Why did he do it? Wasn't it completely out of character?

Why did he do it? Wasn't it completely out of character?

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Because the director is a hack.

He didn’t tho. He had a momentary moment of doubt which he held back on as his character would. However Ben mistook it as an attack. TLJ is the best of the sequels

>Why did he do it? Wasn't it completely out of character?
It was. Every sequel is a piece of shit because they weren't planned beforehand and they were making it up on the fly

Luke considering murder to prevent a galactic war that would kill trillions is something I can totally buy into. But the way it was executed was just fucking awful. All of the Sequels feel like they're missing an entire second movie worth of story and character development.


They could've had the exact same plot beat but in-character for Luke if he merely expelled Kylo from the Academy instead of trying to kill him - arguing that he couldn't in good conscience train someone who was so likely to turn out a sith. It would still make sense for Luke to go into hiding, blaming himself for not doing more to stop the rise of the First Order. But instead they went with character assassination.

Nearly killing your nephew is fucked, but nearly killing him while he's asleep is both fucked AND cowardly.

>nephew is having a bad dream?
>time to die!

>he only pointed a loaded gun at his head while he was sleeping!!!! not guilty!!!!!

star wars sucks!! george lucas is a talent less hack!! everyone that likes star wars needs to police their taste in entertainment

>TLJ is the best of the sequels
The Murder of Luke Skywalker by the coward Rian Johnson is one of the worst movies ever created.

He raped Kylo until his ass bled.

This scene was almost just as bad. Why would Luke taunt at his nephew? Wouldn't Luke try an talk sense into him or be understanding towards him?

Attached: kylo-ren-vs-luke-skywalker-kylo-ren.gif (498x234, 2.13M)

>momentary moment of doubt

Out of character. Ever heard of character progression?

Luke "Gonna stew my favourite nephew" Skywalker
Luke "No pity for the Sith kiddy" Skywalker
Luke "The school-shooter dodger" Skywalker

>trying to talk some sense into a guy that just order an entire army to open fire on you

Imagine this scene in The Last Jedi, but instead of Han Solo it's Luke.

>I looked into my nephews hard drive and I saw the ponies within.

The worst part is he doesn't apologize to Ben he just goes "Uhhh I wasn't REALLY trying to kill you, stupid. I was just thinking about it."

He literally didn't do it.

By jj abrams ypu mean. Rian didnt get any plans or scripts from abrams. Luke in tfa had no personality so what was rian supposed to do? How was he supposed to explain the whole hiding thing. Jj abrams and his mystery boxes fucked up the trilogy

>Luke in tfa had no personality
lol wut

>He had a momentary moment of doubt which he held back on as his character would.

The fact his character even considered it in the first place is blatant red flag that Rian Johnson has no fucking clue who Luke Skywalker is.

Lol holy shit this

>He had a momentary moment of doubt
Yes, I also often find myself standing at the bed of my sister's kid aiming shotgun at his head, but I always held back so far haha.

Are you a sociopath?

>what was rian supposed to do?
Not making him attempt the murder of his nephew would be a good start.

It would've taken three seconds of thought to think up an alternative scene that's in-character

"You're allowed to do things out of character for no given reason but only for a second" - TLJtards

>How was he supposed to explain the whole hiding thing.
Simple. Luke went into hiding to start a secret new Jedi school so he could train padawans without the First Order finding it.

high quality fucking post right here

That would've also created another parallel between Kylo & Anakin, as both would be initially estranged from the Jedi through their insistence they not be trained

>How was he supposed to explain the whole hiding thing.
Easy. The First Order is baby shit and Luke was investigating something much more dangerous. The island simply was his base of operation is this quadrant or some shit.

Because he's almost-based. Ben was a rotten kid, and rotten kids should be dealt with, sooner rather than later. Better safe than sorry. He should have killed Ben in his sleep.

>Luke was investigating something much more dangerous.
Which he was, because Luke knew about Exagol lol.

>it was a momentary moment of doubt
>as he stood over the bead of a sleeping child
>with his lightsaber on and ready to fucking kill
Double-think is really taking a foothold, isn't it

TLJ was so bad I didn’t even watch the last one

>story and character development.
B-b-but muh star wizards is about space swords and space ships and epic le powerful mary sues and mcmuffins. Nobody watches for the plot, or characters, or story. It's like a Saturday morning cartoon for children, Twitter said so!

