Said Dave Chappelle in his 9th comedy special this month recorded from on top of a literal mountain made out of money
“This cancel culture has gotten out of control”
Other urls found in this thread:
Louie is doing fine, Chappelle is a loud faggot
Dave's last special was better than all the funny parts of cuck kings last 3 specials put together.
We tried our hardest to ban him and prevent him from being able to work and earn money... but he's still able to. Therefore, cancel culture doesn't exist.
Both of them are thriving financially and are still viewed as comic legends by many
There’s no such thing as cancel culture
Same with Rowling. Just because it didn't work, doesn't mean you didn't try
I love how people try to equate him openly admitting and taking accountability in which he never physically touched anyone for what he did wrong, is comparable to Big Harv & Epstein’s sex crimes. Cancel culture is a fucking joke and we all can laugh at people wasting their time on some shit for absolutely no pay-off
this, so sick of that weaselly fucking argument
People who have zero power over your career because they don’t work in show business saying they don’t like things you said or did isn’t at all trying to destroy someone’s career. That’s just called being massively unpopular, and it turns out Hollywood loves to reward it, and celebrity’s love to complain about it.
Are they uncancelling Louie then? No? Oh...
If you ever see anyone talk about "cancel culture" you know that their target demographic is just anglogermcucks angry that they're getting rekt in all aspects of life.
>I don't understand what cancel culture is because i choose to enable it when someone does something that i disagree with
the post.
Thanks faggoo
They should cancel Norman Macdonald
>A few very popular and famous people didn't fall off the side of the world and lose everything therefore cancel culture is just a chud myth.
the whiplash this board gives me is incredible. I remember TINY WHITE DICKS spam like it was yesterday.
cancer already did that.
>jack off in front of someone
#metoo was a complete fucking sham
he's a weirdo, he shouldn't be cancelled for life
>he's a weirdo, he shouldn't be cancelled for life
He clearly wasn’t at all, he just won a Grammy yesterday night.
He was one of the hottest comedians for so long with tv shows and bookings on late night.
After jackoffgate came out he had his shows canceled and couldn't get a late night booking and still can't for years. So yes he was canceled. He was able to bounce back because he is very talented and successful but don't use him as an example of not being canceled. He was canceled for a long time.
Chappelle is such a weird idol for these people:
>insanely rich, can retire any time he wants
>gets a multi-million dollar deal for insanely cheap comedy specials on the most popular streaming service
>uses his money to shape housing policies to his liking, even threatening the local government
>is somehow considered cancelled
>People who have zero power over your career
They do have power though. They've made harassment a fine art. First they'll go after your employer, if they don't cave, they move along the line to target their suppliers/clients and so on until the whole chain complies out of fear.
Trump lost
Who are the ones who DID lose everything? Who are these poor homeless actors and comedians and musicians sleeping on the street because of cancel culture?
>oh nooo a few rich well connected people got away with it therefor it cant affect us
Goddamn retards. I wish this line of thinking could be used to make nigs and other subhumans stfu
>cancel culture only effects famous people
>They've made harassment a fine art.
This is something Anita Sarkeesian would've said. Probably still says on a daily basis.
Now you have right wing comedians crying about death threats and everybody fucking believes them lmao
When was he not able to book shows and tours? He’s been regularly performing stand up dates the entire time, and as last night shows, the entertainment industry has never stopped rewarding him for it.
>get fired from wagie job for calling co-worker a nigger
>wtf im being cancelled!!
So you can't think of even a single one? Why can't you just say that lol so weasely
Rent free. Even after all these years he still rules your mind
only because the election was stolen.
and now america is losing.
It's like everything biden touches as not only failed but failed very bigly.
normal people have been canceled. People you never hear about or only get a small article.
Cancel culture is more than just celebes and showbusiness. Anytime someone has gone out of their way to dox someone and got after their life that has been a form of cancel culture.
>He was able to bounce back because he is very talented and successful
And also Jewish.
>get cancelled from wagie job for not kneeling during mandatory moment of silence for george floyd during 10 minute lunchbreak
>this is fine because uhhh private companies can do whatever they want!!!
any reason why commies now support at will employment?
The tatoo chick who wanted to host the incelcore music festival.
I bet you even smiled and thought it was funny you slave
>>get cancelled from wagie job for not kneeling during mandatory moment of silence for george floyd during 10 minute lunchbreak
This hysterical bullshit is why nobody believes you have a point.
Post your name and address then
that would be a very reddit response but I'll give you props for actually saying the n-word.
You'll never be famous enough to get cancelled, narcissistic cunt.
