This movie is more than a decade old. Did it age well?

This movie is more than a decade old. Did it age well?

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Nope, the only thing that aged well was the CGI on Doc Manhattan's blue dong

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does this look like it aged well?

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it was comically dated the day it was released

Still one of the best capekinos. Comic purists be damned.


Love the movie but Ozymandias is the only thing I don’t like. Too thin and his costume looks ridiculous.

some of the costumes looked too clean

yes, actually. Just like how it looked in the theaters.

I remember people not liking it because it wasn't faithful to the comic. I read the comic and it was basically the same, minus the giant octopus. Why did people lie?

Some people don't like the ending change.
IMO, book ending is better, but wouldn't work as well in a movie for general audiences.
Also, lack of the comic within the comic.

>Also, lack of the comic within the comic.
Didn't Snyder release a super long version that basically added an animated version of that?

No, idea, wouldn't surprise me.
TBF, I didn't think it was that important to the story. I'm sure Moore would call me a midwit.

Better and better. Pure 2000s shlock. Soon it will be a nostalgia piece, and that's good because it always sucked as an adaptation. The effort was there, it's almost shot-for-shot, but only proved why that isn't usually done.

Ozymandias and the approach to the violence (also the sex, with that one infamous scene) crippled a movie that got some things surprisingly right.

Goode's icy performance telegraphed Ozymandias' guilt from the beginning and spoiled the mystery. Until his villain monologue chapter Ozymandias in the book is more of a thoughtful, well-intentioned liberal, warm but with a somewhat mordant sense of humor. Goode was terrible.

Replacing the squid isn't the issue so much as showing the "attack" on Manhattan as the most devastatingly violent moment in the story (particularly its bloody aftermath). The false murder attempt on Ozymandias ends up having more dramatic weight.

The sex scene is puzzlingly terrible. It's not witty, it's not romantic, it's not hot. WHY?!!

Most of the rest of the casting is good and sometimes great. (Jackie Earle Haley, Patrick Wilson, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan especially).

What's good is good enough to make you hate the terrible parts all the more.

spot-on post. I remember seeing the anticipated sex scene on megavideo and never giving it another thought. Ozymandias is a completely different character from the comic, and a strange place to diverge from it. Rorshach's death is the only thing anyone remembers about the film's ending.

I meant to say that the climactic New York scene wasn't violent enough -- just explosions, with no sense of the human consequences of what Ozymandias did. Giving the 'nothing ever ends' line to Silk Spectre also makes no sense.

Snyder can be a good filmmaker and his intentions seem to be generally good -- but he has a certain obtuseness and conceptual laziness that sets him up for failure.

>The sex scene is puzzlingly terrible. It's not witty, it's not romantic, it's not hot. WHY?!!
The studio forced that sex scene to be more daring, over and over again. So Snyder made it over the top and placed that Halleluia song over it as a dig. That's also why the song was used in the trailer for ZSJL.

what a retarded asshole. It's not like they asked him to suck Weinstein's dick, just make the movie you dumb ape.

Let me guess: you need more?

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Most of the things changed was because of the studio. Like Silk Spectre saying that line because the studio felt the female character needed to have more lines and participation. Or NiteOwl II having a bigger outbust because the studio felt the scene needed something more dramatic.

Yes: Rorschach's death might actually be slightly better-handled in the movie: more on the nose with emphasizing in the composition his being turned into a blot himself -- it ain't subtle, but it works. (Granted, it's debatable...)

I didn't realize that about the studio's tampering: I guess it's miraculous Snyder got as much right as he did.
Typical sexist "strengthening" the female character, while ruining the theme, making "nothing ever ends" into some bit of womanly 'wisdom' instead of the ambiguous and disturbing prophecy/sentence for Ozymandias to ruminate over for the rest of his life.

The movie was riffled with studio interference. Even the stylized violence was a studio complaint. They wanted the characters to feel more like superheroes and for Snyder to do his 300 magic. So Snyder opted to do the slow-mo super-kung-fu thing but make the scenes extra violent and disgusting with blood flying everywhere in an attempt to make the characters actions uglier and more visceral than the usual comic book movie fare.

The rape scene was almost cut entirely.

Hi Zak. I'm sorry you did not understand the comic but you shouldn't pretend that you did.

Really? I thought that rape scene was pretty tame for what it really was.

No, the studio was terribly afraid of it but both Snyder and Hayter managed to convince them that the rape was essential because was the underpin of the entire movie. But other scenes were cut like NiteOwl death. Thankfully that scene is present in the other cuts.

Snyder also wanted the Squid, but since the movie was too long already and the Squid required this entire subplot about the disappearance of famous artists and writers (tasked to developing the Squid) Hayter managed to come up with the Dr. Manhattan ending that managed to save time.

The weirdest change for me was Orscharch killing of the pedophile. That was also an issue that i don't remember what the problem was so in the movie it is different, though in my opinion way more violent than in the comics but waay less cooler.

>ambiguous and disturbing prophecy/sentence
what's that I don't remember

This is the first time I'm hearing Zak wanted the squid. In the movie it could make sense. But for those who read the comic it doesn't given the chapter from that expert on Russian history.

The comic series/graphic novel was much better than the movie.

Is not comic purists, is seething children that watch youtube essays.
Becuase they have a surface understanding of the comic, they believe watchmen is about capeshit and that the message of the story is "realistic superheroes are not cool okay?".

>The sex scene is puzzlingly terrible. It's not witty, it's not romantic, it's not hot. WHY?!!
WB told zack to ampt the sex up, the scene was Snyder being petty and childish.
The death of the original nite owl was supposed to be sad, not a defiant fight, as for the violence, I think it worked really well, the violence is really ugly and graphic, and I think that makes a nice change from what we see in capeshit, where baddies don't bleed, even if wolverine just stabbed them in the chest.

