Now that the dust has settled, which one was most kino?

Now that the dust has settled, which one was most kino?

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World's End should have just been a pub crawl movie, went to shit as soon as they introduced the robots

Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz = Shaun of the dead > W*rld's End


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Hot Fuzz is basically a perfect movie

shaun of the dead

World's End was just depressing as well.

Watched Shaun again the other day and forgot Nick Frost says "wassup niggas"
Truly a different time

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I don't get the appeal in Shaun of the Dead. Hot Fuzz is a perfect movie. World's End is alright.

I watched the movie not knowing anything about it, so I thought it was just a ‘friends recreate memories of a pub crawl’ until the robot appears. It was kind of a cool “OH SNAP.” Gave my experience a 8/10

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Rewatched the Office recently and Gareth says Nigger in it too, very odd

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all shit
you can tell because it's edgar wright

Are you me? Absolutely based.

What about Paul?

Objectively, Hot Fuzz, but Shaun of the Dead will always have the more special place in my heart.
Didn't really like the alien robot stuff in World's end.

I agree

Hot Fuzz has one of the thightest script in comedies, it's the best one.
Now on the other two, I unironically really liked all the robot alien stuff in The World's End, but I dislike Shaun of the Dead after zombies show up.
Shaun is propably funnier, but I prefer World' End.

Instead of getting in the middle of this one, I'm just going to grab a pint, head down to the Winchester, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

Was good but too american to be really funny

Hot Fuzz is in my favourite film, and in my opinion the tightest comedy script put to film.
It's an outstanding buddy cop film, action film, mystery and 'quiet blissful town with a dark secret' film all at once whilst paying homage to each genre, and not a single line nor shot is wasted in creating this intricate weave of all of the elements that build up the plot and narrative direction. Nearly every joke in the film has a callback or relevance later, or works to set up expectations surrounding the tropes of each of the genres I listed.

Shaun of the Dead is a great zombie film, a great dark comedy, and a decent horror film with good effects and a strong character driven story with a solid arc. It's the best pick for movie night with normie friends out of the 3.

The World's End I was very disappointed by when I first saw it, but grew to like it more and more as I watched it again. Then I turned it into a drinking game that gave it a whole new meaning (drinking a pint along with the characters at each pub, try it sometime it's wild) Then after some time I realised I identified with Gary King a lot and it made me think far more deeply about the reasons behind my alcoholism and its ties to the past and not letting go of trauma and feeling your best years behind you so now it might be the best one of the 3 for me because I think the character of Gary King is extremely well crafted and relatable and Simon Pegg knocks it out of the park.
If the other two didn't exist and there were no preconceptions, I think TWE would have been way better received.

Thank you for attending my TED talk

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I think Shaun of the Dead has a bit of a weak third act desu.

why were there bandages on gary's wrists? attempted suicide?

yeah he has a hospital bracelet on

Fuck the King!
Fuck Cersei!
I eat ALL the chickens!

Why hasn't anything else by Edgar Wright come close to these movies?

Carried by Frost and Pegg

Scott Pilgrim was good, but it's clear that it's his partnership with Pegg that produces the real magic.

Shaunn of the dead is good, but kinda too reddit
Hot fuzz is the best one
World's end is the one that is actually kino

>Shaun of the Dead is too reddit
>Hot Reddit is the best
You what

drumstick > cornetto

This guy gets it.

Baby Driver.

Shaun of the dead is shaped by same ideas as plebbit, Hot fuzz shaped lots of plebbit retards when they saw other people liking it. Still better than most of what reddit promotes.

SotD it the only good one.

The only correct answer itt

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Shaun's appeal was that it appeared in a time before the whole zombie thing was popular (again). It was an amusing homage to the zombie movies of old. Watching it nowadays, it's just seen as more of the same tripe that is everywhere. So I totally understand not liking it.

World's End doesn't measure up to the other two at all for me, still haven't brought myself to rewatch.
Shaun of the Dead had great and memorable moments throughout but it's more of the kind of movie I'd leave on if I saw it while channel surfing instead of deliberately putting on.
Hot Fuzz is a phenomenal movie I could watch over and over and have. Every now and then I stream it. Also I think it's neat that one of the background women winded up being an Oscar winner while another popped up again in A Series of Unfortunate Events.

I have this blu-ray.
Also, Shaun.

World’s End is a literal pleb filter. It’s brilliant. Shaun is still my favorite though, mostly because it was my first favorite film ever


funny you say this, i watched like 20 minutes of it one night and went to sleep thinking it was set to be a pretty good movie, and the next night i resumed watching it and it was all this outlandish crazy sci-fi bullshit, and i had to double check it's the right movie LOL

Simon Pess and him had a falling out for a while and he was giving him shit about the tranny gags in an episode of Spaced. Not like "SJW call for cancellation" more like mentioning embarrassing thing in an interview to make someone else uncomfortable


Yeah this, it would've been way better. The whole alcoholic thing would have been more effective.

Hot Fuzz is more Reddit than Shaun of the dead.

World's End is incredibly underrated

Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are 10/10 movies, World's End is a 6.
I like Shaun just a smidge more because I like zombie movies more than cop movies.

pretty much, the zombies was already tiresome at that time, but replaced them with robots was foooking stupid


Hot Fuzz for sure.
I went into Hot Fuzz expecting nothing, and the tone seemed off at first. But it just kept building and building and became amazing.

Whereas Hot Fuzz's third act is solid as an ox

Saw Hot Fuzz in theaters when it came out, and I still think it’s one of the best comedies ever made

Used to watch hot fuzz as a cop with my mom. Was peak kino.

This. It was actually super dissappointing (due to my own misguided expectations). I didnt watch any of the promo materials so I thought it's gonna be about the last night out for a group of friends before like a meteor hits the earth or something. An actual world's end.
Aliens were not something I was expecting. But the theme of the movie is also fairly depressing so it just didnt feel as fun as the first two.

Hot Fuzz is the most kino.

>tightest comedy script
It might be the tightest script, period.

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Hot Fuzz. Virtually a perfect film. Shaun is close behind though. World's End is great and all and I've developed a lot more appreciation for it over the years, the only problem I have with it is that it's just too fucking depressing. The main character is one of the most pathetic losers I've ever seen on film and it makes me feel genuinely bad.

>the tone seemed off at first
I shit you not, when I first watched it I missed a lot of jokes and was kind of creeped out for the first 1/3 of the movie because I was taking it seriously lmao.

the amount of foreshadowing and recurring jokes in Hot Fuzz is ridículous