Zack Snyder wants to adapt Blood Meridian

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It would be terrible but I'd watch it cuz it's bound to have some kino visuals in it

Dear God it would be so fucking awful but the memes would be so good.

Please don't

hell yea

Fuck, noooooooooooo

>Zack Snyder wants to fuck up Blood Meridian

Is there any particular reason the Coen Brothers haven't done it/have no plans to do it? They would be the obvious choice and you'd think if they were ever going to do it we'd know about it by now.

At least let Cormac McCarthy die first

He also wants to adapt The Fountainhead. He's all talk.

I could imagine that movie would be a nightmare endeavor.

Would Ridley Scott or Zack Snyder have adapted it better?

You don't adapt a novel like Blood Meridian. Great books don't necessarily make for great films. It's a rookie mistake. See how James Franco's adaptations of Faulkner's novels went.

The only reason he hasn't done yet is because everyone was calling him a fascist right-wing nut.

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i mean yeah but that's james franco.

>Ridley Scott
Hasn't done anything truly good in decades.

Zack is not a necrophile, he wants to rape living authors

i mean yeah but that's zack snyder.

Please god no

>all the racism gone
>whitey will be portrayed as senseless evil rather than being evil for necessity and the situation they were in
>the scalp hunting indians will be portrayed as brave, nomadic warriors who do no wrong rather than what they are in the book, ash covered, devil worshipping barbarians
>the judge will be an evil rapist with no brains
>the kid doesnt get raped but just killed or something

I unironically trust Zack Snyder to do a good job with it, specially when it comes to the themes and visuals.

Hollywood can make Euphoria about trannys and men raping underage highschoolers but they draw the line at babies being smashed over rocks by the obvious villain of the film.

user... this is Zack Snyder. The dude changed the Wayne's killers to a nig just because.

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It was a shit book and boring. Learned quite a few new words but got nothing else from it. Cormac is such a hack, the Road was a pile of shit too. Read it if you like prose that is akin to sandpapering your balls while watching paint dry.

Give it to Sam Raimi desu, need some more bizarro kino.

He loves the story, but he knows Americans are too inmature to not turn it into orange man bad.

Because they're smart filmmakers. Executing this properly would be a big-budget large-scale production, it would be pretty much guaranteed to lose lots of money, and the relatively small audience that does exist for this film has built up expectations for fucking years around the idea of this adaptation that could never be satisfied, no matter how well-done the film was people would shit on it

Some pieces of literature just can’t be translated well to visual media. Blood Meridian is a great novel. Leave it that way. No reason for it to be a bad movie as well.

He's said in the past that he's in favor of a film adaptation being made and would like to see it before he dies.

There's a bunch of other comics out there that are more up his alley to adapt, Liked Crossed or something

Not made by Zack Snyder

The only project i want to see him doing.

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I wanna see it for the shitfest
>Dave Bautista as Judge Holden

It's not like there was some massive built-in audience for no country for old men and they pulled that off, to put it mildly. How would Blood Meridian be "pretty much guaranteed to lose lots of money" if No Country wasn't?

The only people that actually bothered to read Blood Meridian are too old to even be alive anymore and the Gen Xers and Millenials that pretend to have read it will go see the movie anyway just to see what it actually is before saying "actually the book was better" without even having read it. But they'll need to see the movie first before saying it so it'll make a ton of money and I hope Zach Snyder is allowed to take a crack at adapting it.

Based Kubrick is the only director living or dead that could do this book justice.

No-one else has the balls to step up to the plate and Cormac's 88. The time has come.

I know that Snyder at least would be willing to engage with the fucked up parts of the book, even if he'd need a director's cut to show it in all its glory.

Netflix recently wanted him to add gay couples to his zombie movie and he had the balls to say no.

He also said he wanted to make a Alexander the Great film where he's a faggot so it's not like he's based.

Good fucking luck. McCarthy's been trying to make it happen for 35 years at this point. I'll believe it when I see it.
>t. Yea Forumsfag

I'd rather Zahler take a crack at it to be honest.

I'd like to see Steve McQueen take a crack at adapting a few varied scenes. I think he has a good eye for man's brutality and nature's beauty. To that end, maybe Malick would do alright.

Franco's test footage of the volcano scene was predictably garbage.

yeah, more gore kino

James Franco wasn't really trying to make movies with those as much as he was trying to fuck college actresses. I don't even think he distributed some of them, just showed them at a film festival or two and returned them to his jerk-off dungeon.

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The scale of production isn't comparable at all, No Country was a much smaller, cheaper production than Blood Meridian would be. And though it's still violent it's not the same level of sickening violence in overwhelming quantities as Blood Meridian

Snyder is so fucking shit

Thank god this article is years old and OP is a raging faggot


The director Blood Meridian deserves

>someone who cant do dialogue directs a fucking McCarthy book

Neither, maybe Scott could have pulled it off when he was young but he's a senile old man now

could actually be good. i don't think it's that great of a book despite having one of the best book openings in the past thirty years.

Wasn't he doing a Wild West version of King Arthur?

>The dude changed the Wayne's killers to a nig just because
He didn't you lying faggot, and he supported Biden

He did.

>not only is it gonna be a bad movie, but it’s gonna make normies swarm on it
Genuinely apocalyptic tier.

>No-one else has the balls to step up to the plate
There's plenty of directors that want a crack at it who aren't faggots like Snyder

I can understand the confusion because Snyder's cinematography is so shit it makes everyone's skin look like a nigger but the actor is an Italian. You dumb lying faggot

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>but the actor is an Italian.
A nig then.

>he waited for the response and in embarrassment doubles down
I'm glad I could you prove you wrong, please proceed to spaz out like a nigger

Yes, exactly.

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Italians are the niggers of Europe, along with Poland

Why is this the only book that Yea Forums ever talks about? Have you niggers really read nothing else?