>the seethe patrol is here
Joe Biden is your president
>actually nobody has ever been unfairly terminated from their job
is this the hill lefties are dying on now? the complete and utter disenfranchisement of workers?
and thats a bad thing.
He's your president and you love it.
Is this the hill you're dying on? Larping as a lefty to score a measly (You)? Fine, go nuts.
So like when middle aged liberal white women get called out for frivolously calling the cops on black people? That kind of thing? That kind of behavior SHOULD be called out. Prior to cellphone cameras and social media those kind of lies used to get innocent people killed. If that’s cancelling, then I’m all for it
>why nobody believes you have a point.
literally everyone even lefties say cancel culture is a thing. Just because of few of you twitter trannies say it isn't real doesn't make it not real.
Say it with me: six more years!
Gina Carano. John Maus & Ariel Pink.
>even lefties say cancel culture is a thing
lmao no they don't.
Pretty sure he is irish my dude. From mexico. Never heard of a redheaded jew
For rich people it never existed. For the normal person it absolutely does.
That was cancer culture not cancel culture
you're right in a way, leftoids don't exist anymore because literally nobody is willing to support workers rights these days. you either support the bipartisan effort to make poor people suffer, or you support some vague fringe anarcho-tranny activism that has nothing to do with employment in the first place. there's no in between.
>your exaggerated example is hysterical but mine isn't
Your parents will put your male name on your grave.
>That’s just called being massively unpopular
but they weren't massively unpopular, it's the wrong way of looking at it. they were and are so popular that they eventually recovered and are sucessful again. they were "massively unpopular" for a while because of loud trannies who tried to destroy their careers in the only way they could
>sexual misconduct
What does this bullshit term even mean. It’s not rape or sexual assault. It’s even anything illegal or casting couch related. Who determines what “misconduct” is?
It's funny, there are now white liberals who died violent deaths as a result of shaming people like this, it will never not be funny, somewhere, some white retard is bleeding out because some nog he *should* have called the cops on, stabbed him in the fucking heart
>y-yes i was larping as a lefty because my ideology is built on hypocrisy BUT
Nigger I gave you an example and now you seethe like a retard. Get over yourself. It can happen to anybody
Not even american but everybody can see how big of a joke is your "president"
Yeah people are starting to ignore you faggots and your gay ass crybaby opinions about everything.
>Prior to cellphone cameras and social media those kind of lies used to get innocent people killed
are you fucking retarded m8, got any source on that
Are you a moron? Lots of Jews have red hair.
>nobody has ever been called a slur at work
>nobody has ever been fired for this very same reason
Get a job.
All those people still have careers though. They’re just not very popular as a result of the public not liking things they’ve said. But that’s no different than if they’d put out an album nobody liked or a movie people hated. Their artists, and public perception and popularity is a big part of their careers.
And again, all of those people are still working, they’re just not liked by as many people
opposing at-will employment is actually a conservative endeavor
Why are these Reddit kinds of post nowadays. Are these shills or people trolling for (you)s
It means he asked to jerk off in front of two women in a hotel room and they agreed, he then jerked it just like that.
Because they think getting fired for acting like retards at work is akin to murder.
isn't it strange that the left no longer believe in reintegration
it's as if people accused of wrongdoing, should carry their cross forever, even those who are not guilty of anything before the law.
>Nigger I gave you an example
A shitty, nonsensical example.
Metoo went from rape and sexual assault to now being about things like age gaps between adults and celebs sleeping with consenting groupies
>gets fired for saying the word "union" in a private conversation at his amazon warehouse job
Yeah, I can think of one or two people might have heard of
You're talking as if he's living in a homeless shelter sucking dick for crack money. He's still living a luxurious life.
Not him, but you can't just strawman someone like that and then go back to pretending to care about good faith arguments.
So cancel culture does exist then
Give an example, tranny.
>we failed to cancel these two people
>therefore cancel culture doesn't exist
Niggers and Kikes winning awards under "cancel culture". Wow it's almost like everything is fine as long as white males aren't in the picture.
Conservatives don't support unions, dummy.
What about all the youtubers and streamers who got banned for allegations and didn’t break any site rules? Why do anonymous allegations hold power? Why do you want to pretend cancel culture doesn’t exist?
Aren't you retards the party of self-responsibility?
He asked and they agreed. Where is the misconduct?
no shit, it's an example of corporatist power consolidation which is a bad thing and not good, but anything to own the chuds i guess
>Jew lawyers said sweet innocent nigger rapist boy was innocent so it must be true!
Have you ever had an independent thought?
discord trannies
>So like when middle aged liberal white women get called out for frivolously calling the cops on black people?
she was justified in calling the police. The blacks were committing a crime.
