It's a DC 10 episode

>it's a DC 10 episode

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ugly fucking plane

>It's de Havilland Comet kino

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I'm gonna be flying on one of these in about an hour. AMA.

Whoops forgot the pic

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DC10s have fans, that's one of xenu's spacecraft

>It's a concorde episode
>Just kidding, it's another DC-10 episode

Attached: Concorde_Air_France_Flight_4590_fire_on_runway.jpg (310x194, 37.63K)

Attached: dc10 quenches the fires of hell with blood of passengers.webm (891x500, 1.58M)

dude holy shit that's some next level piloting right there

im so sorry user

Why are 3 engine planes so kino?

ill pray you wont die

I'm flying with American Airlines, first class.

well look at the city slicker and his fancy first class flight

people wear pajamas and slippers on planes its not special anymore

that pilot probably shat his pants

Unironically yes. I laugh my ass off when you economy nobodies have to deal with no booze and screaming babies.

>Nothin personnell kid

why did they go under? they had an impeccable safety record til then. i assume it was because 9/11 huh

The only reason dc-10s got shitcanned is cause airlines were too lazy to maintain them.


Concorde was retarded expensive to fly, like 8000usd a ticket. Most people who could afford to pay that kind of ticket price can probably just get a private jet anyways.

There were also only I think two carriers who even had any interest in the Concorde. It just wasn't a very profitable plane and after that accident there wasn't enough incentive to fix the issues with the landing gear.

i doubt he's a pilot anymore
they don't let mistakes like that slide

That wasn't a mistake, fireplane pilots usually fly close to the ground where the fire is so all of it gets covered in the fire retardant.

what'd you call me?

Why do they call it water landing if it doesn't work 99% of the time?


they call it ditching

>it's a 737 max episode

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What is the single best episode I should watch to convince me that plane crashes are kino?

>Water landing
It's called a ditching, not a landing, and no it generally doesn't work. But it's probably slightly better than landing on land (unless you hit a flat field growing really slow with low fuel). Like, a land based ditching is going to kill you 98% of the time, a water based ditching is going to kill you 90% of the time. They both still suck but one sucks slightly less.

A true water "landing" is only performed in a plane with pontoons.


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airframes do have a life span, and I thought the real nail was the increased per-passenger efficiency gains of the 4 engine crowd.

Fedex Flight 705 is crash kino


I doubt 4 engined planes will be in the skies for much longer. A lot of airlines are dropping bigger planes like the a380 in favor of smaller aircraft like the 787 and aircraft manufacturers are realizing widebody+twin engine is the way to go.

I graduated in aviation (operations but still) and I still don't get plane spotting

>Flying Boeing

>DC is 10
>you roll an 11
>but you have a -2 modifier
Hate when that happens

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>it's a mid-flight thrust reverser deployment episode
>The extreme stress of the dive caused sections of the rudder and right elevator to fail and break off as the crew attempted to arrest the descent.
>This was followed by the complete separation of the right horizontal stabilizer, and then moments later the rear section of the fuselage failed and broke off, taking the rest of the tail with it.
>With the loss of the tailfin, the aircraft went into a vertical nose down attitude. It reached a speed of Mach 0.99, breaking the sound barrier.
>At that point, the entire right wing failed and detached, igniting a fireball according to eyewitness accounts.
>What remained of the aircraft disintegrated at 4,000 feet (1,200 m) before impacting the ground and exploding violently.

Attached: reverses your thrust.jpg (1332x624, 115.34K)

QRD on this fella? Wiki link?

Does anybody remember the one where the terrorists hijack the plane and tell them to fly out over the ocean and they explain they will run out of gas so they run out of gas and crash?

>tfw you've lived long enough to see the death of boeing

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I'm super into guns, so I imagine it's the same feeling, but towards planes. I'm sure you've got something you're super into even if it's not to that level.

Same thing as car spotting, autists get off at seeing their favorite vehicle in the flesh.

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Imagine full power on an empty jumbo jet. Crazy that some people get to do this.

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Granted his own takeoff clearance like a chad, pan am shitters become eternally buttblasted

>needing to land

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I didn't know pastaniggers had firetankers.

makes it look nimble wtf

>Record Scratch

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I survived 3 DC10 flights and 1 MD11. AMA

Based. I found myself loving the 515 after doing a lot of 3d modeling work on it for my job.

i’ve probably been on airplanes like 100+ times in my life and have never encountered an issue. people who die are terribly unlucky, it would be a shit way to go. an airplane is such a sterile uncomfortable environment to have your last moments in

What kind of crop grows slow enough to land in?

they're canadian

Aside from trans-oceanic flights, yes.

"oh they're dead"

The finance people got a hold of what was an engineering company and killed it.

It's supposed to be "going," as in you want hit a flat field going slow with very little fuel on board for the best results in a land based ditching. It can also help to have the gear down because that may actually take some of the impact shock and help slow you down.

But ultimately a land ditching is usually non-survivable.

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