He actually makes a good argument here

He actually makes a good argument here.

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No, he's a retard and so are atheists. God's existence is discoverable from natural reason (see Thomas Aquinas's Five Ways), but protties have jello for brains so they don't know about the pinnacles of Christian theology. Instead, protties think that God is literally an old man on a cloud lmao.

They literally can’t refute this. They will seethe and piss and shit but they CANNOT refute this.

Russel’s Teapot.

wow a stalemate

nice argument bro

He’s right. That’s why I think everyone should respect other people’s beliefs. Christians should respect atheists and vice versa. Truthfully, no one can explain how the universe started, or why we’re alive in conscious right now in this seemingly bizarre universe we spawned into

Why do (((they))) push atheism so hard?

You can't disprove that Universe was created by a tomato wearing a sombrero either, but I wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket.
>Thomas Aquinas's Five Ways
All of them are really dumb and self defeating

wubba lubba dub dub god's not real morty

KAFFIRS say that no one can disprove the existence of ALLAH subhanot wa-taalah. But the PROPHET sallallahu aleyhi-wasallam said that their heads should be cut off.

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Alan Moore: "The one place God inarguably exists is in the human mind."

>every single thing is caused by something
>uniberse just here cause no reason hehe matter just spawned

mussies always were and will be violent animals

>God just here cause no reason hehe God just spawned

If you believe God exists without a prior cause, then you've already accepted that something can exist without a prior cause.

if God can exist without a prior cause, then why can't the universe exist without a prior cause.

Atheism removes all responsibility a man has for his neighbor and allows the State to absorb it. Instead of a network of individuals working together for the common good in the body of Christ, we're all mindless spawn clamped onto the teats of Mammon and gorging ourselves on its sludge.

I’m god
Prove othetwrise

>If you believe God exists without a prior cause, then you've already accepted that something can exist without a prior cause.
>t. hasnt read Aquinas
your rebuttal was solved hundreds of years ago

The burden of proof is on theists, always has been, and none of you will ever follow through because it's all most likely bullshit. That said, I consider myself agnostic.

Okay so I can’t disprove the idea. So what? I can’t disprove the idea that you’re a fag, does that make it true?

feel free to relay the rebuttal, or give your own counter-argument if you want.

You’re anthropomorphizing god and applying human logic to his existence when he’s an entirely different being outside of our realm. Imagine you were a god and made AI, and the AI says “what made the creator”, you were outside of their universe

I'm not religious but I partake in these threads just to make atheists mad

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Aquinas himself couldn't refute this. No it wasn't solved, he was literally excommunicated because he introduced this dumb paradox.
What is the solution then if you think you know?

we already know the world exists. why postulate a creator - who in turn exists without reason - when we can use the same argument to say the world exists without reason? why add the extra step of having a creator ?

you just admitted you can't win


>the only counter argument is that "epistemologists dont like it!"

yeah reddit atheists, you're totally more intelligent than Leibniz and Aquinas

Literally just; "No you!"


Cannot disapprove its existence so I must believe. There is a god called mycock. You have to worship mycock now.

>no u is all it takes to send atheists reeling
the absolute state

The difference is there’s only 2 answers. Either there’s a creator outside of the universe (which could be possible), or the universe created itself (which is impossible). Through process of elimination we know God is real. But it would reach the same problem if you try to hold God to the same standards of our universe since he exists completely from with out it. From the laws of our universe, if it was applied to itself, the universe could not have created itself. That’s something we know for sure

Something something burden of proof.

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that's what stalemate means retard

>Big Bang Theory literally thought up by a Priest

>(see Thomas Aquinas's Five Ways)
Had a skim. The first 3 are the same argument, and all 5 fail to prove the existence of god.

>so proud of not being able to win
oof that's fucking cringe honestly

Aquinas may have been smart in some form of rhetoric and ehics, but his five ways are really dumb, self defeating, ignorant of any actual science, and fraught with confirmation Bias. He creates a premise for no reason and then justifies that premise, and in some cases he defeats his own premise without realizing. You might conceivably some decent arguments to support the existence of God, but you're a brainlet if you're using Aquinas of all things. I doubt you've even read these wikipedia articles you're citing.

What do you think the average IQ of this board is Marty?

Why do they never comment on this?

But you might as well say "or God created himself (which is impossible)". Incidentally, maybe the universe does have some of the powers we ascribe to God?

Many thinkers who were considered Christians were in fact Deists, which basically equates to a belief in a impersonal creative/motive "force". That sounds at least as plausible to me as a "personal deity" (like the Abrahamic one)

Catholics aren't Christian. He obviously wasn't reading his Bible.

When did you grow out of atheism?
Its hilarious reading all these r/atheism posts. You fuckers realize every single religion on Earth will outlive you and your pathetic bloodline? Religion will literally ALWAYS be there as long as humans exist

probably like 105 average for the heathens of Yea Forums and 130-140 range for the Christians who appreciate true kino

nice appeal to authority brah. not effortposting with dipshits, so just imagine a list of all the brilliant thinkers throughout human history who rejected theism and know that you're not smarter than them, and know how thoroughly you've embarrassed yourself here.

> In other words, even if the Universe has always existed, it still owes its existence to an uncaused cause
well that's interesting to consider. I'll look over more of this but I suspect it is largely doublespeak from a time when being outwardly atheist was either a death-sentence or at least could get you into trouble.

God doesn’t exist but the truths discovered searching for God do. Without these ideals, society falls apart which is the goal of the ruling class as it can further commodify ever facet of human life.