Who gives a shit about those faggots lmao
He just won a Grammy YESTERDAY. I don’t know how a person can be less cancelled than that
neither do libtards apparently.
Then maybe you shouldn't blame lefties for a right-wing corporation's decision to bust unions, dumb fuck.
Mods allow Arcane and Euphoria threads so now Yea Forums is flooded with Yea Forums trannies.
Maybe dyed or half/quarter breeds. Red hair is not a natural jewish feature just like some get blue eyes from mixed ancestry. Such characteristics generally mean they are at most a quarter jewish
let me know when he gets his network tv shows back. When netflix gives him a special, when colbert of fallon have him on his show?
but you've spent this whole reply chain supporting it
lmao i got my answer
So cancel culture does exist yet you keep denying it when given examples. You’re acting like because some celebs with millions of die hard fans not being 100% canceled means it doesn’t exist
wow you are retarded.
Just admit you're ok with people losing their jobs for wrong think and own up to it. Don't try and act like a chickenshit.
Which ones? In the video or in the pic? Because neither one of them was. In the barbecue situation she called the cops saying they weren’t allowed to do that specific type of grilling in that section of the park, and they absolutely were, and in the Victoria’s Secret video the white women straight up assaulted the black woman and lied to the cops about it
Pardon me for not feeling sorry that a sped nigga playing video games for a living couldn't even follow the terms of service he agreed to.
>normal people don’t care about allegations or what someone did
>twitter woke people do care
>now you have to face responsibility even if no actual person cares
at-will employment is a good thing.
>it's ok to outcast some rich guy ad vitam eternam because the mob trial said so
If the cops come and you're doing nothing wrong, the one who called gets in trouble
>us survivors
lmao I bet that was written by a woman who was gazed upon on the streets once
I haven't. You've been strawmanning this entire time.
and those are you excuses that justified cancel culture? That wasn't cancel culture btw.
Niggers should not be alliwed around white people. Simple as.
>>it's ok to outcast some rich guy
Ariel Pink said things 200x more inflammatory in the lead up to the release of his POM POM album.
It turned out to be his most successful release yet.
Why? It was 2014 –– before the advent of cancel culture. Go argue in bad faith somewhere else. Or, better yet, just headbutt a knife and do us all a favour.
Legal and SJW jargon work function the same. They put a label on a certain offense, no matter how small. It's why if you get drunk and take a piss near a playground, you're labeled a sex offender.
>I'm not American I'm just obsessed with your politics
every time
>i dont like your exemple therefor its invalid
Please consider suicide. It would take the burden off your parents
He never had any network tv shows or Netflix specials before that, but is your argument really that the reason cancel culture is real and it’s terrible because as a result Louis CK is no longer invited on the Tonight Show? Jesus, what levels of suffering, I can’t believe it
>It was 2014 –– before the advent of cancel culture
lmao Zoe Quinn was killing careers at the time. You're simply too young to talk about these things.
underage can't post here
This is the level of delusion that causes a man to mutilate himself and think that makes him a woman.
>>i dont like your exemple therefor its invalid
That's how it works.
Gamergate was just starting in 2014 you lying nigger.
You think he's gonna pay you for this post?
louis ck is half mexican half J_wish
>Gamergate was just starting in 2014
And guess what Zoe was doing at the time, genius?
>gamergate was the start of cancel culture
lmao even
Zoe Quinn was some dyke with a by-line back then... you think ANYONE who wasn't mentally ill took anything she said seriously? No chance.
Prior to mid 2017, these people were just pissing in the wind. And that's all their shitty "criticism" deserved desu.
theres only so many spots in the cancel penalty box they let louis out for will
Honestly I feel like it's been dying down in recent months. Or maybe just the coverage of it shifted and it isn't as present in the media while still rampant in the background.
I was responding to a guy claiming cancel culture was a serious problem because it effects non famous people you never hear about. Both of those women lost their jobs and I believe got in some legal trouble for their actions, and I think that’s a good thing. They did bad shit and people publicly shamed them and they faced consequences where they previously would not have prior to the internet and everyone having cameras
>you think ANYONE who wasn't mentally ill took anything she said seriously?
You fucking subhuman retards went to war with every news outlet BECAUSE you took her words seriously. Holy shit, the lengths you people will go to revision your pathetic hacktivism.
>he never had any network tv shows
Is HBO not a network?
people have opinions on a variety of things and like to confront ideas sometimes, you'll understand when you grow up
Reminder that this literal saint was cancelled for saying nice things about Louis CK.
How much did he pay for this one?
