The only thing he is wrong about is thinking buck breaking actually happened instead of it being a metaphor.
The only thing he is wrong about is thinking buck breaking actually happened instead of it being a metaphor
I wanna get buck broken. Can someone help me?
Not as good as this when someone said "Maybe Trump pardoning every single famous black criminal won't happen on his last day in office"
I dunno there’s plenty of gold in his posts
Man I think he does this to shitpost, someone actually on his level debated him and he basically said "I don't hate LGBT, just them trying to co opt black issues." The movie was all fake
he's entirely accurate with this take
90% of hollywood leading men are gay
No, he's also wrong about blaming whites for media emasculation of black men. Instead of blaming the "fellow whites" who actually run the media (and who very disproportionately owned slaves...)
What's his problem
Buck Breaking was heavily edited to blame gays instead of Jews, he had on loads of anti-Semitic black nationalists and there's no way they didn't talk about it.
Nah I think he’s genuinely on the DL
Lack of massah cock
Buck Breaking was the best unintentional comedy in a long time
this is TROOF. in south american plantation they even had lamas trained for buck breaking!!
>White person calls in
>Lol mayo wet dog smell lice druggie you filed your country
>African person calls in
>Lol jollof Uber eats and you smell
>Muslim person calls in
>Lol allahu Akbar you would be fucking goats without us
>Asian person calls in
>Just hangs up
Is he based?
Based nasneed caused Yea Forums to plunge into chaos for a over 30 hours and forever silenced BBC posters.
he's wrong about literally everything
Watching Buck Breaking with Yea Forumsbros was probably the funniest evening I had last year.
Failed podcaster
Failed pimp
Failed singer/rapper
Failed movie producer
Failed debator/intellectual
Success internet personality shitposter
Success Buck broken
why are Foundational Black Americans so bussified ?
This was cringe
Damn sounds kino, I watched the prequels with Yea Forums and it was KINO
He would be very based if he addressed the JQ he's always so close.
Buck breaking happened cos people are hella gay
snopes debunked that. buck breakers weren't gay.
most black men are. They are very in the closet.
nlg with those lips he do be kinda ZESTY
He doesn't really think it happened, its his fetish, he wants his washed ass to be filled with Buck Breaking Cock
“Buck breaking” is a gay-centric framing and a consequence of Tariq’s latent homosexuality, but gay relations with slaves did definitely exist. The master would ask to be pegged or vice versa. And I’m sure some owners may have even considered the act of raping as a disciplinary action. But a systemic homosexual “buck breaking” did not occur, no.
No, what he got wrong was the made up historical aspect.
There is 100% an agenda to turn black people gay and feminine, just like there is an agenda to turn White people gay and feminine. They’re using two different strategies to reach the same ends.
I wish I could talk to him (assuming he is open to being reasoned with) because he has some pretty keen observations but then gets so comically derailed from the point that it discredits him
the average tariq nasheen fan has an iq of 70-80
Hark!!! Hark nigger, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Buck Breaker rise from the deep South full foul in his fury! Black asses teeming with hot cum foam to smother this young mouth with pungent gism, to choke ye, engorging your organs til' ye turn blacker and bloated with shit and cum and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cotton bulbs with indominable Buck Breaking Cock unsheathed, takes up and cracks his fell blood-flecked whip, his blood-engorged penis and powerful hips thrusting at break-neck speed in the barn and plunges right through yer anus, breaking ye – a free negro no more, but a booty-blasted broken buck now and nothing for the mammies and the souls of dead field-hands to peck and claw and cry upon only to be lifted up and swallowed by the infinite tobacco field of the Dread Plantation Owner himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the other bucks, for any stuff that was part of Bucko, even any scantling of your soul is Bucko no more, but is now itself broken!
Who buck broke will smith?
Tariq is one of the great performance artists in modern history
>watching Black Panther at the movies
>intense rape scene between protag and antag
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS BUCK FINNA BOUTTA GET BROKED ON"
>everyone laughs
>black femboy sucks a dick and says, "You aight, Massa"
>Hear "He cute" from one of the girls (male)
This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a lil bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a toilet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of them'...if you catch my drift.
damn this lil massa is kinda cute
The brilliant thing about Massa is that he never actually broke a single person. Because bucks aren't human. He could be charged with no crime whatsoever.
>That call where a lawyer called in and said he doesn't know what common law is
It reminds me of the gator bait controversy from a few years ago.
>morons believed that blacks were used as alligator bait during slavery
>That was really only something that happened on TV
>Not a single recorded incident of it actually happening
>Because it was a myth, some people ended up believing it was true
Buck breaking is reaching that status, it is objectively false (or at least has not been proven) but by publicizing it, it is becoming folklore and some idiots will believe it.
There is no evidence whatsoever that masters would rape male slaves for the purposes of compliance, and even less evidence that the practice was widespread or involved animals/machinery. The deep south was a deeply christian region. Homosexuality and bestiality were (rightly) frowned upon. The bible was one of the documents used to justify slavery, a book which condemns both of those practices.
But creating controversy leads to sales.
He says it was never reported because everyone was complicit in it
I heard one historical account of an eagle and a bear trained for buck breaking and every night they fought over who got the bussy and who got the mouf.
Do any scholars know the story of the Dubs picture? I can't tell if its his gf or his grandma.
dude i heard that on buck farms in china they had a muhfuggen dragon trained for buck breaking
imagine licking her forehead
It absolutely happened. And still happens to this day. Why does every black actor who is successful have to play a faggot or dress as a woman? Breaking.
>east, formerly westerly
based and sneedpilled
>It absolutely happened. And still happens to this day. Why does every black actor who is successful have to play a faggot or dress as a woman? Breaking.
I heard Dave Chappelle mention this in an old interview once but I can't find it anymore. Anyone knows which one I'm talking about?
Based boi
So true.
Bill Cosby was never a fag or dressed as a woman.
>like this?
>yeah...but give the master a bigger dick...also make the slave blush...perfect
What point did he think he was making commissioning all this shit? They're not even historically evident of anything, he just paid some faggots on fiver or something to scribble these up on MS paint.
I don't really know.