The meaning of life is being popular and choosing "the right side" as in the side that wins no matter how brutal and empty it is.
LD - The meaning of life is hanging out with your gal pals and gossiping.

He's a Latin American playing a Native American character conceived by an Eastern European Jew pretending to be a Native American.

It's the true pleb filter.

>Meaning of life according to each series.
JUDY: the meaning is to let it go from all attachment

At least picard s1 had some memeworthy moments I have yet to see a single one come from season 2.
Of course maybe everyone watched the first episode, puked and shit from every orifice in their body at once and never went back, like I did.

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Nihilism is poison for the soul.

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lead by example
let go of your attachment to your desire to make us let go of our attachments
otherwise you are a hypocrite

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They released some clips of the Voyager documentary if you haven't seen it.


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god damn

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such as?

Dharma, bro

Is it, or do you just not understand the freedom that comes from it?

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who do we idolize? cool people
why the slang term cool? because they project inwardly and outwardly a lack of attachment to the situation
others acting in an inappropriate fashion? so what let it roll off your back
"wow that JUDY guy is so cool, i should be like him and stop getting so worked up about X"
lead by example, like the Dude from Big Lebowski
stop being confrontational, and be enigmatic and stop caring, and people follow your footsteps

Tim Russ will always be based

>who do we idolize? cool people
I don't need to be cool if I am right

Who the fuck is Judy? A tripfag? I seriously don't know who this is or why I should care.

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>I don't need to be cool if I am right
no one will care if you are right unless you are cool
worf is a good example
see how isn't being cool about anything, and witness how no one ever pays attention to her points

True freedom comes from taking control of your own fate.
He's a /who/ schizo who somehow ended up here.

I would be attached if I cared about that

he's the dude that posts the blue cartoon chick and makes all the low effort "geezer kys" posts

you're already attached to the agenda you are pushing, if you are cool about it then your agenda gets fulfilled and you no longer have to care about being cool or your agenda because mission accomplished
right now you are spinning your wheels to no net effect

Great. Why do we care about them?

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I don't but some folks find them hard to ignore even though they add no v alue to the thread. You know, much like yourself.

wej Duj is the best episode of any trek show in the last 17 years

if I ever cared about be cool or not would be attachment to expectation

>spinning your wheels to no net effect
should not care as well, as long I am doing my part, we also don't know how many people I have affected that just saw the light and left, or lurkers alike

The only people free from the "oppression" of society are people raised feral. Your real "true" will with no interference from society, the thing nihilist trannies appeal to is a mute, violent retard. You don't really identify as that, everyone including trannies identify with cultural influences, the same thing you frame as something oppressive we need to escape from through rejecting the idea of meaning which is what nihilism boils down to. It's a theology where the root of everything is nothing so nothing means anything, the void is worshiped as God.

Star Trek

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