They did
>mentally ill
>subhuman retards
the lunatic fringe doesn't represent the majority. thanks for proving my point though. now seethe.
>BECAUSE you took her words seriously.
Nah man. You can stop rewriting history now. It wasn't Yea Forums that took her seriously, it was the growing number of journalists and social media types that took her seriously. Thats where the reactionary part of the internet came in (Yea Forums).
What a pussy. He was dying. What possible good could have come from the public humiliation?
No, it’s premium cable. The major network stations are ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX
Fucking journalists? Even if she got people cancelled that I'm not remembering, it was only in the tiny sphere of indie gaming.
It was the start of it going mainstream, yes.
>It wasn't Yea Forums that took her seriously
Two words, you fucking retard: Vivian James.
What about when a black person killed or raped a white person and the town got together to hang them? Is that good too or does it go one way?
He lost 35 million dollars in one day.
>it was only in the tiny sphere of indie gaming
Kinda like saying cancel culture isn't real.
>They’re just not very popular as a result of the public not liking things they’ve said
Stop being dishonest. It's not like the ratings of the show Gina was in tanked and she got fired for that. She got fired because the people in charge were afraid of possible controversy, not by "the people" but the media and a select group of twitter retards. If they hadn't fired her, people would have just continued watching.
>You fucking subhuman retards went to war with every news outlet because THEY took her words seriously. Holy shit, I will never be a woman.
Boo hoo.
Who’s a person that has died as a result of being canceled online?
Vivian James was a fucking meme, bro. Come on. We drew porn of her.
In 2014? Yes that's the entire point of my post you illiterate troglodyte.
Cancel culture is real, you trannies just lack any real power against anyone who doesn't immediately cuck over to you
What are you talking about? Every right winger in your country agrees with me. Just admit you made a mistake to put a schizo pedo into office. Your friends and family wont see your Yea Forums post history
Russia lost sweetie, get over it.
>Vivian James was a fucking meme
Again with the fucking revisionism. At least you're letting me know how embarrassed you feel about being part of gaymergate.
You're wrong. Jews have been known to have red hair for thousands of years.
Dude was fired from a hotdog shop in my town because he was at the debacle in Charlottsville.
Who's being cancelled for murder?
What? Alright enough shitposting from you.
He had a critically acclaimed show called Louie on FX, idiot. Stop saying your nonsense.
So you are just a disingenuous nigger I see
Zoom zoom
Arent you still mad that hasan got cancelled?
With Gina Carano she was fired as a direct response to the overwhelming number of complaints her comments and actions were generating. It’s literally the opposite of what you’re saying- so many people were vocally angry about what she was continuing to say that Disney couldn’t ignore it without it cutting into their bottom line and costing them money in lost revenue
don't you guys have your own politicians to seethe about?
Please ignore the man behind the wig, er I mean curtain, trying to take away your job. We have no power, except when we do in which case we will brag about it
>Home Box Office is an American pay television network owned by WarnerMedia Studios & Networks and the flagship property of namesake parent subsidiary Home Box Office, Inc.
>Chauvin and the McMichaels receive life sentences in prison because an outrage mob took a viral video out of context and raised hell for months before the trial and even gathered outside the courthouses chanting and threatening to cause more damage if a guilty verdict isn't reached
So many mentally ill trannies, you mean. The majority didn't care.
>so many people
A very vocal minority does not count as so many people. I don't care about losers screaming on twitter they aren't people.
Based. Fuck Chauvin.
Okay, and he may again someday soon too- that still doesn’t change the fact that FX isn’t a network station
He was hoping to live, you fucking retard.
Maybe his cancer was in his pussy.
>what is suicide
The defense attorney for the McMichaels was as bad as the prosecutor in Rittenhouse. The whole trial was a shit show and the defense was bad. Seethe
>She got fired because the people in charge were afraid of possible controversy, not by "the people" but the media and a select group of twitter retards.
Not quite. She was fired because she pissed off the people who run everything in Hollywood. She was fired for genuinely offending them, not out of fear of an offended media and Twatter users.
>rent free
Finally starting to get it eh
The cop that choked a guy to death? He wasn't cancelled he was put in jail for murder lol
Wait I’m confused, those were convicted murders. They weren’t filmed at a Starbucks yelling at a barista, and went viral- these guys killed people and were subjects of nationally high profile trials, and thus became unpopular.
I’m just having trouble following your point.
In kangaroo court
So who’s a person that committed suicide as a result of being canceled on the internet?
watch out for any stray mirrors that might remind you of your hairline and jaw
He overdosed on fentanyl and everybody admits it now. Where have you been?
