Any movies about Oxycontin addiction?

Any movies about Oxycontin addiction?

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My Life

It's the same fucking thing as every other opiate.
So yes. If you're asking because that's your "problem" then you're no different than someone addicted to heroin. Taking it in corporate pill form doesn't change that.


This. Also, apples are oranges.

Just watch Trainspotting dude

>taking a drug that makes you a little sleepier than usual


Bullshit, faggot.

>It's the same fucking thing as every other opiate
literally not

t. pharmacist

This. I tried to abuse the stuff a handful of times because I want to die and all it ever did was make me take a little nap.

Not anymore! Now I just drink to excess.

Imagine wanting to do drugs that put you to sleep instead of drugs that pep you up and give you exuberance.

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Just as bad really. Why can't you just be sober. Moderation is out of the question for you obviously

>Moderation is out of the question

Based. Fuck jannies.


Not a fan of sobriety.

How do people get addicted to opiates? They're fucking boring

I take it you aren't a fan of Jesus either huh? Wow dude.

Both are terrible at extremely high doses. Opioids produce bradycardia and make you slip into a permanent coma, whereas stimulants give you dysrhythmias like sinus tachycardia and make your heart explode

Remember, the dose makes the poison.

Constantly redosing and sniffing shit that isn’t fresh of the brick isn’t really my idea of fun.
I’ll stick to 2cb and 4-ho-met for an easygoing time

Literally is.
A time release mechanism doesn't change anything. An opiate is an opiate. You're not getting a different high, doesn't function on a different part of the brain, withdraws aren't any different.

Cope however you retards want. It doesn't change reality. It's heroin in corporate pill form.

Not at all, big fan of his message of loving other people. Not a big fan of the church though, although it's not like militant atheists are any better.

>Literally is
Literally isn't. Sure, the product that is inside of it may be the same as immediate release oxycodone, but the abuse potential of oxycontin BEFORE the advent of abuse deterrent methodology? You had people coming into the ER in truck loads. Still bad, but at least standard opioids are harder to get ahold of legally.

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To actually answer your question, Dopesick. It’s a show not a movie, but it’s something.

Another thing, saying an opiate is an opiate, while true, is also a misnomer. Opioids are a pharmacologically diverse class of drugs. Extremely high abuse potential, but really interesting to dive into receptor affinity and learn which opioids are used to curb cravings in addiction.

This, honestly
>taking actual medicine with side effect of "drowsiness"
>it put me to sleep 22 hours a day
most miserable couple weeks of my life. It sounds like it'd be nice, but it's horrible.

That's just being pedantic and doesn't change anything at all.
You also clearly don't know how easy opioids are to get at all. You can go online at this very moment and find forums where you can meet people and easily get them.
So, sorry, it literally is. Doing mental gymnastics to pretend it's something different won't change what it is at it's core. You're still getting everything that comes with it in the end -- including the eventual addiction. Just because they've discovered ways to make the time release aspects less exploitable doesn't mean that it's not simply heroin in corporate pill form.

Continue to cope with pretending it's something different to make it seem less dirty if you'd like.

No shit?
Did you actually read the conversation before? Or are you just agreeing with me for the hell of it?


German here.

I really envy how easy you American fags can get highly addictive opioids.
I just wanna throwy life away and get high. Can't do that on free healthcare, vegetables and free range meat.

>That's just being pedantic and doesn't change anything at all
>It's the same fucking thing as every other opiate

Sorry but saying the second statement, getting told your wrong by someone who has practiced with this class of drugs in emergency settings for a while, then going "nuh uh" aint going to cut it.

My image is there more as an extra fact about opioids at large. How its' much, much more dangerous to have Oxycontin loose. Think for a second, saying immediate release oxycodone and Oxycontin ER on the same field, and are the same severity? That's idiotic . They are leagues a part. A person can crush up a single Oxycontin and get 160mg of drug in 2 tablets as opposed to eating 16 tablets of IR oxycodone. These two things are different playing fields, they aren't even in the same state. Claiming "it's the same fucking thing as any other opiate" is true only when you strip out any other circumstances like available dosages, routes of administration, etc.