>basic bitch internet atheist arguments from 15 years ago
you have nothing

>You fuckers realize every single religion on Earth will outlive you and your pathetic bloodline? Religion will literally ALWAYS be there as long as humans exist
The same can be said about herpes and genital warts lmao. What's this supposed to prove?

>as he communicates using technology developed by God fearing Christians
just lol

These arguments are extraordinarily pointless and fruitless and they don't even fucking matter because 99.99999% of so-called Christians don't even act/behave in accordance with the religion they so badly want you to believe is the true one. Why should I bother waste my time arguing about the origin of the universe with some retard who doesn't even practice what he preaches?

Not really. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. If you claim God exists then you're the one who has to provide proof, just because something can't be proven doesn't mean it exists, devils proof. Otherwise we can claim anything that can't be disproven and you'd have believe it. I can claim we were created by Aliens or that we're all in a simulation, and you can't disprove it, will you believe it then? You can't disprove any of the thousands of Gods humanity has created, will you believe in all of them? You can't disprove that the Universe was created by a chimp wearing glasses either, will you believe it?

Why would you need to disprove something that has no proof and where exactly do you start?
We were easily able to disprove the legitimacy of the claims in holy books and bible, so what are you even basing your god on, what are its properties and where did you come up with them if you don't have any proof they even exist, just some feeling, whatever that means?

>uh, you're not literally a perfect human being? thats it, I cannot discuss the origin of the universe with you!
petulant child

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1 and 3 are literally the same, except 3 is a horrid rendition of 1.
4 says that because there has to be an ultimate good simply because "good" exists and that must mean God is real. Which is just classic burden of proof once again, unless he's saying heroin is God, in which case I like this guy.

>no one can prove the existence of God and they're right

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>“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
>(On that day) I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

>thats it, I cannot discuss the origin of the universe with you!
i literally can't think of a bigger waste of time than "discussing the origin of the universe" with a dipshit christfag on fourchannel lmao

>heroin addict
checks out

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yet here you are, tard.

I've never done heroin, but if it is as good as its addicts claim, it sounds like it's the closest thing to ultimate "good" I can imagine. What tangible thing can you think of that's more "good"?

>Not really.
except that's exactly what you're doing cryboy

>a stalemate isn't a victory
realize that's all it takes to make your head explode, just think about that for a second. Your best option is to say
>ok well prove that my unprovable statement is or isn't right
again, the absolute state.

le ebin christian meme

...so they literally claim that even if the world has existed forever, it was still created? When?

>let he who is without sin
>god is a plant that makes you turn into a psychotic fiend who hurts everyone around you only to die a painful death in a few years
damn bro, we got a real philosopher over here

>le ebin
is literally not an argument

>Everything is here for a reason
>No you cant apply that reasoning to god he has been here forever or something :)

I think that’s a possibility. I’m not super religious, but I think atheism isn’t a full answer or explanation to our existence. To me, it seems like sort of the midwit position. They sort of got out of the bottom rung of people who just accept God created everything blindly, but they’re not really diving deep into critical thought either. Meta-psychics seem to be fairly smart people

neither is "damn bitch"?
i'm not the one judging you. the implication of the verse is you never knew Jesus, so how can you speak on his behalf?

wow so clever
so both sides don't know the truth

Only when they're not on the drug are they hostile. You're cutting them off from God himself, what did you expect?
I don't think I'm asking super difficult questions here but they seem to have you quite flustered. Seems I am a philosopher, thanks man!

>an omnipotent being can't be outside the rules he created
babbys first logical paradox

laughing at you, yes



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This guy concedes that god isn't actually omnipotent. I'm not sure that most Christians would agree with that characterisation. Either way, are you really a god if you can't make square circles and cause 2+2 to be 5?

Wow enlightened centrism, how pathetic. We should kill everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ, and their children should be raised to learn who their true savior is.
But there should be a special punishment for people like you. pussies who won't fight for what they believe. I think you and anyone who shares your viewpoint should get nailed to the cross just like Jesus did. You are such a fucking wimpy faggot, I want to kill you.

I've never met an atheist who was less considerate of their fellow man because of their beliefs. This is a shitty fucking strawman as old as time.

>Only when they're not on the drug are they hostile. You're cutting them off from God himself, what did you expect?
Buddy, are you ok? This argument is completely retarded, don't respond if you're not gonna reply with something coherent

Also, God may exist, but that doesn’t mean you get to say word one about It.
Word one includes “existence” btw.

catholics are the only christians

good thing "christians" have never committed acts of evil, their impeccable christian ethics would never allow for it.

>he doesn't enjoy eating and fingering the ass and pussy at the same time as god intended
heathens like you will be purged by holy fire

>god cannot do them
Stopped reading there.
So he is not omnipotent and subordinate to a system of logic


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>non-spaghetti-ists say that no-one can prove the existence of the flying spaghetti monster, and they're right, but I say no one can disprove that the flying spaghetti monster exists.
It's a true statement, but not a persuasive or interesting one.
I'm not even atheist, I just don't like stupid nonsense arguments.

It's not retarded and we both know it. It gives them joy and so what if they die eventually, every God demands some sacrifice.
Does the mere existence of heroin disprove God? Your total mental stoppage seems to suggest it. Heroin is pretty amazing and I haven't even done it!

>neither is "damn bitch"?
yeah nice strawman, retard
you're frothing at the mouth don't think you're fooling anyone