I get that you're ass blasted about another country democratically electing a leader you don't like and have no ability to change or influence in any way. I just don't understand why
You kidding me? Whenever I need to smile, I just think of the bald retard.
Learn what the eggshell skull rule is. If you tap someone on their head and it wouldn't kill a normal person, but it does to them, "But it wouldn't have happened to someone else!" is not a defense
Then how come the autopsy, coroner, EMTs, witnesses, video footage and jury all say it was asphyxiation?
>everybody admits it now
No, not really.
Exactly, you think about him all the time lmfao. Do you know what rent free means?
What are you talking about? It obviously didn't kill him.
Wow i bet everyone in your tranny hovel thinks you're super cool when you brag like that! I dislike chauvin too but I'm not going to be some seething faggot about it. Move on weirdo
You know what a world power is right? Its the same thing when you guys seethe about russia or china really
>that reading comprehension
You are severely ESL, don't you?
They don't. Literally none of them said that.
you have to go back
Yeah all those pro fag, tranny and diversity talks are a highmark of conservatism
I am kinda cool.
>n-no u
Lol are you posting during recess?
I allege that the (((journalist))) is a child rapist. See how that works?
add it to the list of your delusions of self-perception
There, you finally got my post. Good job.
Kevin Spacey, Johnny Depp, Gina Carano
Why are you lying about easily provable things? You know the trial was public right?
You'd think a stupid fuck like you would understand that all of it is simply marketing for normies to feel good about, but nope. You literally can't tell when you're being duped. You actually believe Amazon is leftist.
So was Chris Chan cancel culture?
Oh, just because Kevin Spacey got killed off of his own show and digitally removed from the movie he was starring in with his agent dropping him along with all existing movie contracted nullified and hasn't been able to work in the past decade doesn't mean he's CANCELED.
You should probably stick to one reply. You're samefagging all over the place and it shows.
you're in incomprehensible faggot and I have zero idea what your word salad is trying to convey. Are you a retarded troll, or just retarded?
>inb4 huehuehue i'm just pretending guise
The cop who arrested a man actively on drugs. Even during his trial, the prosecution admitted the knee was resting on his back, not his neck, and wouldn't have been able to kill on its own. They argued at one point that his positioning was too close to the back of the running car and he was suffocating on exhaust fumes. It's worth pointing out that Floyd put himself on the ground in that position and pleaded "I'll stay on the ground" to avoid getting back in the air conditioned cop car where nobody would touch him.
>digitally removed
New scenes were shot with Plummer. Do you have to lie about everything? And to defend a pedo?
>only newsworthy people get cancelled
Have you tried not being retarded?
All three of those people are still working actors
Oh, you didn't get it. Shame.
>this many people couldnt possibly think im retarded
Ah, youre a schizo! I should have caught that sooner.
Rittenhouse is innocent
A few hundred retards on twitter don't constitute an overwhelming negative response. The people who complain about cancel culture are right that companies will bend over backwords to appease the complaints on a handful of terminally online twitter users. It's insane when companies issue public apologies and cut ties with "controversial" people after getting a single complaint by a twitter user with two followers.
This. Just because the studio post-wrap had to bring everyone back in and hire a replacement actor and reshoot every single scene he was in doesn't mean he was canceled. I mean, the digital replacement would've been cheaper so this was a bigger fuck you, but still.
>concedes to samefagging
None of that justifies killing him in the street which is why chauvin is rotting in jail right now
Lol hrt is a hell of a drug
>I mean, the digital replacement would've been cheaper
Spoken like a true corporate cuck.
What you said was a flat out lie. To defend a pedophile whose victims all mysteriously die. Good job, guy.
Don't grit your teeth too hard.
Yes it was public and you didn't watch it.
>our attempts to destroy people don't work as well as we want them to every time, that means it doesn't happen and there is no problem
I want leftists to be brutally killed
Spacey hasn't worked since then, Carano has only gotten hired by conservative outlets specifically trying to compete with cancel culture, and Depp has only appeared in an indie film that he produced himself.
>Commit crime
>Get shot
If you've been molested and the only way you can confront your assaulter is twenty years later for a public payday, maybe you deserve to have been raped.
Any reason Pedro Pascal is still gainfully employed by Disney despite doing the same shit as Gina except he did it against Trump so it fine?
If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. You don't espouse modern progressive ideology and then say no actually were conservative. Unless you are a communist that thinks anything other then pure communism is automatically right wing and Amazon existing as a private company makes all its actions including the pro hgv restive talking points right wing
Your brain is completely destroyed.
>grammy for first special since sexual misconduct allegations
what the fuck kind of category is that? how many people could have possibly even been in the running?