I have literally never drank alcohol or consumed street drugs (my handler forbids me). Tell me how it feels, bros.

Yes, there are full-agnonist and half-agnonist. Various levels of strength, but that's no different than heroin itself (besides it being full-agnonist). Both are functioning on the corticial reward center, the midbrain, pre-frontal cortex, limbic system of the brain, etc. A lot of which still isn't even understood or is just now being understand. We don't even fully grasp how they all interact.
Your argument, however, is like saying beer, vodka, whiskey are different, so you're not an alcoholic. It's all the same shit in different flavors. No one is going to make a movie warning about whiskey when it's alcohol that's the problem.

It's true because it's true. Nothing more. Methods of delivery do not fundamentally change what something is in reality, nor the effects that it produces.

An argument from authority doesn't make anything you're saying more meaningful. I have my Masters in nursing and have worked at addiction recovery centers when I first began seeking employment. I could just as easily throw the same silliness back to you with actual applicable experience that far exceeds the abstract. It makes your argument lazy and retarded and only highlights your insecurity and inability to make your case without appealing to authority.
Cope, faggot. They're still the same.

one time my mom called me during college to ask me where the oxy was from when I had my wisdom teeth taken out two years earlier

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For opioid abuse being so common, I'm not sure I've ever known anyone, among friends or extended family, who's been there. Am I just in a bubble or what?

I have severe insomnia since childhood
I cycle between opioids, benzos, baclofen, kava,...
It keeps the addiction away and makes life bearable

>Can't do that on free healthcare, vegetables and free range meat.
Let’s swap places then. I need those.

deadpan brits like Georg or Patrick Boyle are the only remaining youtube kino

Let me also add that your argument is literally stupid.
Because the same exact logic you're applying with Oxycontin can be applied with heroin with the advent of it being cut with fentanyl. People literally have no idea what they're getting into and can easily blast past their tolerance and into death because of it.
The biggest difference is that one, as mentioned, is in corporate pill form" — so if you're not an actual retard you could manage this by understanding what removal of the time release does — while the other is a random variable that's always present with no control.

>but that's no different than heroin itself
The structure of heroin is unique in that it allows for extremely rapid uptake into the CNS where it is rapid metabolized to morphine... in extremely high quantities. It is extremely potent, extremely fast acting, and dirt cheap. Different ballparks. Again, the dose is what makes the poison. That's the entire basis of toxicology in emergency settings. My argument is like saying that I would prefer a person to drink one six pack of beer a week rather than 5 six packs, or only take 2 tylenol as opposed to 200.

>Methods of delivery do not fundamentally change what something is in reality
Methods of delivery have everything to do with the severity of what you're dealing with in emergent settings, when you consider that oral access to a drug will be different from buccal absorption will be different form IV access.

I think it's important to establish that knowledge when talking to a literal who, you could jsut as easily be a nobody. Presenting an argument with no context about its source is just as much a cope when considering we are in a filed where our reasoning for therapies come to the most well known guidelines. Cope harder my friend.

It just means you’re not cool.

Lol just took 2 30mg Percocet and a hydro. time for kino

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Fear the walking dead, a show, but it has it.

Your entire argument is "the dose!"
It's a retard argument. The ONLY reason you're even saying this shit is because you're insecure and want to feel like you can "flex" in the saddest way possible, while simultaneously making the dumbest argument possible.
Your argument is retarded. Like pants on your head retarded. Not just a little either.

Oxycontin is nothing more than heroin in corporate pill form. Except safer as long as you're not a retard.
Stop pretending you presented your bona fides as anything other than a way to feel self-important and show off. It's silly. No one's buying it no matter what embarrassing sophistry you use.

ass to ass
no joke I like the ginger whore more than jennifer connely

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Oops. See:

>Your entire argument is "the dose
It's also true, but you refuse to acknowledge it, resort to insults. I really don't see how you continue to claim "an opiate is an opiate" without factoring in the dose, without factoring in the potency, without factoring in the routes of administration or ways of circumventing abuse deterrent design. It is incredibly reductive to put all opioids on the same levels as each other without any attempt to put them into their appropriate context.