>The death of the original nite owl was supposed to be sad, not a defiant fight, as for the violence, I think it worked really well, the violence is really ugly and graphic, and I think that makes a nice change from what we see in capeshit, where baddies don't bleed, even if wolverine just stabbed them in the chest.
Yeah, but comic purists will always complain about the slow-mo and strength or the fact NiteOwl II knows kung-fu and so on.

Yes, people were way to critical but also turbo fans were correct when they said a true adaptation wouldnt happen. I loved the movie even if wasn't as good as the comic and they gave it an ending with a very similar feel but a way a general audience could accept.

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Not even a comic purists, the story isn't supposed to be about a team of super-heroes. Everyone who isn't Manhattan is supposed to be a normie vigilante like Batman or Kick-Ass.
Manhattan turns the entire planet on it's head by being a "real" Superman, making everyone else's larping look stupid.
Having them be able to survive incredible falls/impacts and smash concrete with their bare hands is just stupid.

>comic creator straight up said movie adaptions in general are shit
>says they shouldn't adapt his book into a film
>continues to say it loudly and often during the entire production
>won't touch it with a 10 foot pole
>film comes out
>it turned out to be shit, as predicted
Who could have guessed???

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Yes, it's a classic.

>but a way a general audience could accept.
The movie has a scene with a 300' blue semi-naked man obliterating the Vietnamese.
I honestly don't think a genetically created monster would have lost the audience.
Who the FUCK goes to a comic book movie with the thought of "Ok, but if there's a giant monster in it, my suspension of disbelief will be shattered!"

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it was never good
Snyder is a hack

The main problem with the squid is the fact that the set up for it is the whole mystery about prominent genre writers and artists being take to a secret place so they can develop the squid's psychic attack. So you'd have to add that whole sequence for the squid.
The studio simple wasn't going to have it. The movie was already too long for their liking. They wanted to cut tons of things. The whole animated feature for the DVDs was already pissing them off.

By the way, this movies was the one that started the trend of Snyder asking in contract for him to have his final say on director's cuts.

The Squid being created on an island is the ENTIRE PLOT that the Comedian discovers while returning from a mission; which sets up the entire mystery/plot of the story.

When you turn it into "Doc Manhattan and some govt. physicists are helping Ozy build a clean energy generator in the Antarctic" the entire Comedian plot no longer makes any sense.

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Nobody smash concrete you dumbass, is drywall. Nobody survives anything than a normal human couldn't survive. The story is irrelevant, but both the movie and comic are about the same, watchmen isn't a narrative driven movie or comic. The philosophy that the main characters represent is what matters, the politics matter, fucking pleb, henry Kissinger matters more than how uncool a kick looks.

Because the squid makes sense for the readers back in the 80s, the general audience was familiar with 50s and 60s sci-fi tropes, the main bad guy used a trope, it was a comic book villain after all. The reader has a lot of time to catch up to the plot leading to the squid, while people catching a movie wouldn't, the audience for the 2010 movie would be familiar with action movie tropes, stuff like golden eye, big glowing explosion, framing of manhattan makes as much sense for someone watching a movie in 2010 as the squid did to someone reading in in 1986.

Ironic because Snyder was the thing that WB needed to cut.

>Nobody smash concrete you dumbass, is drywall.
It was a concrete load-bearing column
>Because the squid makes sense for the readers back in the 80s
This is some stupid ass-head talk. Superheroes in general are nostalgia for the 60's, and the idea that every movie has to be relatable to Zoomers is idiotic. You are an idiot, Snydercuck.

>The Squid being created on an island is the ENTIRE PLOT that the Comedian discovers while returning from a mission; which sets up the entire mystery/plot of the story.
Thats not a plot, that is something that happens before the story even starts, what matters is that the plan manages to brake the comedian emotionally, it doesn't matter what it is, just that he discovers it and brakes down.

His scenes were the only kino

Zack Snyder also wanted to reference known movies, genre movies, and capeshit movies. Same as the comic did for other comics and pulps.

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>It was a concrete load-bearing column
It wasnt you autistic faggot. >and the idea that every movie has to be relatable to Zoomers is idiotic.
Imagine being so retarded that you fail to understand why to preserve the meaning of something, you have to translate it to the new medium and to the audience you intend to get that message. You are a moron, the characters in the comic don't look how they do because that's the best suit for them, they look like that because that's what the READER expected them to look at the time, the movie does the same, with the suits wilkinson used reflecting the post-burton image of capeshit for the audience. You are a brainlet and a child.

Having read the graphic novel first?
I liked the movie ending more.
It tied the story together really nicely.

-Alex Jones, c. 2009

it's fine

Literally the least shit of capeshit

I had only last year actually watched it for the first time, I liked it.

The intro and Manhattan sequence will forever be the most kino shit in a capeshit movie.

There's but one small flaw with this film: the 1960s and 1970s music that comes in sometimes. Recut with normal music and it's a 10/10.

The Manhattan sequence was just fantastic.

I miss these guys like you wouldn’t believe

It's better than the HBO series at least. They're both retarded schlock made by people who didn't understand Watchmen, but at least Snyder's movie is just a bunch of the comic (which is objectively excellent) transferred 1:1 to live action.

Based and accurate

I wouldn't call this movie good, but the opening is genuinely fantastic. Would 100% watch that opening before reading the book again.

I always forget Solid Snack wrote the script

there was a hbo series?

You're supposed to feel bad for the newstand kid, which is the same as the book. I also don't understand the constant complaints about the violence besides maybe not liking how it's cut? It's the same scenes as the comic, same blood and everything.

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