>youre mad because I say so
You dont go outside at all do you lmao
Peak reddit post.
>The government is composed of evil Nazi kkk members who are trying to put blacks in concentration camps, you just can't see them because they're invisible just like my other X chromosome
This hysterical bullshit is why nobody believes you have a point
You leftists are intellectually dishonest pieces of shit and I hope that the revolution you support eats you too one day.
It’s incredible how you both argue using entirely fabricated assumptions
>there are totally black people who got killed from white women calling the police and lying
>there are totally liberals who got killed because they chose to be woke and not call the cops on a suspicious black person
Sources from either of you: none
>youre reddit!
You couldve aaved time and just admitted you are retarded user
You sound mad, you okay?
Okay, groomer.
Russia isn't done killing hohols yet =)
Funny how you know what is peak reddit and what isn't, redditor
>have no counter argument
>immediately resort to adhoms
do you guys have a script you follow or something?
>thousands of comedians, musicians, actors, video game devs, y*utubers, t*itch niggers get blacklisted over nothing
>but a non-offensive nigger griffter uses ''muh cancel culture'' as a PR stunt to sell shows
>therefore no one ever lost their job over nothing, over false accusations, over saying a nigger-word, over not voting for far-leftists
Go to Kevin Spacey’s imdb, he’s in a movie coming out later this year, and you said yourself Carano and Depp are working, but you left out that Depp’s been doing a ton of voice work for kid’s tv. The man is still regularly working
>n-no u
The shelter for the assblasted retard without any decent comebacks. Last (You), it was fun watching you squirm.
>to the overwhelming number of complaints her comments and actions were generating
She literally got more support than hate.
>gets destroyed by everyone in thread for (You)s
It was fun but you should seek help
>>thousands of comedians, musicians, actors, video game devs, y*utubers, t*itch niggers get blacklisted over nothing
What do these people provide to the world?
>Disney couldn’t ignore it without it cutting into their bottom line and costing them money in lost revenue
prove it.
You're the pigeon that shits on the chessboard, knocks over all the pieces, and struts away like he won. Insufferable
>Sources from either of you: none
You were just told he wasn't killed with evidence and you responded by asking how it justifies killing him. Nobody has to justify things that didn't happen.
>The news lied to in lockstep and you noticed. This is your fault.
Who's gonna watch the show otherwise? You, the faggot who calls it Woke Wars?
Shitposting on Yea Forums is way more useful
Re-read the post. It's an accidental death caused by a variety of factors, all of which were in George Floyd's control.
How do you think he got in that position in the first place? They had him in the squad car sitting upright and he freaked out and kicked the door open and flopped onto the floor, where he accepted being detained because he thought it meant he wouldn't be driven to jail. His "I can't breathe" bit didn't start then either. He had been saying it intermittently since the moment he realized they were going to arrest him, when all they had on him were handcuffs.
In a normal trial, the officer wouldn't have been in trouble for that, he only did his job. Because of the woke mob, an innocent man will spend life in prison over the affair.
>People with talent and dedicated fans can bounce back, so this disproves that we try to get everyday people to starve when they don’t think a man is a woman
Unironically yes. Sorry, Vaush, your existence is simply unimportant.
>"cancelled" people sign multimillion dollar deals
>we're supposed to think this represents a huge issue in modern society
You haven't presented any evidence, just rattled off a bunch of your pre approved talking points
>duhhhh he asked to lie on da ground
He could've asked the cops to shoot him, wouldn't make it okay
Who’s an example of one of these people that’s happened to? Do you actually know any examples, or are you just guessing that it’s probably happening somewhere?
>its a crime for a cop to put the suspect on the ground
You cant really be this retarded
The trial presented the evidence.
holy pleb
Chauvin accidentally didn't understand that kneeling on a guy's neck would choke him.
>The trial presented the evidence.
Then why was Chauvin not acquitted?
Calm down. Your sneaky uncle isn't in this thread.
No it's a crime for a cop to murder someone already in custody who presents no immediate threats to anyone around him
The same trial that declared chauvin and murderer and sent him to the slammer?
Because they presented evidence.
>whole summer of riots and destruction
>why wasnt he acquitted
Youre like the michael phelps of the special olympics
Oh, my uncle's not really a religious guy.
The media openly threatened impartial jurors.
As said, he didn't kneel on his neck and everyone accepted from videos from multiple angles that he had his knee on Floyd's back. This was part of taught police procedure, which at the very least should dismiss Chauvin from responsibility. Instead, the black police chief who runs the department who teaches that technique threw him under the bus.
