
Super Smallpox edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


Are Mexicans Native Americans? Why or why not? Explain your answer using your own words.


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Some are. Like dark people from Oaxaca and other darky states down there. Most Mexicans are mixed Indian and white Spanish blood.

This one.

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Split threads hurt communities

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kek at the thought of her getting her first check from season 1 and just going to burger king every day,LMAO, that's gotta be at least 50 pounds.

I don't think so. It looks like they made her look bloated on purpose.

>skin doesn't go darker
my immersion


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There's no such thing as devolving, any change is evolution

good thing it's scifi

I find it odd that all male black actors on this show are basically fashion models and speak with non-threatening accents.

It's the future.

>basically fashion models and speak with non-threatening accents

That's pretty much every character in Discovery.

They always seem to happen after a thread full of cropped meme spam.

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Cropped has some serious issues. He's the only poster that really scares me, knowing he's also gore soammrer.

Thread wars never end well.

>can't draw straight lines

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Threads wars? Only one /trek/ thread got made.

When did Andy Serkis join RLM?

>I find it odd that all male black actors on this show are basically fashion models and speak with non-threatening accents.
In TOS, every black character was specifically African. No African-Americans were ever depicted.

Because The United States didn't exist anymore.

When the marketers start talking about "trauma" you know you boutta see some straight shit.

Richard Daystrom is not an african name

He was obviously Swedish.

Memory alpha says Commodore Stone was intended to be African, but I don't recall any accent at all.


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Nah I'm good

>every star trek show pulled from streaming services except for ds9 staying on Netflix for some reason

So what's the solution now for watching star trek on my phone at work? I want to watch Voyager and Ent as I literally just finished rewatching ds9 (again)

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Lt Masters.

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Star Trek Picard: Season 2 has been soooo fucking good bros

legit dont get why people hate it tho

Voy and ENT image quality is so bad you can probably fit all of them on your SD and use VLC to watch it


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You’d probably have more luck with a more friendly Lower Decks OP.

>Star Trek
>Follow this old fuck while he travels through time without leaving earth

>a site with no barriers to entry
>the freest exchange of ideas in human history
>nearly two decades as the origin of many seminal memes
>say some dumbass racist shit
it's like traveling halfway around the world to an exotic land and going to McDonald's

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>See that the nu trek redditors are making split threads again
I'll be standing by the true fans in this wonderful thread!

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I bet you're one of those "Yea Forums wasn't racist until 2016!" newfag revisionists.

Honestly, I feel like this is the thread for me. Just seems... genuine.

Why is every single character in nutrek so cocky and unlikeable and sure of themselves? i'm actually embarrassed for the writers.

based af

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In case anyone had any doubts about what's going on in the weird thread:

Literally bronies.

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Are there any eps with the Breen featured a lot in it?

Yes and No.
The majority of the population are a Native-White mixture. 60-107 million

There are about 10 million pure native mexicans and

About 10 million white mexicans with no native mixture.

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DS9 season 7

Been here since '04 and the inflection points are 2008ish, 2012-2013 and 2016 where things got significantly worse. This place was always trash but got trashier in those three time frames. That's the hill I die on. Bring back snacks and eat shit faggots.

The Breen, user? He's right here.

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It's certain you're one of those "racism is part of Chan Culture!" racists.

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if you honestly think that election tourists haven't dramatically changed the tone of the website then you're the newfag here

Look boys, I hate to have to do this but someone needs to set you straight.
Yea Forums.org/faq#what4chan
Yea Forums is a Japanese inspired image board where people post anonymously. It is not what anyone pretends to think it is. Any change in culture over the years is just a product of the times. Now please, get back to /trek/ and stop trying to be the "i was here first" guy.

I like star trek

>Been here since '04
Too obvious a lie.

You clearly haven't been around long. How do I know? Because you're parroting all the sidewide known "trouble" moments like GG or the election. Ypu could literally be here a week and parrot those.

The true point of no return was late 2010-early 2011. That was the year Reddit exploded in popularity and it had a profound effect on the web and this site as well.
Everything shit, and the shift in board cultures and behaviour comes from that moment as Reddit normalised a lot of things that used to be 4chans/SAs/EBWs things.

Sit down and be humble.

based Star Trek enjoyer

and I hate niggers too


Grumpy Grampys are always complaining about how the neighborhood has "changed".

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I bet you weren't even part of GNAA. Sit down son.
Also, Gul Dukat did a lot wrong. He let his personal proclivities get in the way of his business. He neglected the sanctity of his marriage. He betrayed the Detapa Council to the Dominion. He didn't seek mental help after Ziyals death.

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I miss when Star Trek was good instead of an Earth-centric nightmare focused on masturbating the perverse ignorance of Hollywood.