Cranky Uncle Luke is going on another rampage fr fr

Me neither, fren. There's just no point.

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>Luke had no personality
>original trilogy doesn't count
>books aren't canon anymore so they don't count
>better just make him the exact polar opposite of his original character by making him a retarded emotional hermit while we continue to blow Rey like she is the second coming of space Jesus
>I'm here to subvert expectation, your snoke theory sucks

Then he subverted ticket sales, and peoples love for the franchise instead kek

Rian Johnson is a fucking hack

>profound ambiguity
>just throw in multi-syllable words to sound smart when I'm actually being completely fucking wrong

Fuck you and your "work", JJ. I'd fucking do it again.

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>leftie faggot has problems with his father

Stop breaking the stereotypes this hard, comrades.

>how to devalue a potential auction item by 90%

>multi billion dollar franchise is reduced to a shell of its former self because 2 hack directors can't resist having a pissing match
>Entire sequel trilogy can be summed up as:
>Hey look at this cool stuff
>No it sucks
>No you suck!

I would simply never have scary visions that almost tip me over to the dark side. Luke is retarded.

>Rian didn't get any plans from JJ Abrams

Incredibly false and proves your a fucking retard. If you had kept up with the development of Force Awakens, read the script and the novelization as well as the guides you would know that Rian went completely off script and Rise of Skywalker is JJ Abrams original outline of Episode 8 and 9 smashed together into a whole new plan to try and solve the mess that last Jedi caused. The original reason JJ Abrams was hired was to do the following:
-Write and help construct an overall outline for the trilogy
-write and direct force
Disney had an outline but let director's have the option of doing their own thing which Rian did. This caused the director of Episode 9 to leave

A sweeping shot on an island is personality? Are you being serious?

Reminder Star Wars fans aren't people, they're just bots running off a script.

>The prequels were good!
>Rian Johnson a hack!
>RLM ruined everything!
>Rey's a Mary Sue!
>Apologize to George!
>TLJ worst movie EVAR!


Luke giving up on a student is in character? You make no sense.

He was in TFA for 10 seconds, but you have 3 entire movies of character development to help you with your sequel.

Basically this

Have you seen Rashomon?

It's less out of character than giving up on a student AND trying to kill him. At least by refusing to train him there's a solid argument as to why, "I'd only be helping an already powerful dark side user grow more powerful." It would've created a parallel between the Jedi Council & Luke, forcing him to learn the same lesson they did in the prequel trilogy.

Did you forget thay Luke spent a good deal of ESB and most of ROTJ trying to talk sense into his deranged murderous father and succeeded?

>tfw you see nothing wrong with these

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Rian Johnson could have directed a very good sequel trilogy provided he could develop the whole trilogy.

He is a fucking libtard, and I may personally disagree with his messages and political leaning but I can recognize his ability to cleverly play with existing tropes to produce very good results. Knives Out is a good movie.

The concepts introduced in TLJ could absolutely be the basis for the entiery trilogy, had they been handled with more reverence to the original and had been given more time to develop

> If the struggle between the Dark side and the Light side is eternal, then what was "balance" all about? What if hero and the antagonist were both trying to dismantle this dychotamy, just with different methods?

TLJ reminded me of KOTOR II in this regard. A lot of very intriguing ideas wrapped in a bad execution.

Having said that, the absolute fucking self absorption of throwing away or directly subverting both the preceding movie and the original trilogy in service of one's own bizzare take on the established universe combined with retarded plotholes make TLJ an awful movie.
It is marginally better than the absolute fucking circus of RoTS, but only slightly.

They didin't care

I think it's meant to portray that the call of the Dark Side is a lifelong threat, but it doesn't explain how Ben got voices in his head or why the Force ghosts didn't intervene.

Even the worst parts of the sequel trilogy were better than the best parts of the prequel trilogy. As for the clone wars series - I'd rather watch paint drying on a wall

I don't understand why it couldn't have been one director for the entire trilogy, someone with passion and love for star wars, who has at least passable knowdledge of the lore and what fans liked about post Rotj EU. And who has a real group of fans for the story board to come up with an extensively thought and detailed road map. It is mind boggling that they'd just pick a bunch of randoms who have zero knowledge of star wars, actively despise it and the fans, and are more interested in subverting, marvel quips, and shitting on males. Somehow they thought it was too big to fail, they could make whatever garbage and their chosen fan base (women and marvel fans) would be enough to take the franchise away from the original fans and keep raking in the dough.