Why doesn’t anyone want to hire her for movies or tv shows?

Was it something she said?

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she got blacklisted by conservachuds for being a based communist. just another day living in amerikkka

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She is honest to god beautiful wtf?

I hope Ben puts her in his kids programming ina. Tight top

I'd hire her, she's so fucking cute.

Disney blacklisted her after she made fun of a protected class.

shes busy being my bang maid.

Trans people on Twitter?

you mean youre busy being her bang maid

Imagine the coitus

Would wife and have little conan-children with.

I want to take her means of reproduction

she's too busy stepping on my dick

she literally just did a movie you retard
maybe look these dumb questions up before you make a thread

She made the mistake of comparing Jews to Trump voters. No one is allowed to do is he the constant victimhood complex of kikes.

It’s was literally a low budget indie western movie that will generate zero net dollars.

she's too busy violently raping me

that wasn't the question asked numbnuts

She’s aging like fine wine…

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that photo is like 3 years old

The question was asked why she wasn’t in movie.
>You smugly responded that she shot a movie recently.
>I replied she was in a low budget indie movie, implying she’s no longer cast in major roles
>You’re still a cunt.

looks like a man, but isn't transgender so she doesn't get a pass
i've noticed that those masculine blockheads are non-existent in east asian women

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If you're looking for work Gina, I will pay good for some femdom sessions.

she's already aged past that picture, post something more recent

i liked her in every role she was in, the scene in deadpool where she rips her top and the big metal guy blushes, absolute kino

>Was it something she said?
No. It was the fact that she was asked to stop shitposting on Twitter by her boss but kept doing it.
She's a liability, fat and talentless.

ew look at those subhuman epicanthic folds

Everyone is aged past every picture, idiot.

so using a 3+ year old picture is the same as using a days/weeks old one? you must be an american lol

>NOOOOO why isn't the government forcing Disney to hire her again
commie pls

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As soon as the photo is taken the person has already aged past it

These people hate THICC women
All these MCU and DCEU actresses have to be almost cadaverous
I like Gina a lot but I wish she was in a better shape, not skinny but with muscles

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Asians look weird. I can't be attracted to this.

Henry put his hands on THAT!?

I'll post my 3+ inch penis in your mouth, gaylord.

Made trannies and libs seethe

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>be bad actress who took a lot of weight
>tweet some boomer shit on twitter
>refuse to back down
>now only Ben Shapiro hires you

id hire her to be my bully tomboy mommy gf

this really activates my neurons

>back down
On what? What she said was proved wrong? If not what is there to back down from?

indirectly, yes

>only Ben
Ben is spearheading the new paradigm of film production after the death of Hollywood, and what are you doing with your miserable life?

>boomer shit

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Ben-gib-monies-to-Israel is doing what?
Did you know he is a huge Pfizer shill?

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I sometimes daydream about being a world class athlete and having insane athlete sex with her when she did that MMA stuff.

Henry Cavill did

Nice thumbnail picture, asshole. Uninstall Yea Forums and delete windows.

She was his beard

she's fat, dumb, and ugly. some simps in this board keep posting pictures of her from 10 years ago in a desperate attempt to garner sympathy for her.

To him that is probably a couple of handfuls

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She's right wing and not a very good actress.

not a gay beard though. henry is a cunnyseur

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she was too outspoken about her political stance before becoming a big enough name to not worry about it

>dumb low iq bitch can't keep her mouth shut about politics

she’s a road scholar you ignorant slut

can you fags do anything original at all?
all you do is cancel and corrupt shit that already exists, god, you are so goddamn useless.


Bloody hell, lad.

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that photo was like 3-5 years old when she posted it like 3-4 years ago. She'll never be that thin again

>She'll never be that thin again
god i hope not

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but user they create a new gender every day

I don't like Korean girls that much, I strongly prefer Japanese girls

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It's funny thinking, how little support she had for having an opinion online that goes against the flow. But now Will Smith slaps a dude and has all kinds of people defending him and his actions, and some people outright claiming Chris Rock deserved it. Ezra Miller gets fucked up and threatens to kill someone and this is after he chokes a bitch and throws her to the ground, And it's just "I hope he gets the help he needs", "He's clearly in such a bad place right now".

Fucking Crazy.


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