Most kino moments?

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Sawyer telling Jack he met his father in Sydney is a top 10 TV moment

The slap. I think it was William Smith and Christopher Rocker

>why did you find it so hard believe
>why did you find it so easy
>it’s never been easy

Every single moment

Then why did he ask Jack why he finds it hard?

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It still hurts bros... they did our boy dirty

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This tbqh.

Season 2 intro with Desmond

I need to do a re-watch and create some webms.

Speaking of which, we fucking need audio .webms for Yea Forums already.

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This scene legit made me tear up

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i miss it so much. i just wanna watch it for the first time again

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you know yr in for kino when this starts playing


In my experience LOST gets better upon subsequent re-watches. For example, I disliked the ending at first, but as time has gone by and I've re-watched the whole series over the last decade my appreciation of it has grown.

Same goes for The Sopranos. Such a divisive ending for some reason but in retrospect it's really brilliant.

>wheelchair reveal
>s2e01 opening scene
>locke's dad reveal
>charlie's death
>flashforward reveal
>coffin reveal
>season 6 finale

Its crazy to think that people watched this live and still post here. Don't you have a family to feed and grass to mow or something. Your grown ass men rn. Don't let me end up like you guys.

Instant chills to my spine as soon as the music starts. It's like a rush of nostalgia... I want to go back...

i pay kids to mow my lawn. i hate doing it. also quit being a mass reply faggot

When they go to rescue Jack from the others and he's playing football with them. The touchdown into LOST is kino.

how can any show even compete?


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In the season 3 finale when you find out the flashback is a flash forward, it blew my mind.

The S1 finale is sooo good. It's a great cliffhanger and is perfect tonally and structurally while also previewing the conflict to come


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>mass replying faggot
>nooo dont talk about a show you watched and liked years ago
>Don't let me end up like you guys
youll be lucky to reach 30 without an attention-seeking suicide attempt
heres your (you), sad fuck.

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Michael Giacchino really elevated everything with his score.

most soulful moment in tv history

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Lost - string you along for 5 seasons, shit the bed on the six
GoT - string you along for 7 seasons, shit the bed on the 8

I your ending and resolution is not par or better than your premise and build up to the conclusion, you are a failure as a writer.

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>I was wrong

when Locke is sitting outside of his fathers house crying in his car

The opening scene for S02 literally blew the minds of tv viewers at the time;


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I never found the highs of Game of Thrones remotely as high as L O S T desu

Not penny’s boat

>what about you?

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Season 6 is kino fuck off pleb.

I'm 30 and remember posting in /lost/ threads for seasons 5 & 6.

You're here forever zoom zoom

I'm 54 years old and have been posting to 4chong for over 10 year now.

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gets me every time

John finding the hatch
Jack going down and seeing Desmond
Actually everything season 1 and 2 is certified kino

>ywn shitpost again in a Yea Forums Lost thread when it was airing.
Why even live...

the ghost polar bear that attacks Walt has not aged well. everything else still stands up today

season 6 was good and you can't change my mind

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Kinoest way of telling someone they're not worthy I've see yet

mmmm, locke this coffee *slurp* oh my god

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Why did Locke banging on the door stop Desmond from killing himself? Did he think John was his reinforcements? Didn't he wonder wtf was going on in the three days between John banging on the hatch and them finally coming down there?

Season 6 is trash you fucking dumb pedo.

*is needlessly convoluted in your path*
psh nothing personnel ben

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The only thing that never made sense is how they never explained what Locke smells like. Not even once but I imagine he didn't smell very good?

this show was the GOAT for dumb cliffhangers, I miss it

haha imagine if Kate, having spent over a month on the island without showering pulled down her panties and stuck your face right in her taint haha, imagine what it would smell like so stinky haha!


Jacob believes that his brother is an existential threat to humankind but doesn't try to talk Ben out of killing him? Better yet, just punch that little shit in the face

What were Jacob and the Smoke Monster again? I only saw it when it was on.

we guam?

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Jacob is some guy who was made protector of the island and given magic powers ~2000 years ago. The man in black is his brother whom Jacob threw into the heart of the island, turning him into the smoke monster. The monster can't kill Jacob or his candidates, and he can't leave the island as long as they're alive.

This has to be the greatest intro to any television series in history.
>That ominous L O S T with the eerie music slowly fading in
>Cut to Jack's eye opening with the mysterious music
>Zoom out to the bamboo forest, Vincent comes into the frame
>Jack wanders around, starts to hear screams

Fucking kino, and it hooks you into the show from the very first fucking second. This shit is why LOST will always remain such a great show to me, even watching this again today, almost 2 decades later gives me chills in my spine.

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jacob protects the island and brought them all there because he's looking for a replacement
smoke monster is his brother who he threw into the light which turned him into the monster. He wants to leave but Jacob won't let him
their "mother" made it so they can't kill each other which is why smokie makes ben do it

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im on season 2 and i think this show is fucking weird and stupid, fuck you guys.

Each ad break noise and end of episode

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A lot of people missed the thematically relevant and harmonious parallelisms and symbolisms on this one.

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I never understood, wasn't the man in the cabin when Locke and Ben visit MiB, but Ben thinks it's Jacob? Because the merc woman says Jacob hadn't been there in a long time

don't forget
>if a random Aussie who is invincible to electromagnetic radiation pulls a giant plug out it makes you a normal human because... JUST BECAUSE OKAY

i dont know whats going on, they just sit in some stupid bunker eating fruit typing on computers, some african guy is building a church and a hobbit tried to drown a baby, fuck this gay ass show

The confrontation between Locke and Jack regarding whether they should press the button or not was pretty good. And it showed clearly what side they were on in terms of faith/science.

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Yea Forums used to be good and it used to be called Yea Forums - LOST

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Ben is putting on a show for Locke, I don't think he knows whether anyone is in the cabin at all. Though I've heard the original plan was that Ben was keeping Jacob trapped in the cabin, which would fit with the fact that they showed an ash circle but didn't show it being broken.
They never spelled out the identity of the man in the cabin but it's widely agreed to be MiB

Ben wasn't expecting anybody to be in there he was rusing, he says it at some point, I can't remember who he was talking to when he says it

The original Gigachad. Modern men still pale in comparison to this aussie chad.

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Reminder that LOST and Half Life are in the same universe. GMan is an escaped smokey from the future.

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>And it showed clearly what side they were on in terms of faith/science.
I don't think so, Jack is just as much a religious fanatic about not pushing it as Locke is about pushing it. He gets so pissed of about it that he chases Desmond into the jungle and points a gun at him. There's a difference between scientific skepticism and having complete and total faith that something isn't real. Kind of reminds me of this exchange from the season 1 finale, wonder if it was intentional:
>JACK: I don't believe in destiny.
>LOCKE: Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet.

season 6 was a bit of a mess but I liked the Richard episode where he talks to his dead wife and all the flash sideways stuff including the finale

It doesn't have to be about religion fyi. Faith/destiny are their own ideas that don't need to relate to a single religion.

I don't mean to say that he's literally religious, just that they're acting like religious fanatics

please stop being gay

I cri everytiem ;_;

one thing that always confused me is how the fuck did desmond go to the afterlife when Charles nukes him with radiation? Can you be in both places at the same time if you're near death?
Juliet's death implies that is the case when she says "it worked" but it's not really made clear

I think everything about Desmond basically boils down to
>it's electromagnetism, I ain't gotta explain shit

Why are there magic powers?