'Course not. Atheism is the religion of all leftists and pedophiles.
Must've been that pesky non-binary judge and the single jury guy who identified as 12 people, right? Because when I think American justice system, I think woke.
Because the jury was tainted by the preceding months of propaganda and misinformation and the lynch mob outside the courthouse every day yelling audibly enough for them to hear inside that if they don't vote guilty then their city will go up in flames again.
You dont think, thats the problem lmao
>E-Except when it is because we totally have power over you...
Lmao why do you faggots pussyfoot around shit like this when everyone here can see through you. At least when we make trannies kill themselves when they come here we at least have the balls to admit it
Stay away from my kids, Padre.
I don't think there were woke people in that jury, user.
Aaaaand we’re back to the same point people have been making since replying to the OP.
>Wow, these successful, connected, and mega rich actors only had to lay low, therefore cancel culture doesn’t exist!
Nobody ITT claims people have control over you because of cancel culture, because cancel culture isn't fucking real.
Cancelled people are supposed to have their lives ruined. CK just won a fucking Emmy and had tremendously successful specials released through his website. Do you realize how rare it is for non-Youtube, non-Netflix content to succeed? And you want us to believe his life is ruined because he experienced the consequences of his coomer tendencies?
How is that any different than if they’d released a really shitty movie nobody liked and had trouble getting hired afterwards as a result? Is just people not liking you and having your acting career suffer as a result what you think cancel culture is?
It's as if the people accusing him have no idea who he is and what he does, and the women who went into his room late at night also had no idea of his persona, which he openly describes in his act.
He talks about his awkward sexuality all the time.
That’s not the argument you fucking moron.
They’re not the only ones that get canceled if that makes you feel better, faggot.
>I dont think
You could have left it at that user
>They’re not the only ones that get canceled if that makes you feel better, faggot.
Again, what do these people provide to the rest of us? Cheap, garbage entertainment?
Show me on the doll where the woke people hurt you.
I see you were out in the retard class as a kid
>How is that any different than if they’d released a really shitty movie nobody liked and had trouble getting hired afterwards as a result?
That's if most people don't like your movie, they won't see another one. Cancel culture is if a specific niche of people find your movie offensive, you're not allowed to make another one even if most people enjoyed it.
Lol youre like the main character from crank but with hrt and (You)s
No example I give is going to be enough for you because they either weren’t cancelled enough or they said enough bad things that you can get all “and that’s a good thing” on me.
Nick Fuentes is an example.
When am I supposed to feel sorry for Dave Chappelle? When he gets another Netflix deal? When he blackmails his local government over affordable housing?
>Leftoids suddenly trust the evil justice system that keeps tha black man down when they can blackmail the jurors and refuse a change of venue
>Nick Fuentes is an example.
He owns a streaming platform.
>concedes the justice system is unequivocally evil and certainly not woke
Sounds like Chauvin had the upper hand and still he was found guilty.
He runs a very successful nazi internet show and has a large following considering how massively unpopular his views are with the general public.
Not to mention the numerous conferences he organizes all over the country. Nobody has even tried to milkshake him.
It’s page one of the leftist playbook. They try to gaslight you into believing a clearly observable thing they’re doing or support isn’t real, then when it’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the narrative switches to “of course that thing you hate has always been the case, and that’s a good thing.” They’re slimy little worms who have no principles so they play these childish games of semantics in bad faith. Needless to say I hate them.
>Nobody has even tried to milkshake him
because in the US those people would get shot dead.
The justice system doesn't work when race is involved. Segregation was needed to maintain it.
>That's if most people don't like your movie, they won't see another one.
If you make a movie shitty enough you just don’t get to be in movies anymore in a lot of cases.
Only thing that's getting shot close to Nick is his lover's cum.
op literally just explained why your line of thinking is wrong.
"cancel culture" is just the conservative version of claiming racism/sexism/whatever when someone points out your retardation
when asked to prove how they were "cancelled" the best they can do is point to mean tweets
>Defending Twitter.
>the justice system is evil except when its not
>because niggers
Oh, how convenient.
the thing about chappelle is that he wasn't canceled. He was attempted to be canceled.
So what if he is? AF doesn't hate gays.
Now that's some weapons grade cope, given the fact that he complained about being cancelled during one of his specials.
>conservative version
liberals literally say its a real thing as well and in this thread many people have given legit examples.
