Did people really cook up tv dinners and spent the night eating and watching t.v like in the sitcoms and shows??

Did people really cook up tv dinners and spent the night eating and watching t.v like in the sitcoms and shows??

Attached: 917A6EBF-C0CC-4537-BA2C-66279BCC6F78.jpg (1242x970, 1.31M)

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>did people really eat this food that was sold?
>did people really watch this television that was broadcast?
yeah they did

you should watch some food that made america episodes

I'm not feeling so good Mr. Stark

I heated up a frozen meal dish just to watch the Pixelated and Afraid simps ep and Family Guy.

TV dinners are a good thing when you're lazy

yes, food in America is so cheap and plentiful that the process can be industrialized at a profit. you have to actively try to starve to death here


TV dinners were invented because the modern working environment doesn't give you enough free time to make an actual meal for yourself or your family

Back then, probably a sizeable minority. But usually the wife was very obedient to the man, and would always cook and clean.

Yeah and get this OP, people used to have sex

It's still amazing to me that I used to eat these. Wow

Why don’t movie theaters offer TV dinners?
It seems like such an obvious thing to sell alongside popcorn and candy.

We need to go back to trad home makers but ((they)) made it so expensive to live that you need a two income house

Based boomer. I still make those hamburger helper meals(they still exist and are sold in stores) because they remind me of when I was a kid. I also like the cheesy tuna mac. I also like nonwhite women.

Yes, and now you lazy fucks just order delivery, nothing changed

Tons of people live like this.

Some people do Im sure , but in tv its usually shown as "This character or family are uneducated and dirt poor" The poorest kid in our lower middle class neighborhood never ate TV dinners and I one once in college because it was free

boomers love their television

Ate one*
Also it shows theyve hit rock bottom

Why do you think they're called "TV Dinners"?

one of the worst experiences in my life so far was spending the night over at an extremely poor friend's house
dinner was a popcorn salt shaker they all passed around to shake some into their palms and lick
it was so bad and awkward and i never looked at him or his family the same way

>it's a dinner at your grandpa's house episode

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Instead of sitting in front of a tv I sit in front of a computer

Damn this food looks great

Not gonna lie, I could go for some of that right now. Maybe a break from strict health dieting is in order. Thanks for the memories fellow boomer

not in this timeline

yeah , that legit sounds fucking awful

Eating this regularly is a sign of serve depression and/or low self-esteem.

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Most of it is also literally poison, so instead of starving, people literally eat themselves to death.

69 cents.
today something like this costs $5.99

>Eating this regularly is a sign of serve depression

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>But usually the wife was very obedient to the man, and would always cook and clean.
Hot take from a zoomer incel who has a sociology degree from /pol/ university.

By ALLAH I will beat the fagg out of you


yeah dude you got no idea, oven meals were the next sliced bread, everyone was eating that shit no matter how trad their wife was

back then, if the husband was working hard all day and came home to a fucking tv dinner, his wife got a black eye

>hungry man

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While I don't make TV dinners, I do make meals and watch TV while eating them. I have a decent dinner tray that I eat on.

Only the sodas would be a problem

I'd skip the garbage fries as well

this seems like a terrible thing to process

>a sizeable minority
Is this a fat joke or a race joke?

no, it's because a company bought too much food and didn't know what to do with it, so they packaged it like airplane food and it worked

>source: advertisements from the 1950s

This is the way we eat in America. I got my meat, I got my potatoes, I got my vegetables, I got my dessert, and I don't even have to wash the dishes.

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What an absolutely retarded idea/explanation. Yeah dude, they just bought too much food. So much so that they had to create an entirely new product line. Happens all the time.

>do people really have lead poisoning-related brain damage if they were born before 1995
Yes, obviously.

if it makes you feel better, your average zoomer is about 12% plastic microfibers

Yeah not like every day but if mom had a rough day at work and didn't feel like cooking.

Gee I wonder why women didn't want to continue with that sweet deal

>gee bob , I wonder why you have type 2 diabetes?

>women couldnt handle raising the kids and cleaning the home and cooking meals
>women cant handle careers either and end up wishing theyd had a family instead
its almost like womens opinions do not fucking matter because they are retarded children

Doctors used to write prescriptions for cocaine to stay at home moms to help with their cooking and cleaning. Now they write prescriptions for Adderall and anti depressants for childless women in their 40s so they don't kill themselves and can work 60 hours a week for Mr. Goldberg.

Despite the beatings stay at home moms were much happier.

it's insane that people turn their noses up at this.
can you imagine how much our an ancestors would have killed for a TV dinner.
Imagine how much it rocked to see a greek play, and yet
>horribly uncomfortable seats
>no amplification, probably hard as fuck to hear the actors
>probably a lot of the actors were terrible
>the plays were good, but you didn't really get a choice
>you rarely got to go see one

Feasts were great but
>only happened at festivals
>local food only
>had to be rich as fuck if it wasn't some kind of special occasion (I'm assuming public feasts exist)

And you're going to tell some dude from back then that you
>have a chair more comfortable than any king of his age
>you have your choice of every kind of kino from all across the world, ready at your fingertips
>crystal clear audio and video
>near instant delicious food, as much as you want of it, from around the world, to be enjoyed at your leisure while enjoying kino
And you're going to tell him "actually it's bad because uh it just is"

All I eat is frozen foods... I hate cooking and the smell of cooking. Frozen meals are quick and there aren't lingering smells.

It was a time before easy communication and industrial refrigerators, fucker had 250 ton of turkeys that he couldn't sell on Thanksgiving

haha imagine doing that lol

I've got a lingering smell for you, baby.

And why did it work retard?


love that show
But i do think the Swanson TV dinner story was a bit dishonest, i dont think that woman had as much influence on the idea as the show made it out to be.

so instead of keeping turkey frozen they opened up a line of prepackaged semi-ready meals (that come with more than turkey) and then.... they don't keep that frozen and sell it in a minute?


of course not, but they're still pretty entertaining glimpses into the revolutionary at the time technologies

no shit Einstein.

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TV dinners were invented so people had an excuse to use their new microwave ovens, the new kitchen appliance of the 21st century

>90 minutes
For $3,500 I'd do it in 9.

TV dinners weren't microwave ready until the 70s.

It was actually the early 80s when those became big

That’s sad

>new kitchen appliance of the 21st century
I'm getting trolled right

Do you think there was this magic moment in humanity when work was easy and everyone had free time?

Man it's insane that people get mad at bad TV shows considering our ancestors just stared at cave paintings

is unironically insane to get mad at a bad TV show. Change the channel.
Getting mad at a shit play, that's something our ancestors had a right to. Not us.

Nigger do you know what a housewife is? You are so retarded it's outrageous.

>zoomies actually think a time when women took care of the home and family is some mythical era that only existed in imagination

Looks like prison food...

TV dinners were cool for a short time in the 60s when Steve Mcqueen got a whole stack of them in the movie bullitt.


My parent's friends did it all of the time.
Television was a much bigger deal back in the 60s - early 70s. Also, if there was a movie on, it was cheaper than going to a theater.

>Looks like prison food...

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Just max 6 figures retard.

I wasn't expecting this scene to be so comfy

Yes and? Were you going to convince me these two pictures share any similarities whatsoever?

just calling you a retard in a roundabout way because standards aren't static

Here's your TV dinner

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based stevebro

those scooters with the tiny BMX wheels were invented because a bike company had purchased too many long headtubes