It's always had a streak of it, but it's definitely been more virulent since about 2015. I definitely remember boards not being full of culture war shit.

OH fuck off already with "It's Reddit fault" Guess what asshole. Reddit didn't hire those nazi mods you have
google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en/article/m7aap8/the-man-who-helped-turn-Yea Forums-into-the-internets-racist-engine
Truth is you're all fucking man children and truth to your childish nature you'd rather bury your head in sand rather than admitting any wrongdoings or responsability

Daily reminder that Eddington did nothing wrong

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>let me establish how much of a Yea Forums expert I am by telling you all about how important Reddit is
Maybe you should just not. You might get anons thinking that's where you're really from and where you belong.

He let himself get caught.

I do too...I do too. You'd think for something like 8 million bucks and episode they could afford to, you know, travel to different planets. They really took the trek out of trek, ya know? Now it's just...Earth Stuff

Good Morning Crewmen!
It's me, your old pal Neelix with another piping hot delicious pot of leola root stew!
Care for a bowl?

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>Daily reminder that Eddington did nothing wrong
He didn't shave his head nor did he get hair restoration. Sorry, faggots, that hairdo is for Babylon 5 Centauri.

Ah Neelix, he truly was the Jeffrey Epstein of space.

That episode was so fucking bad a day later I wondered if it was real or if I had dreamed about it, the fucking guys fighting in the corridor felt like a fever dream.

Imagine going on any board on Yea Forums and getting your butthole in a knot because you saw someone use the n-word

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There's a lot of things we should have seen coming like this piece of shit Andrew Auernheimer who managed Encyclopedia Dramatica, always exalting the virtue of trolling. Last time we heard of the guys, he was living in the Russian backed region of Transnistria and tattooed a swatiska on his chest. Weev is a great personification of Yea Forums,started as an edgy clown, end up as a bitter neo nazi sociopath

He truly is history’s greatest monster!

If you think that's what pisses people off you have completely missed the point.

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>waaaaaa why can't i live out my messiah fantasy
>waaaaaa why is disputed land being disputed waaaaaaaaaaaaaa other empires should just let us live here!!!!

i hate the fucking maquis subplot so much, it was so god damn retarded

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It's less about being vulgar and edgy nowadays, now people believe in this stuff for real and camouflage it under 50 layers of irony and plausible deniability while winking at their accomplices


>There's a lot of things we should have seen coming like this piece of shit Andrew Auernheimer who managed Encyclopedia Dramatica, always exalting the virtue of trolling. Last time we heard of the guys, he was living in the Russian backed region of Transnistria and tattooed a swatiska on his chest. Weev is a great personification of Yea Forums,started as an edgy clown, end up as a bitter neo nazi sociopath
Sherrod ran ED as an extension of LJdrama (the core members being hepkitten, weev, scarlet, quasidan, isosceles, twid, and sherrod). He's in Kharkiv with his partner and family. He's only racist because his parents adopted some black twins and this is the saddest origin story ever.

Anyone else wish the jannies woulda just let them keep their other thread? :/

Then enlighten me.
I've also seen anons in here become red in the face and stamp their feet at "Dukat did nothing wrong".

>I've also seen anons in here become red in the face and stamp their feet at "Dukat did nothing wrong".
Dukat did a lot of things wrong.

Dukat did nothing wrong is the perfect example actually. That was originaly an ironic statement, now it isn't.

But he was completely right. The Federation act all high and mighty on the basis of their moral virtues, but they are guilty of all of the things that their enemies do, the Borg, the Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, even Q. They convince themselves they're better just because they're fucking nice about it.

The only thing Dukat did wrong was he tried to be nice to the Bajorans when he was the prefect. Bajoran scum did not deserve his good graces

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Perhaps the Bajorans deserved it? The writers don't do a very good job making them sympathetic.

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Eddington was a retarded LARPer and Sisko calls him out on it

>but they are guilty of all of the things that their enemies do
What is that exactly?
Giving people prosperity and freedom of choice within their realm of influence?
What exactly was wrong about following the aforementioned treaties with the Cardassians about territorial alignments?

Eddington was an anarchist that didn't want to listen to the orders of the people he was receiving all the benefits from. He was a complete fraud.

>The Federation were psychopath maniac warmongerers hungrily conquering territories and forcing all their conquered to abandon their own lives for their new conquered culture
ya no
the classic "y-you're just as bad because you have rules too!" is just him reaching like a retard

>Eddington was an anarchist that didn't want to listen to the orders of the people he was receiving all the benefits from. He was a complete fraud.
What else do you expect from a fucking LEAF. There's two types of leaf: toonshippers and delusional terrorists.

tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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