Nick, your ideological peers are accusing gay people of grooming children. I can see why you're hesitant to come out.
they'll go:
>"it didn't happen, and if it did, it wasn't like that, and if it was, they deserved it"
all the while projecting their deep self-loathing onto the world wildly grasping for any semblance of control. They feel powerless and destitute in modern society due to their brain rot and impotence, so they dream of burning it all down to ruin it for the rest of us. Society has flaws, but they're exacerbating them themselves with their insane radical rhetoric. Nobody sane wants the snake oil solutions terminally online leftists peddle
Objectively false. In this case the comedian lost millions of dollars. His movie was banned from being released, his tv show was not renewed, and he was unable to perform his craft in large venues for years. I expect you to apologize to me for being so retarded now. I’ll wait.
Keep moving goalposts faggot. CK lost a ton of potential income because of a consensual sexual situation, and was only able to bounce back after groveling because he’s good at what he does with a loyal fanbase. Pretending cancel culture doesn’t exist because of these well-to-do leftist celebrities bouncing back doesn’t mean shit.
Because one is an ideological crusade that leftoids are pretending doesn’t exist. Because a lot of these cases of cancel culture have nothing to do with your deliberate career choices, but everything to do with faggots digging up shit from the past that in many cases wasn’t even bad, but it must be acted upon because it offended one of their sacred cows. Cancel culture would be me getting fired from my job that I’ve worked hard for years at because someone found out I said “faggot” on Yea Forums, and unlike Louis, I don’t have millions of dollars to fall back on.
All of these "legit" examples are all alive, still massively rich and working in the industry to this day.
>Oh, how convenient.
its also very true.
The justice system doesn't always work, yes. In this case we can show why it isn't working. I can understand black people in the 30s not getting a fair trial either. Why can't you see both sides of it?
his views are actually pretty mainstream.
>CK lost a ton of potential income because of a consensual sexual situation
And made it all back by doing shitty shows on Poland. Or what, are you implying the guy is starving?
>and was only able to bounce back after groveling
So he wasn't cancelled.
Cope some more.
>They tried to cancel him and failed
>This proves cancel culture isn't real.
You realize how out of touch your line of thinking is. Pretty much everyone from every side agrees cancel culture is real because twitter twats can flood people with complaints and affect their lives.
Make all the excuses you want but it doesn't change reality.
Once again, you stupid nigger, if it can happen to these leftist steamers, then why wouldn’t you get fired from your McJob when you said something bad about the trannies. I know you can retire back to mommy’s basement, but not all of us are so lucky.
Reagan was shot but he didn't die, so there was no legitimate assassination attempt, right? Assassins are schizo inventions, he didn't even have to leave office permanently! Right??
If you still have an audience, the "quality" of your movie doesn't matter for that. Plenty of dumb movies exist and the directors don't get cancelled because dumb people still see them.
>>They tried to cancel him and failed
>>This proves cancel culture isn't real.
Exactly. Don't blame me for proving that yourself.
don't need to cope. Reality is on my side.
Read the comment chain. I’m not going to argue with someone with sub-monkey level reading comprehension
>if it can happen to these leftist steamers
Did you cry when Hasan got pushback for his house? Probably not.
there was literally a furry/femboy type on it.
Is Dave Chappelle starving right now?
People thinking it’s fucked up to corner women and Jack off in front of them isn’t an ideology. Or do you think doing what Louis did is an example of right wing ideology? By the way Louis did an entire stand up routine about how great he thought the word faggot was and basically nobody cared. He didn’t get banned from clubs or lose his show. It was really when he started masturbating in public that his career began to suffer.
>Yeah, he may have had his assets seized by the feds, but if Nick Fuentes with millions of followers who has the luxury to still live with his parents can end up treading water, then cancel culture doesn’t exist!
You faggots are proving my point.
Reagan, indeed, was not assassinated. That is a true statement. Thank you for proving my point.
>We tried our hardest to burn them and prevent them from propagating... but they're still here. Therefore, the Holocaust didn't happen.
Let the left dance and slide on this slippery slope. They'll circle back to the farthest right.
I just explained why he doesn’t have the upper hand, but you niggers want to think that him being white makes it so. I’m tired of you leftoid conspiracy fags.
Nobody's forcing Nick to stay with his parents. Maybe he should pull himself by the bootstraps and get a real job.
You're a disingenuous little weasel and you totally ignored both the second half of my post and the subtext. If you want to pretend to be an illiterate fag, be my guest
He certainly has gotten in legal trouble before, but that’s because a lot of the stunts he pulls are legitimately crimes. He’s breaking the law and being punished as a result of it
What does that have to do with race?
Does anyone have that article that was titled “please tell me what fucking name I can call the movement you subscribe to so that I can classify the sweeping societal changes you demand.”
The article gives leftoids the benefit of the doubt, but it really does describe this phenomenon in a way that is palatable to normies.