Why is the 'popular girl' always the villain in movies?

Why is the 'popular girl' always the villain in movies?

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not true, often she is the reward for the male protagonist
but yeah, they are almost never heroes

So the writers can cope.

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because movies are written by jews

Because Hollywood screenwriters were usually nerdy shut-in faggots in high school. The same reason the jock is always the villain too.
In my school the chads and staceys were some of the genuinely nicest people that were there, it was the bitter ugly ones that were assholes.

All Beckys want to be dominated by Stacy.

Chad and Stacy tend to be nice.
The orbiters are the fucking monsters, scrambling over each other to get a taste of their cum drippings.

People don't realize that chad is actually your friend. It's the secondary males trying to move up the popularity ladder that are the jerks. Chad isn't insecure and is popular for a reason.

I wouldn't call Chad a friend but the top male is usually not the problem in most groups, yes

It depends if the writer is a male or female Jew.

For Jewish women, they are never the popular girl. So the popular girl is the enemy.

For Jewish men, the popular girl is the ultimate status symbol. Winning her affection and access to her pussy means you won.

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Because she's a bitch and treats everyone like shit and inferior to her.

don't explain it man, just call it out

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Is that her slave?

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why do mexican guys always wear a plaid shirt


god she's such a sexy slut

I think he should explain it. Not like a redditor is going to take the effort to change their formatting style to fit in. Even if they did they would still stick out. You can't change the reddit spacing but you can't change that reddit brain.

because movies are Jewish propaganda meant to isolate people from their community and make them more susceptible to accept communist state control

The unpopular kids write movies.

Who is she?

daughter of billionaire that bought a career

But I want to see more pics of her ass so what name can I Google to do that?

Stephen Merchant on the left. Carl Pilkington on the right.

here you go

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I want to lick and suck and kiss that little bit of her leg that's exposed.

Fugg where did I pick this habit up from because I sure as hell have never posted on Reddit. Was The Flood like this, for the 2 of you on this website that know what I'm talking about?

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Oh. Well that sucks.

godo enough for me

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finally someone explains it.
i do the normal spacing,
as this post is shown.
but some faggots think that im a redditor because of it.

so basically like every female and male on the planet you fucking polturd autists.


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Delete your post moron. Go back

Cher from Clueless is nice


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When is she going to do porn?

some people just like to add spaces, schizo

You cant use reverse search?

do the work for me you ugly dipshit

Nicola Peltz

What does that even mean gay nigga

its means shut your fucking faggot mouth and do what I say bitch

Hank Hill tier ass. I hope your family is okay with you being homo because it shows.

women hate other women, particularly ones who get more attention than them

U bastard benchod motherfucker
>learn to use reverse image search, it's not hard nigger

i'm gay for her

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why don't you try and make me retard

i would suck every single dick she told me to

>hit enter twice

>autists have a meltdown

Yes, use more Google!

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god she's so sexy

She just told you to suck mine, bitch. Better be sloppy.

This is what slim white girl ass is supposed to look at. Instathot ass is not natural.

>using google is worse than being a coomer
Kys. Excuse of a “male”.

>all ethnic groups are the same under the skin

>t. nig-brain

Kek based