>Except safer as long as you're not a retard
Exactly, but so many people ARE retarded, or blinded by addiction, or cravings.

Cast them.

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Does the does or potency change that it's an opiate?
Yes or no?
Was that ever part of the conversation until YOU injected it?
Furthermore, that argument was already completely destroyed and made utterly pointless here: Exactly, what? It STILL doesn't change that it's nothing more than heroin in a corporate pill form. As elucidated succinctly by using your own argument against you — which you conveniently ignored.
But if you're so insecure that you want to do more mental gymnastics to explain why that's not the case, to avoid feeling "wrong," then by all means.

Oxycontin is no different than any other opiate. Even more so in effects, high, and withdraws.

they said the same thing when heroin was introduced to replace morphine. and they said the same thing when morphine was introduced to replace laudanum. it's always supposed to be opium safe from addiction, but it never works, because one thing follows the other.
why would it be any different now?

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how does ho-met compare to cb ?

>Does the does or potency change that it's an opiate?
It most certainly changes the entire conversation when your first statement in this thread was that "it's the same thing as every other opiate". which, when applied to your second post doesn't really make a lot of sense. You acknowledge the potency of fentanyl, its danger in unregulated markets, being used as filler in illicit heroin, and its danger therein. This should cause you to think, just for a second, that there are different tiers here. That not all opiates are created equally, nor should they be treated equally.

It most certainly isn't heroin in a pill form, but it absolutely encourages a slide into abuse.

My biopic desu

So it is nothing more than mental gymnastics and making a silly argument that is mindbogglingly fucking stupid.

My original point stands. You have literally nothing and proved the point of my last post splendidly.
Mental gymnastics to salvage your fragile ego doesn't change that, dude. All you're doing now — and really since the start — is creating a sad strawman argument where you're attempting to argue petty shit using nothing more than anecdotal stupidity and retard logic.
It's the same thing as every other opiate: heroin in corporate pill form.

>So it is nothing more than mental gymnastics and making a silly argument that is mindbogglingly fucking stupid
Looking at something as a multifaceted problem, rather than a one dimensional gatcha is stupid, huh?

Prescription Thugs

>Not doing both

FAGGOT! I bet you got vaxxed and believe in politics too. Kill yourself.

My one insult to you, is that you read like someone who's accustomed to being the loudest one in the room, and equates that with being right.

It's the same thing as every other opiate: heroin in corporate pill form.
Using pseudo-intellectual sophistry doesn't change that. Your entire argument was "the dose!" and once that fell apart it's just been a mad scramble to twist things in various directions that weren't even being discussed.
Again, It's the same thing as every other opiate: heroin in corporate pill form.

So, basically: "I have to roleplay an imaginary version of you in my head as a cope to feel better about myself."
Got it. Well done.

>Not being on the fent train for almost a decade

Got my fent pop in my mouth right now. Gonna fuck my 18 year old gf in an hour or so for about two hours until I finally nut then ski up a gram of coke and drink half a bottle of Lagavulin then do it again whenever I wake up. Feels good man.

Any movies about accidents victims who can't get proper pain relief because doctors are scared to prescribe opioids?

I have to take four different pills to get a fraction of the pain relief I could get with Vicodin or Oxycontin.

If that's how you choose to read it, then yeah, but I feel like your conduct speaks for itself.

>It's the same thing as every other opiate: heroin in corporate pill form
You keep saying that, you keep saying that and I know you believe it's true but my man, my dog,, you are being dishonest with yourself. Loperamide is the same as heroin? You say it's pseudo-intellectual sophistry, but you're the one actively avoiding using any sort of logic to think this through. Take a step back and look at it beyond the easy position of "All opiates are bad"

Theyve unironically already been cast retard. Theres an entire show about this entire era of oxy abuse with michael keaton that came out recently

>doing drugs over the age of 25
might as well kill yourself.

there are no signs of opium abuse. it doesnt fuck with your organs like other drugs so unless you literally see someone nodding off you could just not know